Correction to:

© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019V. V. Klimov, From Basic to Clinical Immunology, 10.1007/978-3-030-03323-1

The book was inadvertently published with the errors. These errors have been corrected as follows:

On page XII: The acronym “ADDC” has been changed to “ADCC” under the List of Abbreviations.

On page XV: The expansion used for the acronym “MEC” was incorrect. This has been changed to “Mucosa-associated epithelial chemokine, CCL28”.

On page XVIII: In the expansion of the acronym “VLP,” hyphen was missing in the term “Viruslike.” This has now been changed to “Virus-like” in the corrected version.

On page 2: The font size of 1.7.8, 1.7.9 and 1.7.10 was irregular when compared to other font size. These have been corrected in the updated version.

On page 5: The entry of 4th row starting with “Antigen type….” in Table 1.1 has been removed.

On page 20: The “c” in “FC” was published incorrectly as upper case in the Figure 1.2. This has now been corrected as “Fc”.

On page 27: The heading which was placed below Table 1.5 has now been placed before Table 1.5.

On page 41: The term “in vivo” placed inside the Definitions box was in normal font and has now been corrected to italics “in vivo”.

On page 84: The size of Figure 1.27 has been enlarged to be slightly larger than the size of Figure 1.26.

On page 147: In line 29, the number “17A/a7B” has been changed to “27A/27B”.

On pages 172 and 173: Figures 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 were incorrectly swapped in the original version and have been corrected now.

On page 184: In the box Definitions, the subscripts were not applied for “TCM” and “TEM” in the original version and this has now been corrected as TCM and TEM.

On page 194: In the box Definitions, Line 22, the word “to” has been deleted in the updated version.

On page 197: In Table 4.4, 8th and 9th rows, the term “β cell” has been changed to “B cell”.

On page 228: In Table 5.1, 3rd row 3rd column under heading “Detection”, the text should read as “(or other)”.

On page 233: In Table 5.2, 6th row from the bottom has been removed.

On page 261: 12th line from the bottom, the text should read as X-linked immunodysregulation.

On page 262: 5th line from the bottom, the text should read as familial mediterranean.

On page 296: The 3rd row starts with “Vaccines..” should be moved to top of the table as Headings.

On page 337: The text “There are now……” has been placed below Figure 1.8.