Refrigeration technology is continuously improving including improved energy efficiency. The desire for energy efficiency is a top concern with higher energy savings with further advances in the mechanical equipment of ripening rooms including less heat given off by the mechanical equipment. Technology control of the atmosphere remotely is progressing with the provision of software that allows remote access to control ripening rooms, including adjusting alerts, gas parameters and temperatures through Internet connections.

The maturity of individual banana fingers varies with the climate, environment and weather during growth, but also within a single bunch. So, if bananas are allowed to ripen without artificial initiation there will be variation as to when they reach optimum eating maturity. This may be acceptable or even advantages for a household, but it not acceptable in most commercial production.

There seems no clear consensus on whether bananas taste better if not initiated to ripen artificially. The enormous changes in organoleptic properties as fruit ripen makes it difficult to differentially determine differences and no clear conclusions can be made from chemical analyses. If the function of ethylene, or any of the other ways of initiating ripening, have any other function that initiating, again is not clear and seems unlikely.