
1 Introduction

Digitalization of historical documents can protect the literature and improve the reading efficiency. Through an optical character recognition (OCR) system, we can get the content of the literature. A complete OCR system for historical documents includes: image preprocessing, layout analysis, text-line segmentation, character segmentation and character recognition. For the layout analysis of historical Tibetan documents, Zhang et al. [1] extract the texts by connected component analysis (CCs) and corner point detection. For the text-line segmentation, Li et al. [2] propose a baseline-based text-line segmentation algorithm to obtain the text lines of historical Tibetan documents. The research on the segmentation of the touching character string plays an essential role in character segmentation. It is a traditional but not yet fully solved problem, and related researches have started since the 1980s [3]. At present, the segmentation about touching character strings (usually are digital, letters and Chinese characters) has achieved satisfactory results, which has important applications in ZIP code recognition, bank check reading and text recognition. In this field, few scholars pay attention to the touching Tibetan character strings.

Most of the time, researchers use different databases to verify the segmentation algorithm. Finally, the algorithm proposed by researchers can display good performance in their database. It is not accurate to evaluate the performance of different algorithms on different databases. To compare the efficiency and performance of different algorithms and avoid the impact of different databases, some scholars have established the touching character string benchmarking database. Handwritten touching digital database (HWD-TD) [4] and offline Chinese touching character string database (CASIA-HWDB-T) [5] are the representatives. HWD-TD contains several different kinds of touching type and it was generated by connecting 2,000 images of isolated digits extracted from the NIST SD19. However, there is different between factual touching character string and synthesis touching character string. To better evaluate the performance of the segmentation algorithms, Xu et al. [5] extracted touching character string from CASIA-HWDB [6] by CCs. CASIA-HWDB-T includes 56,469 touching character strings, most of which belong to two-touching character type, and the 1,818 are multi-touching character type.

Inspired by the work of Oliveira et al. [4] and Xu et al. [5], we establish a touching Tibetan character strings database (TTCS-DB). THCS-DB contains 5,844 images of two-touching characters and 1,399 images of more than two-touching characters. We have annotated ground truth file for each image, which includes class labels, candidate segment points, baseline and average stroke width of a Tibetan single character. A foreground-based segmentation algorithm has been carried out on our database. In the following chapter, we will introduce our database in detail.

2 Database

To the best of our knowledge, no database about touching historical Tibetan character strings have been built so far. Next, we will introduce the collection and annotation information of the database.

2.1 Data Collection

In native Tibetan syllables, there are thirty consonants and four vowels. The structure of the Tibetan syllable is shown in Fig. 1(a). When segmenting and recognizing Tibetan characters, we usually combine the letters (consonants or vowels) in the vertical direction as a character (in the red rectangle). There is a base consonant (BC) in each syllable. Other consonants, according to their relative position to the base consonant, are called prefix consonant (PC), head consonant (HC), foot consonant (FC), the first suffix consonant (SC1), the second suffix consonant (SC2) respectively. From top to bottom, a Tibetan character may have the top vowel (TV), HC, BC, FC and the bottom vowel (BV). TV and BV can’t appear in the same character simultaneously. A typical Tibetan syllable can be made of seven letters at most and only one vowel can be included. Figure 1(b) shows a typical Tibetan syllable which has four Tibetan characters [7]. To get touching Tibetan character strings, we scan the historical Tibetan documents named ‘The complete works of Panchen Lama’, as shown in Fig. 2. We can see that there are many touching character strings in the scanned image.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Example of (a) the structure of Tibetan syllable, (b) a typical Tibetan syllable.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Example of a page of historical Tibetan documents and some touching character string.

Firstly, we use the method proposed by Zhang et al. [1] to obtain the text regions of historical Tibetan documents. Zhang et al. [1] extract text regions of historical Tibetan documents based on CCs and corner point detection. We mark the text regions with a red polygon, as shown in Fig. 3(a). Then we divide the text regions into the text-lines by a text-line segmentation method proposed by Li et al. [2], which is based on baseline detection. The text-line segmentation result is shown in Fig. 3(b). We can see that different text-lines are labeled by different colors.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Example of (a) the text region (in a red rectangle) obtained by method [1], (b) the different text-lines with different labeled colors obtained by method [2]. (Color figure online)

In touching character strings extraction, we mark the foreground pixel to 0 and the background pixel to 1. We use CCs to extract possible candidate connected components. Due to the cause of the ink diffusion and illumination, we delete the outliers with pixels less than 30 in foreground pixels. At last we collect the candidate connected components.

Considering the overlapping of Tibetan characters, we use the algorithm proposed by [8] to merge the connected components. The four nearest neighbor pixels are used to mark text-line images, and we save the boundary information and pixels of each connected component. We can mark the four end points of the boundary as \( x^{l} ,x^{r} ,y^{t} ,y^{b} \) respectively. We assume that the boundary information of two components are \( \left( {x_{1}^{l} ,x_{1}^{r} ,y_{1}^{t} ,y_{1}^{b} } \right) \) and \( \left( {x_{2}^{l} ,x_{2}^{r} ,y_{2}^{t} ,y_{2}^{b} } \right) \), where \( x_{1}^{l} \) less than \( x_{2}^{l} \). According to the formula (1), (2) and (3), we can calculate \( ovlp,span \) and \( dist.ovlp \) r represents the length of the overlapping of two components. \( span \) represents the total length of the two components. \( dist \) represents the distance between the centroids of the two components. The relationship between \( ovlp,span \) and \( dist \) can be shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The relationship between \( ovlp,span \) and \( dist \).

$$ ovlp = x_{1}^{l} - x_{2}^{l} $$
$$ span = \hbox{max} \left( {x_{1}^{r} ,x_{2}^{r} } \right) - x_{1}^{l} $$
$$ dist = \frac{1}{2}\left| {\left( {x_{2}^{l} + x_{2}^{r} } \right) - \left( {x_{1}^{l} + x_{1}^{r} } \right)} \right| $$

\( nmovlp \) is used to measure the degree of overlapping, where \( w1 \) and \( w2 \) represent the width of two connected components, respectively.

$$ nmovlp = \frac{1}{2}\left( {\frac{ovlp}{w1} + \frac{ovlp}{w2}} \right) - \frac{dist}{span} $$

If \( nmovlp\text{ > }0 \), two connected components can be merged. After the whole text-line images processing is completed, the ratio \( \left( {L_{r} } \right) \) of the length to width of the average character is calculated. If \( L_{r} \text{ > }1.3 \), it is initially determined to be touching character string. Then, we remove the incorrect samples and obtain the final dataset. Figure 5 shows the touching character strings extracted from the text-line images. In the following, we will introduce the ground truth file’s format for each touching character string.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Some touching character string images extracted from historical Tibetan documents, which contain incorrect samples. The overlapping characters are marked with a red rectangle. The single characters are marked by a blue rectangle and the error characters are marked by a green rectangle. (Color figure online)

2.2 Data Annotation

All the characters and punctuation in Tibetan script are aligned according to the baseline [2], as shown in Fig. 1. This feature is helpful for the segmentation and recognition of Tibetan character. And we divide the touching type into three categories, as shown in Table 1. The three categories are touching points above the baseline (AB), on the baseline (OB) and below the baseline (BB). Through our observation, most of the images in the database belong to the two-touching characters. We partition TTCS-DB into two sub databases according to the number of characters in touching character string: TTCS-DB-T and TTCS-DB-M. Each image in TTCS-DB-T contains two characters and TTCS-DB-M is composed of more than two characters, as depicted in Fig. 6(a) and (b).

Table 1. Touching type of two-touching Tibetan character pair.
Fig. 6.
figure 6

Examples of touching character string samples extracted from the database: (a) each image contains two characters from TTCS-DB-T. (b) Each image contains more two characters from TTCS-DB-M.

To accurately evaluate the efficiency of the segmentation algorithm, we have annotated the touching character string. The information of the ground truth file includes the baseline (BL), the class labels (CL), the height and width of the touching character string, the average stroke width (SW), and the candidate segmentation points. BL is an important parameter. The top vowels are located above the BL, and other letters are located under the BL. Using BL to divide the touching characters into two parts can improve the accuracy of segmentation. SW and CL are used to evaluate the accuracy of segmentation and recognition of Tibetan character respectively. We save the annotation information in an XML file. Figure 7 depicts an example of an XML file for a touching character string. The tag TextRegion represents a segmentation path. If the touching character string has two touching points, TextRegion will has four coordinate points.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Example of (a) the annotated information, (b) the touching point (indicated by the red arrow), the baseline (in blue line). (Color figure online)

2.3 Data Analysis

We count the number of characters, touching points and Multi-touching (a segmentation path has multiple points) and touching character string, as shown in the Table 2. In our database, single-touching character string is about ten times than multi-touching character string. For TTCS-DB-M, each touching character string has 2.03 touching points and 3.11 characters on average.

Table 2. Statistics of TTCS-DB according to the number of characters in touching character string, an overwhelming majority of which is single-touching character string.

In follow-up investigation, we find a common phenomenon. Due to the degradation of historical Tibetan documents, the strokes of character are broken, as shown in the Fig. 8. When we annotate data, we spend a lot of time to identify touching character string. In the character recognition for Tibetan, broken strokes will bring great challenge.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Example of the broken strokes in the touching character string (in the red ring). (Color figure online)

3 Algorithm

The segmentation algorithm for touching character string can be roughly divided into two categories, implicit segmentation algorithm and explicit segmentation algorithm [9]. The main idea of implicit segmentation algorithm is to traverse the touching character string from left to right to get a feature sequence by a narrow sliding window. Then, the character recognition and segmentation result of the whole text-line are obtained based on the HMM of text-line. The explicit segmentation algorithm divides the touching character string into multiple components according the feature points in the image. It can be further divided into two categories, one is weak-segmentation and the other is over-segmentation. The main feature of the weak segmentation algorithm is that only one segmentation path is generated, which is suitable for less touching. The representative algorithm includes vertical projection [10], drip algorithm [11] water reservoir [12] and so on. The over-segmentation algorithm produces multiple segmentation paths. It can be roughly divided into three categories: foreground-based [13, 14], background-based [15], and recognition-based [16].

We have measured the performance of a foreground-based segmentation algorithm on this database for reference, which is based on feature points detection.

The flowchart of our algorithm is shown in Fig. 9. Firstly, the foreground profile and skeleton are detected. Secondly, we detect the feature points and the baseline of touching character string. The feature points are obtained by adding affine transformation to KLT algorithm [17]. According to the baseline of the touching Tibetan character string, we divide it into two parts: upper vowels and consonants. In the end, we will remove all the useless feature points. For the upper vowels part, we use feature points directly to segment upper vowels. Then, we design a support vector machine (SVM) classifier [18] to predict the probability that the image is a vowel. When the probability of each part is acceptable, we keep this feature point, otherwise we delete it. For the consonant part, all the feature points located near the end points in the skeleton are deleted.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

The flowchart of our segmentation algorithm.

4 Experiments

We extract the connected components by 8-connected regions for each image, and we delete components where width and height less than SW*2. Figure 10 shows candidate segmentation points and segmentation paths generated by our algorithm. Due to the irregular position of the feature points, we design two methods to construct the segmentation paths. When two feature points are located on either side of the stroke, we connect the two feature points to form a segmentation path. In other cases, we cut the strokes directly based on the feature points to form a segmentation path.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Example of (a) original touching character string, (b) foreground profile and feature points, (c) foreground skeleton and end points in skeleton, (d) segmentation path.

Figure 11 shows an example of an image segmented by our algorithm and its corresponding segmentation graph. Three paths (SP0, SP1 and SP2) and four components (C0, C1, C2 and C3) be generated in the end. According to Tibetan character characteristics, we assume that a Tibetan character can be composed of three components at most. The touching character string can produce ten sub-images. We need use the candidate character classifier to score ten sub-images and find the largest score path in the graph to represent the final segmentation and recognition results.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Example of a segmentation graph.

We evaluate the performance of the algorithm based on the distance \( \left( d \right) \) between a touching point and a candidate point. When d is less than a threshold \( d_{th} \), we think that the candidate point is a correct segmentation point. In our paper, we set \( d_{th} \) equal to 1.4*SW. We also calculate recall rate R and precision rate P [4] to evaluate our algorithm, as following.

$$ {\text{R}} = \frac{{\# {\text{the}}\,{\text{number}}\,{\text{of}}\,{\text{correct}}\,{\text{separating}}\,{\text{points}}}}{{\# {\text{the}}\,{\text{number}}\,{\text{of}}\,{\text{total}}\,{\text{truth}}\,{\text{touching}}\,{\text{points}}}} \times 100\% $$
$$ {\text{P}} = \frac{{\# {\text{the}}\,{\text{number}}\,{\text{of}}\,{\text{correct}}\,{\text{separating}}\,{\text{points}}}}{{\# {\text{the}}\,{\text{number}}\,{\text{of}}\,{\text{total}}\,{\text{candiate}}\,{\text{spatating}}\,{\text{points}}}} \times 100\% $$

Table 3 reports the performance of the foreground-based segmentation algorithm on the proposed database. In our algorithm, we extract the Tibetan baseline with an accuracy rate of 95%. Since we forcibly split upper vowels and consonants, the actual segmentation result is better than the calculated value. Over-segmentation algorithm can achieve better segmentation results, but too many candidate points will bring expensive calculations. Table 4 reports the average number of candidate points generated by our algorithm and the time to process each file in Python program.

Table 3. Performance of the foreground-based segmentation algorithm on the database.
Table 4. The number of candidate points generated from one image on average and the time to process each file.

5 Conclusion and Future Works

In this paper, we present a new touching Tibetan character string database. We introduce the methods how to obtain the touching Tibetan character string from historical Tibetan documents and the ground truth file’s format for each touching character string in details. The database we have established can be used to evaluate the segmentation algorithm for the touching Tibetan character string. We have implemented a foreground-based segmentation algorithm and analyzed the experimental results on our established database. 86.60% of the samples can be correctly segmented and a touching character string generates 3.6 candidate points on average. In the future, we hope to extend our database further by add touching characters and improve the precision of the algorithm. Meanwhile, we will evaluate other segmentation algorithms on our database for reference. We are also preparing to create a dataset for isolate character recognition in Tibetan historical documents.