The publisher regrets the errors in the copyright page, preface, and chapters 3, 5, 8, 9 and 11 in the print and online versions of this book. The corrected versions are given on the following pages:

The affiliation of the author “Henriques Loureiro” has been incorrectly captured in page iv and the correct affiliation is as follows:

“Instituto Superior Técnico”

The sentence “low-temperature plasmas in Instituto Superior Técnico” in page vii (Preface) has been incorrectly captured. The correct sentence is as follows:

“low-temperature plasmas at Instituto Superior Técnico”

The equation 3.12 (page 90, Chapter 3) is followed by an alphabet “r” which is incorrect, “r” should be deleted.

The sentence in first paragraph of Section 3.3.1 (page 110, Chapter 3) is incorrectly captured as “density case, in which”. The correct sentence is as follows:

“density, case in which”

The sentence in first paragraph (page 209, Chapter 5) is incorrectly captured as “so that, the effective ionization”. The correct sentence is as follows:

“so that the effective ionization”

The last display equation (page 350, Chapter 8) is incorrectly captured. The correct equation is as follows:

$$\begin{array}{rlrlrl} \mathop{\sum }\limits _{m<2}A_{2m} =\ \left (A_{21}l_{j^{{\prime}}=3/2,j^{{\prime\prime}}=1/2} + A_{21}l_{j^{{\prime}}=3/2,j^{{\prime\prime}}=1/2}\right )_{2p-1s} = 1.253 \times 10^{9}\;\mathrm{s}^{-1} & & \end{array}$$

The word in second paragraph (page 361, Chapter 9) is incorrectly captured as “frequency”. The correct word is as follows:


The words in second paragraph (page 374, Chapter 9) is incorrectly captured as “becomes more”. The correct usage is as follows:

“become more”

The sentence in third paragraph (page 376, Chapter 9) is incorrectly captured as “of metastable losses”. The correct sentence is as follows:

“for metastable losses”

The coefficient in Table 9.4 caption (page 376, Chapter 9) is incorrectly captured as “C eM ”. The correct coefficient is as follows:

$$ "{C}^M_{e-0}" $$

The sentence in second paragraph (page 426, Chapter 11) is incorrectly captured as “figure bellow show”. The correct sentence is as follows:

“The figure below shows”

The sentence in third paragraph (page 430, Chapter 11) is incorrectly captured as “one radical that participate”. The correct sentence is as follows:

“one radical that participates”

The word in second paragraph (page 434, Chapter 11) is incorrectly captured as “interacts”. The correct usage is as follows:
