1 Introduction

As a critical component in Internet’s infrastructure, the Domain Name System (DNS) plays a vital role in Internet’s working. As the system that translates the domain names to IP addresses, every web service relies on it to operate. For its part, with the continuous growth of users, Internet is nowadays an important element that affects humans’ life and culture in an undeniable way. Taking this into consideration, human behavior patterns can be recognized in the Internet‘s data flow; and as a consequence, in the DNS traffic. These patterns make this source of data highly valuable for the analysis and understanding of the human conduct over the usage activity on Internet.

As an example of this statement, one can identify a strong periodic behavior when simply visualizing the amount of queries in DNS traffic. The periodicity showed in Fig. 1 is caused by the high traffic that people generate during the day, and the low traffic at night when the majority of people rest. Likewise, human activity is higher during weekdays rather than during the weekend, as can also be seen in Fig. 1, where Saturday and Sunday correspond to the two lower peaks of the time series. This data corresponds to the Chilean country code top-level domain (ccTLD): ‘.cl’, and it is the data that we will use later for experimentation in this work, with a further description in Sect. 3.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

DNS traffic time series

Moreover, given the purpose of DNS as a way of using IP addresses in a human-understandable way, it contains even more information regarding these behavior patterns. Many times one can easily speculate on the content of a webpage by looking at its domain name.

Recognizing and studying these patterns could be of high relevance for researchers interested in analyzing the human behavior on Internet usage. As well as for resources managing, that DNS operators might be interested in using to improve the service provided by their systems.

This work seeks to use Machine Learning techniques on real DNS traffic from authoritative servers in order to discover and analyze human patterns, showing a useful process for this purpose based on methods and evaluation measures from relevant related work.

Considering that DNS traffic could be described by time series, we apply methods and distance measures specifically designed for this purpose; as time series analysis is a topic of research itself that has acquired huge relevance in the literature in recent years. Mainly due to its applicability on several and diverse topics, for example, financial markets, brain activity, and astronomy.

2 Related Work

The study of human behavior has always been of great interest to researchers, mainly in the field of sociology [2]. However, understanding human behavior in computer science is an emergent research field that has significantly benefited from the rapid proliferation of wireless devices that frequently report status, and location updates [3].

Most of state of the art works that address the study of human behavior through the analysis of networking-related data exploit the high periodicity present in network data. This high periodicity and, consequently, low entropy, is mostly attributed to the impact of the regularity of human patterns [7, 13] on the network state [16].

Recently, the temporal and spatial analysis of data traffic on the mobile network [16] has shown how different human patterns have different effects over the network state, generating distinct patterns of the data traffic in diverse locations. Also, as researches have shown how this periodicity is also present in DNS data [12], important conclusions about user behavior can be deduced at analyzing this portion of the network, in order to optimize the performance of this critical component of the Internet.

Time series analysis has become a very popular topic of research lately. Specially because of its usage on popular topics, such as financial markets; and because concepts like similarity and summarization have many different visions depending on the problem [4]. On top of it, data mining on time series studies have developed various adaptations of the common techniques [6] since, in general, each problem is addressed with an original procedure depending on its conditions.

3 Data-Set Overview

The data-set used in this work consists of a week of normal operation traffic of one of the authoritative DNS servers of the ‘.cl’. It starts on 7 November, 2018, until 14 November of the same year. ‘.cl’ is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) of Chile, administrated by NIC Chile. Every DNS packet from queries to the server and responses to users is present in the data-set. The server studied belongs to an anycast configuration along with other servers.

A time series of DNS traffic was built by aggregating all the successful server responses into 10-min intervals. Therefore, each point of the time series corresponds to the number of DNS packets from server responses with record types 1, 2, 15, or 28 (A, NS, AAAA, MX) obtained in ten minutes of data. For the purpose of this work, only the most important domains on ‘.cl’ were considered; in view of the vast number of domains that this ccTLD is responsible for, most of which contain low activity. We based on Amazon Alexa’s top sites [1] to determine the most relevant domains for our study. We made a further selection based on the number of queries received for those domains, resulting in 82 high activity domains of the Amazon Alexa’s top sites. All the time series together manifest a total of 2,854,260 DNS packets.

The Fig. 1 in Sect. 1 shows an aggregation of the whole time series used in this work, showing the total number of DNS queries every 10 min during the studied week.

Since the data comes from a normal working of the system, it takes on great importance in the analysis of this work and gives relevance to the results obtained as users patterns are captured in the traffic.

4 Methodology

Considering the domains that were taken into account basing on the criteria described in Sect. 3, an experimental procedure was made consisting of two stages that are further described in the following sections.

The first stage corresponds to a clustering analysis on all the time series, in order to find groups of domains according to their traffic activity from the number of queries received from the users. Each domain’s time series was pre-processed by applying a Simple Moving Average (SMA) method and a Z-Score normalization to them, with the purpose of reducing noise and capturing the regular shape of the time series, as well as reducing the scale, which was convenient for the distance measures that were used. In this way, giving the clustering algorithm a smoother and consistent input. The time series clustering algorithm used in the experiments was the Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) [10] for multiples values of k. The selected value of k used for further analysis was determined by the internal clustering validation measure: Davies-Bouldin Index [5]. With regard to the time series distance metric used by the algorithm, the Shape-Based Distance proposed by Paparrizos and Gravano [14] was established in a sliding window of 12 h, i.e. half-a-day. Before the execution of the experiment, different tags were assigned to each domain as a way of both give a description about the domain’s content type, and to evaluate the results using an external clustering validation measure: Rand Index. Lastly, after obtaining the results and selecting k, we display the groups given by the algorithm and discuss the nature of their domain members.

The objective in the second stage was to establish a comparison between the groups obtained in the clustering analysis. To achieve this goal, an association rules analysis was made on a representative of each of the groups, corresponding to the centroid from each cluster obtained in the previous stage. The algorithm used in this phase was the Apriori algorithm [9]. However, to properly feed this algorithm with the time series, a previous procedure to transform time series to a set transactions was done. The most relevant rules were showed in the Results section, and later discussed in the Discussion section.

Some important aspects of this process were implemented using the R packages dtwclust [15], containing time series clustering tools, and apriori [8] for association rules analysis.

Finally, some conclusions and future work are proposed in the final section.

5 Clustering Analysis

5.1 Algorithm and Configuration

The clustering algorithm used for the experiments is the Partitioning Around Medoids, using the distance measure Shape-Based Distance.

Partitioning Around Medoids. Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) is different from k-means algorithm since it uses elements from the data-set as centroids. The advantage is that it is less sensitive to outliers as it minimizes dissimilarities between the clustering members, and not squared euclidean distances as k-means does. It does require a similarity measure.

The algorithm proceeds as follows:

  1. 1.

    Select k domains as medoid-domain.

  2. 2.

    Link all the other domains to their closest medoid-domain.

  3. 3.

    Calculate the total cost (sum of dissimilarities).

  4. 4.

    While (total cost decreases) do:

    • For each medoid-domain do:

      • For each non-medoid-domain do:


        Use the non-medoid-domain as medoid-domain instead of the current medoid-domain.


        Link all the other domains to their closest medoid-domain.


        Recalculate the total cost.


        If the total cost increased, then undo the substitution between the medoid-domain and the non-medoid-domains.

A specific advantage of this algorithm to the benefit of this work is that, due to its nature, the final centroids are members from one of each cluster. In Sect. 6 we use this aspect to directly choose candidates for the Association Rules analysis.

Shape-Based Distance. The Shape-Based Distance (SBD) is a similarity measure for time series. It is less costly than the popular Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). It is described by the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} SBD(\varvec{x} , \varvec{y}) = 1 - \underset{w}{max}(\frac{CC_w(\varvec{x}, \varvec{y})}{\sqrt{\left\| x \right\| \cdot \left\| y \right\| }}) \end{aligned}$$

where CC(xy) is the cross-correlation and w is a value that maximizes \(CC_w(x, y)\) based on the convenient shift of the time series with regard to the other one.

This measure reaches values between 0 to 2, and it is highly sensitive to scale. That is why a normalization is required. We used Z-Score normalization as suggested by the distance’s authors. In addition, we used a half-a-day window size for the calculations of the similarity.

5.2 Evaluation

Clustering validation measures are divided in two types regarding the information that they require: internal and external. Both have the objective of determining how good the clusters obtained by a clustering algorithm are.

While internal validation measures only require spatial information of the clusters themselves, external validation measures use information that instructs how the result is expected to be, such as what cluster members should or should not be together.

Since we are not interested in adjusting the algorithm to obtain a particular result, an internal validation measure was used for the evaluation of the clustering algorithm: Davies-Bouldin measure. More specifically, it was used to compare the quality of the clusters obtained for different values of k (number of clusters).

Nonetheless, tags were still given to each domain as a way of providing a description of what the domains are related to, allowing further discussion, and also allowing an additional external evaluation.

The tags assigned to each domain are showed in Table 1.

Table 1. Descriptive tags assigned to the domains

Davies-Bouldin Index. Davies-Bouldin Index (D-B) is given by the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} DB = \frac{1}{N} \sum _{i=1}^N D_i \end{aligned}$$

where N is the number of clusters, and:

$$\begin{aligned} D_i = \underset{i \ne j}{max}(R_{i,j}) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} R_{i,j} = \frac{S_i + S_j}{M_{i,j}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} S_i = \frac{1}{T_i}\sum _{j = 1}^{T_i} d(x, c_i) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} M_{i,j} = d(c_i, c_j) \end{aligned}$$

where \(c_i\) is the centroid of the cluster i, \(T_i\) is the size of the cluster i, and \(d(c_i,c_j)\) is the distance between the two clusters.

This index measures the average distance between each cluster and its most similar one. Thus, a lower score means that the quality of the clusters is better.

Rand Index. The Rand Index (RI) is a similarity measure between two clustering solutions. It is given by the following equation:

$$\begin{aligned} RI = \frac{TP + TN}{TP + TN + FP + FN} \end{aligned}$$

where TP corresponds to the True Positives, i.e. the number of elements that are grouped together in both clustering results. TN are the True Negatives, elements that are separated in different clusters in both clustering results. FP and FN are False Positives and False Negatives. They represent the elements that belong to the same cluster only in one of the two clustering solutions, but don’t belong to the same cluster in the other clustering solution. In which one of the clustering solutions this happens determines what would be a FP or a FN.

In this case, our tags compose a clustering solution that will be compared to the corresponding clustering solution after selecting the k value, in order to obtain the Rand Index.

5.3 Data Pre-processing

With the purpose of reducing the noise in the time series and capturing the essence of their shape to facilitate the establishment of comparisons between the clustering algorithm, a smoothing and normalization process was made on every time series. First, a Simple Moving Average (SMA) was performed with five as the number of periods, in order to reduce noise. Secondly, a Z-Score normalization was applied to modify the scale of the data, as the distance measure to be used is sensitive to scale.

5.4 Experimental Results

The clustering algorithm was performed for different values of k (number of clusters) in the range from 2 to 10. Davies-Bouldin Index was obtained for each execution. Table 2 shows the score for each value of k. As denoted on it, the minimum score was obtained by k = 6, which corresponds to the best number of clusters according to the evaluation measure. Therefore, the clustering results for k = 6 were considered for the following experiments in this work.

Table 2. Davies-Bouldin Index for number of clusters k.

Table 3 displays the groups obtained by the clustering algorithm for six different groups, listing all their members by their domain names. It also presents the Rand Index described in Sect. 5.2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Clusters members plot

As way of visualizing what is contained inside the clusters, Fig. 2 shows plots for each cluster with all the time series of the domains that belong to that particular cluster together.

Table 3. Domains and tags by clusters

5.5 Discussion

As observed in Fig. 2, the process successfully made groups of domains depending on the attributes of each time series. Still in such a straightforward visualization, differences between the arrangements of the time series can be seen between distinct clusters. One clear aspect is on the weekend, that can be easily identified as the lower peaks in the middle zone of the time series in Cluster 1. These peaks indeed correspond to Saturday and Sunday in the data. Meaning that users of those domains reduce their activity on weekends. On the other hand, members from others clusters, such as Cluster 6 do not clearly demonstrate these distinctions between weekdays and weekends, as users of those domains maintain a uniform usage throughout the whole week. Moreover, members from Cluster 3 show a completely opposite behavior, with peaks on weekends. Nevertheless, all the domains seem to share in common a decrease of activity during nighttime.

The clusters listed in Table 3 also demonstrate a valuable outcome as patterns can be observed when taking into account the content type of the domains, specially when considering our initial descriptive tags. For instance, every domain originally tagged as Educational [ED] was grouped together in Cluster 6, just for aiep who was assigned to Cluster 1. This tag considers many of the most important universities and institutes in Chile. Such as Universidad de Chile (uchile), Universidad Católica de Chile (uc), Universidad de Concepción (udec), and Departamento Universitario Obrero y Campesino (duoc). As well as some government educational-related domains, such as conycit (National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research), and also mineduc (Ministry of Education) and curriculumnacional (National Curriculum) that were originally tagged as Governmental [GO]. Logically, this kind of domains should present similar traffic, and this is successfully recognized by the algorithm. However, some other not-related domains are also included in the cluster, such as chilevision [TV] or chileautos [EC].

Another estimable result is the group formed on Cluster 2. As it contains all the domains tagged as Television [TV], except for one. It also incorporates two Radio-Station [RS], and two Newspaper [NP] tagged domains. If we consider that all these tags fit as part of mass media, then we distinguish an interesting pattern captured by our procedure.

We can also observe that the three domains that we manually tagged as Postal-Delivery [PD] were grouped together in the Cluster 1. In this cluster there are also five Governmental [GO] domains and seven Banking [BA] domains.

Additionally, two of the four domains previously tagged as Tourism [TO] were grouped in the smallest cluster along two other domains. One of them is google that has a unique tag Search-Engine [SE], expected by us to be distinguished from the rest, assumption that was partially fulfilled.

Given all the above, it is possible to assure that human behavior patterns influence the DNS traffic of the domains, establishing important differences between them, that can be detected by the used time series distance measure. Moreover, these patterns can be detected by the clustering algorithm to successfully create groups whose members show similar behavior and are very likely to share content meaningful to humans. Thus, detecting human patterns in DNS is feasible by employing clustering techniques.

6 Association Rules

In order to establish comparisons between the clusters obtained from the procedure of Sect. 5, association rules are expected to highlight the trends and patterns within the time series. The resulting centroid from every cluster, which corresponds to a domain’s time series, was considered as the representative for the experiments and analysis performed in this section. In this way, the association rules procedure was applied on six time series representing the members of each cluster.

The association rules algorithm used is the popular Apriori algorithm. In order to feed it with our data, some transformations were required as a pre-processing stage. That is why an SAX was used to convert the time series to symbols, in addition to a rule for feature extraction.

6.1 Apriori Algorithm

Apriori algorithm was designed to generate association rules that indicate patterns and trends inside a data-set composed by multiple collections of items, commonly associated with transactions. It focuses on the frequency with which the items appear in the transactions, and with what other items they are usually present.

The algorithm receives a minimum support as input, as well as the transactions, and generates candidate itemsets whose appearances in the transactions are filtered by the minimum support given. Finally, it outputs all the association rules that remain. Selecting the relevant rules after this process falls completely to the user criteria, depending on some common evaluation indicators for these rules:

  1. 1.


    $$\begin{aligned} Supp(X) = \frac{\left| \left\{ t \, \epsilon \, T;X \subseteq t \right\} \right| }{T} \end{aligned}$$
  2. 2.


    $$\begin{aligned} Conf(X \rightarrow Y) = \frac{Supp(X \cup Y)}{X} \end{aligned}$$
  3. 3.


    $$\begin{aligned} Lift(X \rightarrow Y) = \frac{Supp(X \cup Y)}{Supp(X) \times Supp(Y) } \end{aligned}$$

where T is the total number of transactions and t is a single transaction.

6.2 Data Pre-processing

Given that Apriori algorithm receives a list of transactions as input, a transformation is needed to be previously made to the time series. A direct solution is transforming the time series to symbols and pass collections of symbols to the algorithm. This is taken care of by the Symbolic Aggregate approXimation (SAX) [11].

However, SAX uses Piecewise Aggregate Approximation (PAA) to obtain the symbolic values. This procedure reduced the time series length from 1008 points to 168. Five symbols were used in the transformation, resulting in the following time series:

$$\begin{aligned} S = \left\{ \, s_t : t \, \epsilon \, T,\, s \, \epsilon \left\{ a,b,c,d,e\right\} \,\right\} \end{aligned}$$

where e corresponds to the highest values of the previous time series, and a to lowest ones. Also, \(|T| = 168\).

Additionally, one last feature was added to the time series to maintain some relevant information. Using the remaining time series 12, each symbol was assigned an integer in the following way:

a = 0

b = 1

c = 2

d = 3

e = 4

This with the purpose of obtaining the difference every two points in the time series as a way to establish a measure of flow change in the traffic to not only know its position at a given time, but also its direction.

For example, if a time series has the symbol b at a given point, and in the next point it changes to d, we will note this change as \(d - b = 4 - 2 = 2\), and we will say that it increased by 2.

Adding this feature and grouping by every two points leaves our final DNS traffic time series as:

$$\begin{aligned} S = \left\{ \,(s, n)_t : t \, \epsilon \, T;\, s \, \epsilon \, \left\{ a,b,c,d,e\right\} ;\, n \, \epsilon \, \mathbb {N};\, n \, \epsilon \, [-4, 4]\, \right\} \end{aligned}$$

With \(|T| = 84\).

This is the final form of the time series that the Apriori algorithm received as a transactions array.

6.3 Results

Table 4 shows what we consider as the most relevant rules after mining the association rules resulting from the Apriori algorithm. The table is subdivided by rules that contain only numeric values, only alphabetic values, and both of them.

Table 4. Relevant Association Rules obtained from the Apriori algorithm

6.4 Discussion

The rules showed in Table 4 indicate some patterns in the comparison between the members of each cluster obtained in Sect. 5.

For example, rule number 3 tells us that every time there was a big increase (magnitude 2) experienced in the Clusters 2 and 4, there was also the same increase in Cluster 1 with a tremendously high value of lift. However, not with a big value of support.

Number 4 tells with high support that an increase in Cluster 2 will be likely to be accompanied with no change in Cluster number 3. This sets up some differences between the clusters’ behavior that would not be easy to see otherwise.

Rule number 2 states, with a high lift value, that if Clusters 4, 5, and 6 experience a decrease, you can safely expect that Cluster 2 will decrease too. With higher support but lower lift, rule number 8 states that if only Clusters 5 and 6 decrease, Cluster 2 will decrease likewise. Rules number 11 and 12 indicate that this behavior will also occur in the other way. That is, if Cluster 2 experiences a decrease along with 4 or 5, the remaining one will be very likely to decrease as well.

Rule number 3 says that if Cluster 3, 5 and 6 maintain their value, Cluster 4 will maintain its value too. However, rule number 13 says that Cluster 5 will maintain its value when both Cluster 2 and 6 do not change, and Cluster 3 is experiencing a decrease.

As for the rules containing symbols, some rules like 16, 17, 21, and 22 tell us what clusters tend to stay in their peaks or valleys when other clusters experience the same. However, other rules such as number 18 tell us that when some clusters are currently in their top or bottom values, others can be found in their middle values; in this case Cluster 6 always obtained c value when Cluster 2 was in c, but Cluster 3 was in his peak e.

Rule number 28 tells us that when Clusters 3 and 6 stay in their middle values, Cluster 4 is very likely to be lower on activity than them.

Finally, some more complex rules regarding both symbols and numeric changes were obtained in the last rows. For example, they tell us that when Cluster 2 has value c and Cluster 5 has value b, Cluster 5 tends to increase with very high lift index. (Rule number 30).

Another case is in rule number 32, saying that when Cluster 4 is not changing its activity and Cluster 3 is at its lowest activity, Cluster 3 tends to maintain its behavior as well. This corresponds to information that is tremendously hard to obtain by other means.

7 Conclusions and Future Work

The procedure proposed in this work was able to identify some patterns in the used time series data. The first stage of our experimentation was able to group domains that have similar content meaningful for humans, obtaining an acceptable external evaluation index as a way for further comparison, but most importantly demonstrating semantic coherence in the domains that were grouped together. As for the second stage, association rules showed interesting trends when comparing the centroids from each cluster that could be useful for performing further analysis and pattern mining.

Taking these results into account, we conclude that human patterns are present in the DNS data, and that these techniques were able to find some of them. This demonstrates that they could be mined and recognized using the appropriate methods and data processing.

Every step from our procedure was associated with an evaluation index as a way of comparison. We suggest as future work the use of other methods that could both find different patterns in the data, and improve the quality of their extraction. Moreover, we claim an achievement of our goal of finding human patterns present in DNS data, however we encourage a more in-depth analysis of the patterns singularly, with the purpose of recognizing more detailed information about them. We strongly believe that these patterns could be of interest for researchers that analyze the human behavior, in this case over activity on the Internet.