
1 Introduction

In the diaries of the famous British financier, banker, and philanthropist Sir Moses Montefiore the opening of the London exhibition, held on 1 May 1851 was described:

Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore went to the opening of the Exhibition. The building was already full on their arrival, but Lady Montefiore secured a good seat. The Queen and the Prince entered at twelve. The procession was a splendid one, and the Palace presented a magnificent scene. The ceremony passed off extremely well, without the slightest hitch, to the great delight of spectators. Sir Moses’ attention was drawn to the Russian Division of the Exhibition, where an apparatus was exhibited for ascertaining the value of gold and silver coins and other metals without the use of fire or chemical analysis, also to a calculating machine for simple and compound addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and extraction of square and cubic roots, both invented by Israel Abraham Staffel of Warsaw. Being most anxious to befriend so clever a young man, he at once invited him to his house, and after impressing upon him the necessity of raising and maintaining the standard of education in Russia and Poland among his co-religionists, made him a handsome present. [27, p. 24]

It seems that the name and works of Israel Abraham Staffel (Fig. 1), this “clever young man” – Polish inventor and one of the pioneers of mechanical computing in Eastern Europe, are not forgotten. Indeed, his inventions are mentioned quite often in modern publications on the history of mechanical calculating machines. However, usually it is only brief mentions. His biography is still known in only the most general terms, and the descriptions of his machines are very brief and sometimes contradictory.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Israel Abraham Staffel [13].

In this paper, we want to give an overview of contemporary sources and modern scholarship on the life and inventions of Staffel, to clarify and supplement some of the facts and judgments, and introduce a unique historical document, a manuscript book, written by Staffel in 1845, which was considered lost. This document, which also clarifies and complements information about his main invention, demonstrates the need for further archival research to confirm the currently accepted history of innovation.

2 Literature Review

Staffel’s activity attracted the attention of contemporary Polish newspapers and magazines several times. Usually, this was due to the successful demonstration of his machines at various industrial exhibitions. Probably the first and, to our knowledge, only publication was Staffel’s own article O nowej maszynie rachunkowej z wykazaniem potrzeby mechanicznej pomocy do odbywania rachunków [1], which appears to be unavailable. Judging by the title, Staffel proved the necessity of using mechanical machines to facilitate calculations and, perhaps, briefly described his first developments. Three more notes [2,3,4] were also published on the eve of the Warsaw Exhibition of 1845, where his arithmometer was demonstrated.

Several publications in English [5, 6] are associated with the London Exhibition of 1851. The Report of the exhibition jury adjoins them [7]. These publications are extremely important, because in them we find the description of one of Staffel’s machines and its external appearance. Furthermore, it contains the English translation of the Report of the commission of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, which had studied this machine several years earlier. Later publications in Polish [8,9,10,11,12] also contain some additional information about Staffel’s calculating machines. An obituary [13] is very important because it provides the main information we know today about the Staffel’s biography.

Contemporary sources also include publications in London newspaper The Jewish Chronicle [14,15,16,17,18], containing information about Staffel’s time in London in 1851. Strangely enough, modern authors do not even mention this trip. Therefore, most of what we know about Staffel comes from newspaper sources.

However, modern publications devoted to Staffel personally are not numerous. First of all, we should mention here the paper From the History of Computing Devices (Based on the Archives of the USSR Academy of Sciences) [19], which for the first time after a long break drew the attention of researchers to the inventions of Staffel in the field of computing technology. In this paper, several Russian translations of documents originally written in French related to Staffel’s contacts with the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg were published. Very important is the work Mechanik warszawski Abraham Izrael Staffel (18141885) i jego wynalazki [20], the most detailed of those devoted to Staffel. Several review articles in German [21] and Polish [22, 23] consider Staffel’s inventions among a number of works of other Polish inventors of the nineteenth century. Finally, there is the only one review paper about Staffel in Russian [24].

Thus, we see that among the sources there are no memories of contemporaries and Staffel’s own works. So, the rediscovery of the document that we give in Appendix – Staffel’s handwritten book – has a unique significance for the history of computing.

3 Brief Biography and Inventions

Israel Abraham Staffel was born in 1814 in Warsaw, the capital of Poland (on 1815 the Kingdom of Poland became the part of Russian Empire) to a poor Jewish family. He received his primary education in Cheder, a traditional Jewish elementary school teaching the basics of Judaism and Hebrew language. After his graduation the boy was sent to serve as an apprentice to a watchmaker. At the age of 19, Staffel got a license and opened his own watch workshop in Warsaw. Although Staffel was a conscientious and talented watchmaker, the workshop did not provide him great profit and prosperity. He always was interested in the design of mechanical calculating machines, measuring instruments and other devices.

Many of his developments were presented at national and international exhibitions, in particular, at the Great London Exhibition, and were awarded medals and monetary prizes. Besides calculating machines, among his inventions were a precious metal alloy assaying device on the basis of the Archimedes principle, ventilators, an anemometer, an automatic taximeter for cabs which was controlled automatically (it started during the getting on of passengers and stopped after their getting off), a device to prevent forging signatures, and a two-color printing press. The latter was used to print the first Polish postage stamps in 1860 and later for printing banknotes [20].

Staffel died in poverty in 1885 at the age of 70, spending all his savings on his inventions. The anonymous author of his obituary [13] wrote that Staffel was very modest; glory and recognition did not interest him. So, his death remained almost unnoticed, and few of his contemporaries guessed that the work of the man who died would gain worldwide fame.

4 Staffel’s Calculating Machines

Before presenting the first of his machines to the public at the Warsaw Exhibition in 1845, Staffel had been working hard on them for more than ten years. In total, Staffel designed four different types of calculating machines. Unfortunately, we know very little about them.

The exemplar of his earliest machine is stored in the Museum of Technology in Warsaw (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Staffel’s adder of 1842 (property of Muzeum Techniki in Warsaw, Poland).

It is held in a walnut box and has the inscription in Polish: Arithmetical Machine Invented and Constructed by Izrael Abraham Staffel, the Watch-Maker in Warsaw, A. D. 1842. The mechanism consists of gear wheels and allows adding and subtracting. The results of these operations (numbers to a maximum of seven digits) appear in the window. To perform these operations, one must pull forward pins in appropriate fields of the values of digits of the added numbers during adding and pull backward digits of subtrahend while subtracting. Another specific feature of this calculating machine is the ability to mutually convert zloty and ruble currencies. On the both sides of the field that displays the results of main operations, Staffel placed adequate conversion values. One side is designated for conversion from zloty into ruble currency, and the other one from ruble into zloty currency.

The most famous of his machines, a 13-digit arithmometer, was also demonstrated for the first time at the Warsaw Exhibition in 1845. A year later, it aroused great interest in the Russian Academy of Sciences and then made a sensation at the London Exhibition in 1851. We will not specially mention these events, which are described in detail in the literature [19,20,21,22,23,24]. Let us recall only that the magazine Scientific American named Staffel’s arithmometer “the most extraordinary calculating machine, we ever heard of” [6]; that means, at the time of his invention, it was probably the best calculating machine in the world.

The only one known until recently drawing which shows the external appearance of this arithmometer (Fig. 3) was published repeatedly (see, for example, [5, 9, 20, 21]). But its internal construction has not been known.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Staffel’s arithmometer [9].

In 1876, Staffel handed over his 13-digit arithmometer to the Physical Cabinet of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg [19, p. 586], but its current placement is unknown.

At the London Exhibition Staffel also presented another machine. It is only known that it performed adding and subtracting fractions with denominators 10, 12, and 15 [7]. This machine is not preserved.

Finally, around 1858, Staffel designed another seven-digit adding machine without the function of mutual converting of zloty into ruble currency (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Staffel’s adding machine of 1858 [11].

This machine was presented and awarded at the exhibition in Warsaw in 1858. It is possible that Staffel also presented it at other exhibitions, in particular in Moscow in 1882 (see the next section). The only known exemplar of this machine was owned by the famous German firm Grimme, Natalis & Co, which was established in 1871 and produced arithmometers under the brand name “Brunsviga” from 1892 on. Staffel’s machine constituted a part of the firm’s rich exhibition of historical calculating machines [25]. In 1959, the firm was absorbed by Olympia Werke AG (part of the AEG group), and production of arithmometers came to an end in the late 1960s. The said collection was then delivered to the State Museum in Brunswick and now Staffel’s adding machine is stored there.

We have no information about how many copies of these calculating machines Staffel made. We know that “mechanical schoty” were produced in Staffel’s workshop (see Sect. 5 below). Most likely, their number (as well as other Staffel’s machines) was small. In general, in the Russian Empire until the end of the 19th century the demand for calculating machines, including those designed by Russian inventors, was not very significant. This is due, among other things, to the wide utilization of Russian schoty in this country – a simple, cheap and reliable device for calculations [35].

Thus, till now from all Staffel’s calculating machines only one exemplar each of the 1842 and the 1858 adders are preserved.

5 Supplements and Corrections

As we have already pointed out, there is very little information about the life of Staffel. Nevertheless, we can add some new facts to his biography.

It is known that he was born and spent his entire life in Warsaw. His workshop was first located on Marshalkovskaya str., 1379, and then his whole life Staffel worked in a workshop at Grzhibovskaya str., 982. However, no data is available in the literature on the volume and assortment of his workshop’s production. We were able to find the following entry in the Index of the All-Russian Industrial and Art Exhibition of 1882, in which Staffel took part:

Staffel Israel. Warsaw, Grzhibovskaya str., 982

Mechanical schoty; ventilating apparatus; anemometer (wind meter); room ventilator.

Workshop, since 1835; 2 workers; annual production up to 3,000 rubles; purchase of material in Russia and abroad; marketing in Russia” [26, p. 64].

Thus, we see which of his inventions Staffel presented at this exhibition. The list of exhibits awarded with bronze medals in the section “Educational and scientific equipment” contains the line: “Staffel, Israel, in Warsaw – for ventilators and anemometers” [26, p. 352]. Probably, this was one of the last exhibitions in which Staffel participated, and one of the last awards he received. It is interesting that the Index mentions “mechanical schoty.” It can be assumed that this was the 1858 adder.

We have already mentioned that authors of the works about Staffel do not note his personal presence in London during the Exhibition of 1851. At the same time, this visit is fixed in a number of sources, as Sir Montefiore’s Diary, quoted above (unfortunately, this book does not contain information whether Staffel visited Sir Moses or not).

We found interesting information about Staffel also in the London newspaper The Jewish Chronicle, noted above. His name is cited on its pages five times. In the issue of 18 July 1851 the article from Illustrated London News [5] was reprinted. In one of the following issues, the newspaper describes a visit the members of the Royal family to the Russian court of the London Exhibition:

On Friday morning last, about nine o’clock, Her Majesty and His Royal Highness Prince Albert, accompanied by Princess Alice, paid a visit to the Great Exhibition. In passing through The Russian court, the royal visitors stopped for several minutes, and inspected Mr. Staffel’s calculating machine (of which an illustration and full particulars appeared in our last number). Mr. Staffel, be desire of Prince Albert, worked sums in addition, subtraction, and multiplication, with which His Royal Highness expressed his gratification; and, addressing the Princess Alice, said, “Notice, this is a self-calculating machine.” His Royal Highness then addressed a few remarks to Mr. Staffel on the pleasure he had experienced with respect to the calculating machine, and also of Mr. Staffel’s ingenious machine for proving the value of gold and silver, and the royal party then passed on to other portions of this wonderful building. [15]

The issue of August 1 states that the inventions of Staffel caused interest in the Governor of the Bank of England, who expressed a desire to test in action the arithmometer and machine for testing the precious metals:

Mr. Staffel’s Calculating Machine. – On Friday last, the Governor of the Bank of England, accompanied by another gentleman of establishment, attended the Great Exhibition, by appointment, to inspect the above work of art, as also Mr. Staffel’s machine for testing the precious metals. After some time in testing the machines, the Governor desired that they might be brought to the Bank at the close of the Exhibition, for the purpose of their relative proficiency being more fully proved. [16]

We do not know if such tests were ever conducted. Here it can be noted that the mechanization of calculating operations at the Bank of that time was clearly no less urgent problem than coin testing.

In the issue of October 24, Staffel’s name is mentioned among the names of other Jewish inventors awarded at the exhibition [17]. Finally, in the issue of November 21, we find a note in which the author expresses his satisfaction that the work of a talented inventor has received a monetary reward:

Liberality of the Prince Albert. – It must be a source of great delight to our brethren, to be made acquainted with the munificent liberality of the royal consort of our beloved Queen towards a humble mechanic of the house of Israel. The liberality of his Royal Highness has been exercised in the case of J. A. Staffel, of Warsaw, the inventor of the calculating machine, etc., which was exhibited in the Russian department of the Crystal Palace, who has received from his Royal Highness a cheque for 20 l. as an acknowledgement of his Royal Highness’s appreciation of Mr. Staffel’s ingenious invention.

Since writing the above, we are glad to hear that Baron L. Rothschild, M. P., also presented our scientific brother with a cheque for 10 l. as a due acknowledgment of Jewish talent. [18]

Unfortunately, the information published about Staffel and his inventions is not always free of errors. For example, there is a statement that he was awarded the highest scientific prize of Russian Empire, the Demidov prize: “Staffel was awarded a Demidov prize amounting to 1,500 rubles” [23, p. 60]. The same mistake is repeated in [28]. In fact, the commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences considered Staffel’s machine worthy of the Demidov prize, but on formal grounds he was recommended to put forward his work for the prize next year. They stated on the possibility of awarding the Demidov Prize to I. Staffel in the minutes of the meeting of Physical and Mathematical Branch, November 6, 1846 St. Petersburg:

The rescript dated October 24, No. 9570 was announced, in which the Mr. Minister of Education informs the Conference that due to the very favorable response of the Academy about the arithmetic machine of Mr. Staffel, which from the mechanical point of view deserves special attention and in practical application has the advantage over Slonimsky’s machine, His Excellency considered the invention could be worthy of the Demidov Prize.

It was decided to reply that Slonimsky’s machine was awarded a prize for the principle on which it was designed and which reveals a new property of numbers proven by Slonimsky and not known so far. Whereas, Staffel’s machine is distinguished only by a cleverly constructed mechanism. The latter, moreover, is so complex that, even under the most favorable conditions, its high cost will always prevent its practical use. Nevertheless, if Staffel wants to join the applicants for the nearest Demidov competition, it will be enough for him to submit his machine with a printed description, and the Academy will resolve the matter with all fairness and impartiality” [19, p. 572–573].

Even though, that never happened. Thus, Staffel did not receive the Demidov prize (3,000 rubles). He was paid 1,500 rubles from the budget of Kingdom of Poland according to an order of the Emperor.

The shortness and fragmentariness of information about calculating machines built by Staffel leads to the fact that researchers do not always correctly interpret it. For example, in the book of Ernst Martin, Staffel’s arithmometer is not even mentioned; as well, the adder of 1858 is dated 1845 [29]. Incorrect information that Staffel submitted to the Russian Academy of Sciences his adder of 1842 is given also in [28]. In fact, to both the Academy and the London Exhibition Staffel presented the same machine, namely his famous 13-digit arithmometer.

6 Staffel’s Innovation

As it was said above, the only work published by Staffel and known to authors is a newspaper article [1]. Unfortunately, the text remained inaccessible to us, but probably it provided some explanation of his invention. At the same time, it is known from a report (written in French) of Russian academicians Victor Bunyakovsky and Boris Jacobi that, when presenting his machine to the Academy of Sciences, Staffel accompanied it with a handwritten description in Russian and Polish (English translation of this report is given in [5], and its Russian translation in [19]). However, this handwritten description was considered lost until recently. Thus, all information known about Staffel’s machine was reduced to its description [5, 19], and a published drawing [5, 9, 14].

However, a few years ago, one of the authors of the present article purchased a hand-written book in antique store.

This document is undoubtedly a description of the machine that Staffel submitted to the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1846 along with the machine itself. Its value lies not exclusively in the fact that this is the only full description of how to work with a calculating machine, but also that the drawings attached (Figs. 5 and 6) make it possible to understand its construction.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Drawing from Staffel’s handwritten book.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Drawing from Staffel’s handwritten book.

Due to this finding we for the first time got an opportunity to see the inner construction of Staffel’s arithmometer that made it possible to substantiate the assumption about the influence of its design on the construction of other arithmometers of the XIX and XX centuries.

Gottfried Leibniz’s Stepped Reckoner, the first arithmometer that survived to our time, had the so-called stepped drum as the main unit. The stepped drum is a cylinder on the lateral surface of which there are nine steps of different length parallel to the generatrix. Stepped drums were the basis for the design of many arithmometers in eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries: Philipp Matthäus Hahn’s calculator (1774), the first commercially available arithmometer patented in 1820 in France by Charles-Xavier Thomas de Colmar and its improved versions (Arthur Burkhardt, 1879; Samuel Tate, 1903, and others).

However, arithmometers with a different construction, in which the main unit is a wheel with variable number of teeth, or pinwheel, became widespread only at the end of the nineteenth century. It is all the more surprising that apparently already Leibniz initially intended to use pinwheel. In 1685 Leibniz wrote a manuscript describing his machine, Machina arithmetica in qua non aditio tantum et subtractio sed et multiplicatio nullo, divisio vero paene nullo animi labore peragantur. Its design was based on wheels with variable number of teeth, not on stepped drums [30]. Even earlier, Leibniz’s manuscript contained the image of pinwheel (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7.
figure 7

(from [30]).

Pinwheel (G. Leibnitz, c.1673)

This idea of Leibniz was hardly known to other inventors, and in the next two centuries it was repeatedly rediscovered. Already in 1709 Giovanni Poleni in his arithmometer [31] used the mechanism of teeth erecting, the original version of pinwheels (see the right-hand side of Fig. 8, borrowed from Jacob Leupold’s book [32]). A few years later, the Austrian mechanic Anton Braun, who was undoubtedly familiar with the Leupold’s book, manufactured arithmometer also based on the use of pinwheels. The well-known inventor Dorr Felt wrote that the pinwheels were the basis for the construction of Charles Stanhope’s arithmometer built in 1775 [33, p. 15].

Fig. 8.
figure 8

(from [32])

Mechanism of teeth erecting (G. Poleni, 1709)

On November 24, 1842, an emigrant from Austro-Hungarian Empire Didier Roth, who lived in Paris, received a patent on an arithmometer using pinwheels (Addition 3, No. 14535, Fig. 9, left). Then, his device was also patented in England by David Isaac Wertheimber (patent No. 9616, July 23, 1843). Soon afterward, Staffel’s arithmometer appeared, in which we also see a similar unit (Fig. 9, right). Here we may note that the acquaintance of Staffel with Roth patents seems extremely unlikely: the French patent was a manuscript, and the English one was published only in 1856.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Pinwheel (D. Roth, 1842, and I. Staffel, 1845).

However, arithmometers, based on pinwheels, began to receive wide application only from the end of the nineteenth century. On February 2, 1875 patent No. 159244 was received by the American Frank Baldwin. The pinwheel from this patent is shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Pinwheel (F. Baldwin, 1875).

A few years later, on 31 December 1879, the Russian privilegia (patent) No. 2329 on the arithmometer, invented by the Swedish engineer Willgodt Odhner (who lived in St. Petersburg), was given to the trading house “Königsberger & Co.” The variant of pinwheel from this patent is presented in Fig. 11. Earlier, U.S. patent No. 209416 and German patent No. 7393 were granted. It is particular the design of Odhner became the basis of most of the arithmometers produced under various trademarks throughout the world for a hundred years.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Pinwheel (W. Odhner, 1878).

In a 1919 interview, Baldwin said,

One of my 1875 models found its way to Europe, falling into the hands of a Mr. Odhner, a Sweden. He took out patents in all European countries on a machine that did not vary in any important particular from mine, and several large manufacturing companies in Europe took it up. [34]

The question of whether Odhner was acquainted with Baldwin’s arithmometer is still open, although most likely Odhner have been unaware of it. But with Didier Roth’s construction he could be familiar. However, one question is extremely interesting: could Odhner or Baldwin have known about the construction of Staffel’s machine? Although Staffel’s arithmometer was well known at the time, its drawings were never published, so Baldwin could not be familiar with the internal arrangement. At the same time, since Staffel’s arithmometer in February 1876 was transferred to the Physics Department of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg and became “accessible to those wishing to study it” [19, p. 586], it is possible that Odhner got acquainted with this device. Though the prototype of Odhner’s first arithmometer was already finished at that time, he may have seen and studied the handwritten description of Staffel’s machine before. This description (the translation of which we present in the Appendix) was available in St. Petersburg in 1846. Subsequently it was lost, but perhaps in the early 1870s it was still available.

However, regardless of whether or not Staffel’s work influenced the design of the probably most commonly used arithmometers, he managed not only to offer, but also to realize, a calculating machine that received the highest appreciation of his contemporaries.

7 Conclusion

We hope the new materials presented in this paper will be an impetus to further study of the inventions of Israel Abraham Staffel and help to determine more accurately their place in the history of mechanical computing devices. We also hope that new documents related to the life and work of this remarkable inventor, who in 1851 was called the designer of the best calculating machine of all times, will be found in the archives of Poland, Russia, and England.