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figure a

Invagination is the prolapse of the intestine loop together with a part of the mesentery inside the neighboring segment of the bowel. Three variants of bowel image on tomograms are described with invaginations:

  1. 1.

    Soft tissue formation in the bowel with eccentric location of the mesentery with fatty density – the “target” sign (↑)

  2. 2.

    Sausage-shaped mass (∆) with alternating sites of low and high density of the bowel wall, mesentery, fluid, gas, and contrast medium

  3. 3.

    Reniform or kidney-shaped bowel (►►) with thickened bowel walls and edematous mesentery

The first variant refers to initial manifestations with a minimal degree of obstruction, but the second and the third ones refer to late changes with ileus and ischemia.