
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

figure a

On tomograms colonic fecal masses look like lather due to a considerable amount of gas bubbles – soap bubble appearance (∆). It is possible to find a colonic wall thickening and increased density of fatty tissue due to inflammation in chronic constipations around such a fecaloma. This set of features suggests the presence of a fecal ulcer (stercoral ulceration) as a necrosis caused by the pressure on the bowel wall (►►).

The presence of a substrate similar to colonic fecal masses in the small intestine – the “small bowel feces” sign (↑) – first of all creates suspicion of subacute or partial small bowel obstruction. Such changes can also be found out in small bowel dysfunction (metabolic or infectious diseases).