
1 Introduction

Group activity recognition is a challenging task in various ways. It shares similar challenges with human activity recognition problem such as occlusions, background clutter and change of appearance over time. However, recognizing group activities needs a more refined semantic understanding of the group scene, inter-relations between members and their possible appearance features like view points. Although group activity recognition in videos is a considerably active topic of interest for computer vision community, group activity recognition in images is seldomly studied. It should be noted that recent successful methods [10, 11, 15] for group activity recognition in videos need complex hierarchical designs to explore semantic understanding of interactions with a bottom-up approach. Although bottom-up approaches are effective to make use of such contextual information; they require intense annotation work and complex design of low level components. This is partly because there is an exponential possibility of interactions between individuals and group activities show high variance in appearance.

In this paper, we tackle with the problem of recognition of group activities in images and we demonstrate an effective and simple method to deal with the aforementioned challenges. Our method improves spatial feature learning that possibly includes rich interaction and orientation features fiercely needed for group activity recognition. We intend to use the guidance of binary pose mask stream onto RGB stream to achieve a better representation of group activities in still images. Group activities can be inferred as a product of the interaction between individuals, their orientation and appearance information. Therefore, we explore ways of utilizing mask information to lead feature representation process by localizing some potentially significant parts of the image. Namely, our goal is to emphasize rich potentials of the image more than the remaining parts to capture valuable information for representing interactions and appearances within a group.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The main framework of the proposed method.

A simple illustration summarizing the proposed method is given in Fig. 1. In our framework, for each input RGB image, a binary pose mask pair is generated using DeepLab [3] semantic image segmentation algorithm. Then, both RGB image and the binary pose mask are fed to separate CNN streams for feature extraction. Both RGB and Mask stream have identical CNN architectures. At intermediate steps, extracted feature maps from intermediate layers of Mask stream are fused into corresponding RGB stream to guide final feature map representation. We utilize three ways of fusing RGB and binary pose segment mask feature maps. Finally, fully connected layers at the end of the fused network is followed by the classification layer to compute group activity class scores.

The main contribution of this paper is three-fold. Firstly, we present a framework in which binary pose masks can guide feature learning from RGB images so that rich interaction between individuals and spatial appearance information can be extracted. Secondly, we evaluate different ways of fusing binary pose mask and RGB features in a convolutional network. Finally, we use SGD dataset [4] comprehensively to test our hypothesis against previous work and baselines.

2 Related Work

Group activity recognition research can be classified according to the type of source data. Research based on both video and image have been utilized in literature resulting in two distinctive approaches to this task. Although this paper focuses on activity recognition from still images, it is worth to mention video-based works in order to underline the similar motives behind both approaches. [8] is a GAN-based method in which generator can learn action codes from person level and group level features in a fusion scheme, while discriminator performs group activity recognition by validating the action codes as real or fake. In video-based research, RNNs are general preference to temporally reason over video frames. Authors in [2], propose a framework that is composed of fully-convolutional networks to extract a fixed-size representation and RNN to reason temporally for sequence of frames. In [11] and [10], LSTMs are utilized to capture temporal relations of the video and to represent and aggregate action dynamics. Another work using LSTMs is [15] in which authors designs a hierarchical LSTM network to model individual actions and interaction representations to reason on group activity. In [6], authors combine graphical models with RNN layers to leverage both rich spatial information and individual interactions. Inference algorithm reasons over individual estimates within a graphical model consisting of RNN nodes.

Group activity recognition using still images as the source of data has been limited by the availability of related datasets. One example is the work of Choi et. al [4], in which pose classifier, interaction classifier and group context classifier are learned using manually annotated RGB images. This bottom-up, hierarchical method makes a strong baseline for comparison. While this method uses rich low-level ground truth annotations including group, pose, orientation and interaction information during learning and detection (ground truth or poselet detector) information during test, we only use group information during the learning process.

Lack of crucial information in still images like temporal and motion components has been a natural force to find peculiar approaches for exploiting the most out of the spatial data. In [13], authors propose a method to compensate lack of temporal information. A Segnet based encoder-decoder framework is trained with segments of videos to learn temporal images hypothetically representing a sequence of frames. Then, these temporal representations are used to reason over still images for action recognition. Distinctively, [14] proposes a method to compensate for motion information missing in images. Unfortunately, both methods require manually annotated frames extracted from videos to recognize actions in images. Our method only relies on images during training without requiring extensive annotation burden.

3 Proposed Method

3.1 Problem Definition

Given a set of images \(I_N\), the task of group activity recognition is defined as prediction of group activity classes for each image \(I_i\). Let \((I_i,Y_i)\) denotes the training set of RGB images and corresponding group activity class labels where \(Y_i\) takes labels from finite set, \( L = \{1,2,\ldots C\} \) for C classes. Then, we first obtain binary mask poses \(M_i\) for every image and form \((I_i^{H \times W \times 3},M_i^{H \times W \times 1})\) input pairs. The final form of dataset can be denoted as \( \{ (I_i,M_i,Y_i) \mid I_i \in \mathbb {R}^{H \times W \times 3}, M_i \in \mathbb {R}^{H \times W \times 1}, Y_i \in \{1,2,\ldots C\} \) for \(i=1,\ldots N \}\) where H and W denotes the resolution of the input. A pair of RGB and mask images is given in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

A pair of RGB and mask inputs.

3.2 Approach

We propose a CNN-based two-stream framework to fuse RGB and binary pose masks as shown in Fig. 3. Streams of the network are fed with RGB images and its corresponding pose masks are extracted by a recently developed semantic image segmentation algorithm [3]. We use this segmentation tool for person class without any fine-tuning.

Our work is inspired by the encoder-decoder architecture proposed in [9] that uses depth images for semantic segmentation. Since we focus on classification task, our network streams consist of encoder architectures only. RGB and Mask streams include identical network architectures consisting of five sequential blocks of convolution, batch normalization and ReLU layers. Output of the encoder part is a combined feature map from two streams fused by one of the three fusion strategies. This is a high-level representation of a given image learnt from both RGB and binary pose masks. Finally, the combined feature map is fed to fully connected layers and a classification part to compute class scores.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Binary pose mask and RGB two-stream Convolutional Neural Network fusion architecture.

The network extracts feature maps in the guidance of masks through fusion operation. Then, classification scores for input image I is computed as \(f_c(I,W)\) for each class c where W refers to parameter set of the network and C is number of classes. In order to transform scores to a class probability distribution, Softmax function is used:

$$\begin{aligned} p(c \mid x,W) = \frac{\exp (f_c(I;W))}{\sum ^{C}_{j=1} \exp (f_j(I;W))}, \end{aligned}$$

To learn network parameters, we follow the optimization process used in [9] and [1], and use cross-entropy loss that is very useful for multi-class classification problems. Cross-entropy loss measures the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between an input probability distribution and a target distribution. Since number of samples per each class show an unbalanced nature, median frequency balancing [7] is applied. This method balances classes of large sample numbers with smaller weights to compensate the unbalance of class size during training.

3.3 Network Architecture

We use a VGG-16 based network with 13 convolutional and 3 fully connected layers as shown in Fig. 3. RGB and Mask streams are identical in terms of layer structure. We have 5 sequential blocks stacking convolutional, batch normalization and rectified linear unit layers (RELU). First two blocks have \(2 \times (64, 128)\) weight layers respectively. Remaining 3 blocks have \(3 \times (256, 512, 512)\) weight layers. We keep the original pooling layers from VGG-16 network at the end of each block. At the end of the network, 3 fully connected layers reside as in the original VGG-16 model. We think VGG-16 is a sufficient and well-purposed architecture for exploring fusion methods; nevertheless, more complex architectures can also be explored.

3.4 Fusion Methods

We fuse features from both streams to explore the effect of guidance. Here, we follow the approach from [9], in which fusion of maps is performed by addition operation. There could be multiple ways to fuse feature maps from two-stream networks. In fact, fusion by element-wise addition operation is simply shown to have a stronger signal than single channel activations [9].

We utilize two of proposed fusion methods in [9], sparse fusion (SF) and dense fusion (DF) and we explore one additional fusion strategy called late fusion (LF). In sparse fusion, fusion is applied at the end of each (Conv.+Batch N.+ReLU) block. In Fig. 4a, sparse fusion is shown for second and third (Conv.+Batch N.+ReLU) blocks. Feature map after second Convolution-BatchNorm-ReLU layer from Mask stream, referred as MASK2-2, is added to the corresponding feature map from RGB stream and fed to pooling layer of second (Conv.+Batch N.+ReLU) block. Therefore, there are five fusion connections for five (Conv.+Batch N.+ReLU) blocks in SF experiment. Dense fusion is a more dense one in which features are fused after each layer in every block. As can be seen in Fig. 4b, number of dense fusion connections are two for second (Conv.+Batch N.+ReLU) block. In other words, there will be 13 fusion connections in total for DF experiment as number of layers in each block are (2, 2, 3, 3, 3) for all five blocks. In late fusion (LF), we only fuse features for once at the end of fifth block, before FC layers. Illustration of these fusion types are given in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Fusion methods for RGB and Mask streams of convolutional neural networks. a. Sparse fusion at 2nd and 3rd (Conv.+Batch N.+ReLU) block b. Dense fusion at 2nd (Conv.+Batch N.+ReLU) block c. Late fusion at 5th (Conv.+Batch N.+ReLU) block are shown.

4 Experiments

In this section, we present our results of the proposed approach for group activity recognition in still images.

4.1 Dataset

We use the Structured Group Dataset [4] that contains 600 images of groups of individuals generally encountered in daily life, such as at bus stop, cafeteria, classroom, conference, library and park. The dataset is rich in annotation-wise; group annotations, individual bounding boxes, 8 different viewpoints and individual poses (standing, sitting on an object, sitting on the floor) are provided for each image. There are 7 labeled group activities: queuing (Q), standing facing-each-other (SF), sitting on an object facing-each-other (OF), sitting on the ground facing-each-other (GF), standing side-by-side (SS), sitting on object side-by-side (OS) and sitting on the ground side-by-side (GS). Since there can be multiple groups in a single image, 600 images contain 1743 group bounding boxes in total. We exclude 19 erroneous ones that have no person or only one person with no collective activity. This results in 1724 group images. It is also stated in [4] that similar amount of group images are removed as being outliers but no information on these images was disclosed in detail.

We split 1724 images into 80%–20% train-test split. Training set is augmented by flipping all 1379 images horizontally, resulting in 2758 images in total. Test split contains 345 images. The original work [4] also performed augmentation by flipping operation on the whole dataset, of which we only did for training part.

4.2 Training

We train all models with a batch size of 8 for 250 epochs (86250 iterations in total) with random shuffling at each epoch. All models are trained end-to-end with stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Learning rates were initially assigned between [0.0003, 0.0005] and decayed 10% at every 20 epochs. All networks are initialized with the standard VGG-16 model [16] pretrained using ImageNet [12].

Pose masks were generated using a DeepLabV3 [3] pretrained on Inception [5] using MS-COCO and VOC2012. Next, we transform all mask images into binary masks by filtering out every detected segments except for human segments. Mask images were resized to the resolution of \(240\times 320\) and paired with RGB images.

4.3 Baselines

The closest previous work that we can compare our method is [4], where authors apply a bottom-up solution to recognize group activities by learning individual poses, interactions and group context classifiers. Throughout their learning process, they make use of ground truth information including individual poses, individual bounding boxes, view points and group annotations. Unlike their method, our method uses only group annotations.

Our interest is to find out whether pose masks provide strong signals in emphasizing group interaction inference by masking out irrelevant surrounding context. Therefore, we also train baselines using only RGB-stream or mask-stream to evaluate the effect of the fusion.

Table 1. Accuracy comparison with previous work for group activity recognition on Structured Group Dataset [4].

4.4 Results

We report experimental results for group activity recognition in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 shows the overall accuracies of the baselines and related work, whereas Table 2 shows the classwise average precision, recall and F1 score comparisons between [4]’s best model and our best model.

As can be seen in Table 1, RGB-only model has the lowest accuracy amongst all of our models, whereas it still produces more accurate results than [4]’s model that operates on poselet detections. When using ground truth person detections, [4] method outperforms RGB-only CNN. Mask-only model is nearly on par with [4]-GT model; and this shows that person mask images can be a rich source for group activity recognition. It can be stated that dense fusion do not add much to learning more representative feature maps; probably due to the saturation in addition of similar inputs. This result also confirms findings in [9] where similar level of saturation observed for dense connections.

Late fusion of the RGB and pose mask streams seems to slightly increase the recognition performance; indicating that these two streams indeed carry complementary information, and pose masks extracted this way can be used as a guidance for focusing on the foreground and inferring collective group activity.

Table 2. Class-wise average precision, recall and F1 scores over the Structured Group Dataset.

It is remarkable that sparse fusion of mask stream is able to improve group activity recognition accuracy with high margin. This result is interesting in two ways. Firstly, mask-guided fusion can lead network to learn high-level representative features within an end-to-end framework. This can help improvement of learning process for similar vision tasks even when a large-scale annotated data is not available. Secondly, the result implies that an optimum fusion method as in the case of sparse fusion is implicitly possible and can be searched in a finite architecture search space.

5 Conclusion

We have proposed a CNN-based two-stream fusion network to develop rich high-level representations of group activities. Our method does not require any low level annotations except for group activity label. In contrast to related work on the subject, our method directly infers interactions using binary person pose mask guidance. Experimental results show that mask guidance is complementary to learning feature maps from RGB stream, yielding superior recognition performance over bottom-up, annotation-heavy approaches for group activity recognition in images. Mask-based fusion can be applied to other tasks that need interaction inference for a better scene understanding.