Correction to: Chapter 14 in: B. Fitelson et al. (eds.), Themes from Klein, Synthese Library 404,

This chapter was unfortunately published with the following typographical errors.

  • In sections 14.2 A First Stab and 14.3 A Different Approach, the term “Evidential Credence” is incorrect. It is now been corrected to “Defeated Credence”.

  • On p. 225 the numerator of the UNDERCUTTING IFF DEGREE-OF-CONFIRMATION LOWERING is incorrectly published as p(H|E&K)/p(H|~E&K) it has now been corrected as “p(H|E&K)/p(~H|E&K)”.

  • The spacing between characters has been corrected in the equation p(H| E & D) < p(H|E) and p(~H| E & D) > p(~H|E) in sentence “And we’re supposing that”. The corrected equation is follows: p(H|E&D) < p(H|E) and p(~H|E&D) > p(~H|E).

  • The equation “p(H|E1) > (H|E2)” in the sentence “Presumably, any reasonable measure…” has been corrected as below: p(H|E1) > p(H|E2).

  • The spacing errors in the equations has been corrected in the following pages: 216, 218, 221, 225, 226, 229, 232, 233.

Above correction are now updated in Book.