
figure a

1 Introduction

The task of instance-aware semantic segmentation (instance segmentation for short) can be interpreted as the combination of semantic segmentation and object detection. While semantic segmentation methods predict a semantic category for each pixel [32], object detection focuses on generating bounding boxes for all object instances within an image [27]. As a combination of both, instance segmentation methods generate pixel-precise masks for all object instances in an image. While solving this task was considered a distant dream a few years ago, the recent advances in computer vision have made instance segmentation a key focus of current research [9, 19, 32]. This is especially due to the progress in deep convolutional networks [17] and the development of strong baseline frameworks such as Faster R-CNN [27] and Fully Convolutional Networks (FCN) [32].

Related Work. All top-performing methods in common instance segmentation challenges are based on deep learning and require a large amount of annotated training data. Accordingly, the availability of large-scale datasets, such as ADE20K [37], Cityscapes [2], ImageNet [31], KITTI [6], COCO [22], Mapillary Vistas [25], VOC [4], Places [36], The Plant Phenotyping Datasets [24], or Youtube-8M [1], is of paramount importance.

Most of the above datasets focus on everyday photography or urban street scenes, which makes them of limited use for many industrial applications. Furthermore, the amount and diversity of labeled training data is usually much lower in industrial settings. To train a visual warehouse system, for instance, the user typically only has a handful of images of each product in a fixed setting. Nevertheless, at runtime, the products need to be robustly detected in very diverse settings.

With the availability of depth sensors a number of dedicated RGBD datasets have been published [15, 16, 28, 29]: In comparison, these datasets are designed for pose estimation and generally have low resolution images. They often contain fewer scenes (e.g. 111 for [29]) that are captured with video [16] resulting in a high number of frames. Some datasets provide no class annotations [29]. [16] shows fewer, but similar categories to D2S, but only single objects are captured and annotated with lower quality segmentations. In [15], some of these objects occur in real scenes but only box-annotations are provided. The most similar to D2S is [28]: CAD-models and object poses are available and could be used to generate ground truth segmentation masks for non-deformable objects. Compared to D2S, the dataset does not show scenes with more than one instance of the same category and objects appear at a much lower resolution.

Only few datasets focus on industry-relevant challenges in the context of warehouses. The Freiburg Groceries Dataset [13], SOIL-47 [14], and the Supermarket Produce Dataset [30] contain images of supermarket products, but only provide class annotations on image level, and hence no segmentation. The Grocery Products Dataset [7] and GroZi-120 [23] include bounding box annotations that can be used for object detection. However, not all object instances in the images are labeled separately. To the best of our knowledge, none of the existing industrial datasets provides pixel-wise annotations on instance level. In this paper, we introduce the Densely Segmented Supermarket (D2S) dataset, which satisfies the industrial requirements described above. The training, validation, and test sets are explicitly designed to resemble the real-world applications of automatic checkout, inventory, or warehouse systems.

Contributions. We present a novel instance segmentation dataset with high-resolution images in a real-world, industrial setting. The annotations for the 60 different object categories were obtained in a meticulous labeling process and are of very high quality. Specific care was taken to ensure that every occurring instance is labeled comprehensively. We show that the high-quality region annotations of the training set can easily be used for artificial data augmentation. Using both the original training data and the augmented data leads to a significant improvement of the average precision (AP) on the test set by about 30% points. In contrast to existing datasets, our setup and the choice of the objects ensures that there is no ambiguity in the labels and an AP of 100% is achievable by an algorithm that performs flawlessly. To evaluate the generalizability of methods, the training set is considerably smaller than the validation and test sets and contains mainly images that show instances of a single category on a homogeneous background. Overall, the dataset serves as a demanding benchmark and resembles real-world applications and their challenges. The dataset is publicly availableFootnote 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Overview of the 60 different classes within the D2S dataset

2 The Densely Segmented Supermarket Dataset

The overall target of the dataset is to realistically cover the real-world applications of an automatic checkout, inventory, or warehouse system. For example, existing automatic checkout systems in supermarkets identify isolated products that are conveyed on a belt through a scanning tunnel [3, 12]. Even though such systems often provide a semi-controlled environment, external influences (e.g. lighting changes) cannot be completely avoided. Furthermore, the system’s efficiency is higher if non-isolated products can be identified as well. Consequently, methods should be able to segment also partly occluded objects. Also, the background behind the products is not constant in many applications because of different types of storage racks in a warehouse system or because of dirt on the conveyer belt of a checkout system in the supermarket, for example.

We acquired a total of 21 000 images in 700 different scenes with various backgrounds, clutter objects, and occlusion levels. In order to obtain systematic test settings and to reduce the amount of manual work, a part of the image acquisition process was automated. Therefore, each scene was rotated ten times with a fixed angle step and acquired under three different illuminations.

Setup. The image acquisition setup is depicted in Fig. 2. A high-resolution (\(1920 \times 1440\)) industrial color camera was mounted above a turntable. The camera was intentionally mounted off-centered with respect to the rotation center of the turntable to introduce more perspective variations in the rotated images.

Objects. An overview of the 60 different classes is shown in Fig. 1. The object categories cover a selection of common, everyday products such as fruits, vegetables, cereal packets, pasta, and bottles. They are embedded into a class hierarchy tree that splits the classes into groups of different packaging. This results in neighboring leafs being visually very similar, while distant nodes are visually more different, even if they are semantically similar products, e.g. single apples in comparison to a bundle of apples in a cardboard tray. The class hierarchy can be used, for instance, for advanced training and evaluation strategies similar to those used in [26]. However, it is not used in the scope of this paper.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The D2S image acquisition setup. Each scene was rotated ten times using a turntable. For each rotation, three images under different illuminations were acquired

Fig. 3.
figure 3

(Top) Each scene was acquired under three different lightings. (Bottom) As opposed to the training set (where a single uniform background is used), the test and validation sets include three additional backgrounds. This allows for a detailed evaluation of the robustness of the methods

Rotations. To increase the number of different views and to evaluate the invariance of approaches with respect to rotations [5, 38], each scene was rotated ten times in increments of \(36^\circ \). The turntable allowed automation and ensured precise rotation angles. An example of the ten rotations for a scene from the training set is displayed in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Each scene was acquired at ten different rotations in steps of \(36^\circ \). The camera was mounted slightly off-centered in order to introduce more variation in the images

Lighting. To evaluate the robustness of methods to illumination changes and different amounts of reflection, each scene and rotation was acquired under three different lighting settings. For this purpose an LED ring light was attached to the camera. The illumination was set to span a large spectrum of possible lightings, from under- to overexposure (see top of Fig. 3).

Background. The validation and test scenes have a variety of different backgrounds that are shown in Fig. 3 (bottom). This allows to evaluate the generalizability of approaches. In contrast, the training set is restricted to images with a single homogeneous background. It is kept constant to imitate the settings of a warehouse system, where new products are mostly imaged within a fixed environment and not in the test scenario.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Objects appear with different amounts of occlusion. These may either be caused by objects of the same class, objects of a different class or by clutter objects not within the training set

Fig. 6.
figure 6

To test the robustness of approaches to unseen clutter objects, objects not within the training set were added to the validation and test sets (e.g., a mouse pad and a black foam block)

Occlusion and Clutter. As indicated in Fig. 5, occlusions may arise from objects of the same class, objects of a different class, or from clutter objects. Clutter objects have a category that is not present in the training images. They were added explicitly to the validation and test images to evaluate the robustness to novel objects. Examples of the selected clutter objects are shown in Fig. 6.

3 Dataset Splitting

In contrast to existing datasets for instance-aware semantic segmentation, such as VOC [4] and COCO [22], the D2S training set has a different distribution with respect to image and class statistics than the validation and test sets. The complexity of the captured scenes as well as the average number of objects per image are substantially higher in the validation and test sets (see Table 1). The motivation for this choice of split is to follow common industrial requirements, such as: low labelling effort, low complexity of training set acquisition for easy replicability, and the possibility to easily add new classes to the system.

The split is performed on a per-scene basis: all 30 images of a scene, i.e. all combinations of the ten rotations and three lightings, are included in either the training, the validation, or the test set. In the following, we describe the rules for generating the splits.

Training Split. To meet the mentioned industrial requirements, the training scenes are selected to be as simple as possible: They have a homogeneous background, mostly contain only one object and the amount of occlusions is reduced to a minimum. To summarize, we add scenes to the training split that

  • contain only objects of one categoryFootnote 2,

  • provide new views of an object,

  • only contain objects with no or marginal overlap,

  • have no clutter and a homogeneous background.

The total number of scenes in the training set is 147, resulting in 4380 images of 6900 objects. The rather small training set should encourage work towards the generation of augmented or synthetic training data, for instance using generative adversarial networks [8, 11, 18, 34, 35].

Validation and Test Splits. The remaining scenes are split between the validation and the test set. They consist of scenes with

  • single or multiple objects of different classes,

  • touching or occluded objects,

  • clutter objects and

  • varying background.

Table 1. Split statistics. Due to our splitting strategy, the number of images and the number of instances per image is significantly lower for the training set. The complexity of validation and test scenes is approximately the same

These scenes were chosen such that the generalization capabilities of approaches can be evaluated. Additionally, current methods struggle with heavy occlusion and novelty detection. These issues are addressed by this choice of splits as well. The split between validation and test set was performed on subgroups of images containing the same number of total and occluded objects. This ensures that both sets have approximately the same distribution. The ratio of the number of scenes in the validation and test set is chosen to be 1:4. The reasons for this decision are twofold: First, the evaluation of the model on a small validation set is faster. Second, we do not want to encourage training on the validation set, but stimulate work on approaches that require little training data or use augmentation techniques. The statistics of the number of images and objects in the splits are visualized in Table 1.

4 Statistics and Comparison

In this section, we compare our dataset to VOC [4] and COCO [22]. These datasets have encouraged many researchers to work on instance segmentation and are frequently used to benchmark state-of-the-art methods.

Dataset Statistics. As summarized in Table 2, D2S contains significantly more object instances than VOC, but fewer than COCO. Specifically, although the D2S training set is larger than that of VOC, the number of training objects is less than 1% of those in COCO. This choice was made intentionally, as in many industrial applications it is desired to use as few training images as possible. In contrast, the proportion of validation images is significantly larger for D2S in order to enable a thorough evaluation of the generalization capabilities. On average, there are half as many objects per image in D2S as in COCO.

Table 2. Dataset statistics. Number of images and objects per split, average number of objects per image and number of classes for D2S (ours), VOC 2012, and COCO. *For VOC 2012 and COCO, the object numbers are only available for the training and validation set
Fig. 7.
figure 7

Ratio of objects per class for D2S (orange), VOC (green) and COCO (violet). In COCO and VOC, the class person is dominant and some classes are underrepresented. In D2S, the number of objects per class is uniformly distributed. Note that for COCO and VOC the diagram was calculated based on train and val splits (Color figure online)

Class Statistics. Since the images of COCO and VOC were taken from flickrFootnote 3, the distribution of object classes is not uniform. In both datasets, the class person dominates, as visualized in Fig. 7: 31% and 25% of all objects belong to this class for COCO and VOC, respectively. Moreover, 10% of the classes with the highest number of objects are represented by 51% and 33% of all objects, while only 5.4% and 13.5% of the objects belong to the 25% of classes with the lowest number of objects. This class imbalance is valid since both COCO and VOC represent the real world where some classes naturally appear more often than others. In the evaluation all classes are weighted uniformly. Therefore, the class imbalance inherently poses a challenge to learn all classes equally well, independent from the number of training samples. For example, the COCO 2017 validation set contains nine instances of the class toaster, but 10 777 instances of person. Nevertheless, both categories are equally weighted in the calculation of the mean average precision, which is the metric used for ranking the methods in the COCO segmentation challenge.

There is no such class imbalance in D2S. In the controlled environment of the supermarket scenario, all classes have the same probability to appear in an image. The class with the highest number of objects is represented by only 2.7% of all objects. Only 14% of the objects represent the 10% of classes with the highest number of objects, while 19% of the objects are from the 25% of classes with the lowest number of objects. The class distribution of D2S is visualized in Fig. 8, where the number of images per class is shown in total and for each split. As mentioned above, the number of images for each class is rather low in the training split, especially for classes that have a similar appearance for different views, such as kiwi and orange_single. Note that, although the split choice between validation and test set is not made on the class level, each class is well represented in both sets. The key challenge of the D2S dataset is thus not the handling of underrepresented classes, but the low amount of training data.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Number of images per class and split sorted by the total number of images per class for D2S. The number of images per class is almost uniformly distributed

Label Consistency. It is difficult to ensure that all object instances in large real-world datasets are labeled consistently. On the one hand, it is hard to establish a reliable review process for the labeling of large datasets, e.g. to avoid unlabeled objects. On the other hand, some labels are ambiguous by nature, for instance a painting of a person. Figure 9 shows examples for label inconsistencies from ADE20K [37], VOC and COCO.

In D2S, the object classes are unambiguous and have been labeled by six expert annotators. All present objects are annotated with high quality labels. A perfect algorithm, which flawlessly detects and segments every object in all images of the D2S dataset, will achieve an AP of 100%. This is not the case for COCO, VOC, and ADE20K. In these datasets, if an algorithm correctly detects one of the objects that is not labeled, the missing ground truth leads to a false positive. Furthermore, if such an object is not found by an algorithm, the resulting false negative is not accounted for. As algorithms improve, this might prevent better algorithms from obtaining higher scores in the benchmarks. In COCO, this problem is addressed using crowd annotations, i.e. regions containing many objects of the same class that are ignored in the evaluation. However, crowd annotations are not present in all cases.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Large real-world datasets are extremely difficult to label consistently. In the examples from ADE20K, VOC and COCO, some labels are missing (from left to right): a window, the sofa, some donuts, and the painting of a person

5 Benchmark

In this section, we provide first benchmark results for our dataset. We evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art methods for object detection [21, 27] and instance segmentation [9, 19]. We experiment with various training sets, which differ in the number of rotations and the availability of under- and overexposed images. Furthermore, we evaluate a simple approach for augmenting the training data artificially.

5.1 Evaluated Methods

Object Detection. For the object detection task, we evaluate the performance of Faster R-CNN [27] and RetinaNet [21]. We use the official implementations of both methods, which are provided in the DetectronFootnote 4 framework. Both methods use a ResNet-101 [10] backbone with Feature Pyramid Network [20].

Instance Segmentation. For the instance segmentation task, we evaluate the performance of Mask R-CNN [9] and FCIS [19]. We use the official implementation of Mask R-CNN in the Detectron framework and the official implementation of FCIS provided by the authorsFootnote 5. Mask R-CNN uses a ResNet-101 with Feature Pyramid Network as backbone, while FCIS uses a plain ResNet-101. Since both methods output boxes in addition to the segmentation masks, we also include them in the object detection evaluation.

Training. All methods are trained end-to-end. The network weights are initialized with the COCO-pretrained models provided by the respective authors. The input images are resized to have a shorter side of 800 pixels (600 pixels for FCIS, respectively). All methods use horizonal flipping of the images at training time. FCIS uses online hard example mining [33] during training.

5.2 Evaluation Metric

The standard metric used for object detection and instance segmentation is mean average precision (mAP) [4]. It is used, for instance, for the ranking of state-of-the-art methods in the COCO segmentation challenge [22]. We compute the mAP exactly as in the official COCO evaluation toolFootnote 6 and give its value in percentage points. The basic average precision (AP) is the area under the precision-recall curve, computed for a specific intersection over union (IoU) threshold. In order to reward algorithms with better localization, the AP is usually averaged over multiple IoU thresholds, typically the interval [0.5, 0.95] in steps of 0.05. The mAP is the mean over APs of all classes in the dataset. In the following, we just use the abbreviation AP for the value averaged over IoUs and classes. When referring to class-averaged AP for a specific IoU threshold, e.g. 0.5, we write AP\(_{50}\).

5.3 Data Augmentation

In order to keep the labeling effort low and still achieve good results, it is crucial to artificially augment the existing training set such that it can be used to train deep neural networks. Hence, we experiment with a simple data augmentation technique, which serves as baseline for more sophisticated approaches. In particular, we simulate the distribution of validation and test set using only the annotations of the training set. For this purpose, we assemble 10 000 new artificial images that contain one to fifteen objects randomly picked from the training split. We denote the augmented data as aug in Table 3. For each generated image, we randomly sample the lighting and number of object instances. For each instance, we randomly sample its class, the orientation, and the location in the image. The background of these images is the plain turntable. We make sure that the instances’ region centers lie on the turntable and that occluded objects have a visible area larger than 5000 pixels. Figure 10 shows example images of the artificially augmented dataset for all three different lightings. Due to the high-quality annotations without margins around the object border, the artificially assembled images have an appearance that is very similar to the original test and validation images.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

The artificial augmented training set is generated by randomly assembling objects from the basic training set

5.4 Results

When trained on the full training set train and evaluated on the test set, the instance segmentation methods provide solid baseline APs of 49.5% (Mask R-CNN) and 45.6% (FCIS). The object detection results are on a similar level, with APs of 46.5% (Mask R-CNN), 44.0% (FCIS), 46.1% (Faster R-CNN), and 51.0% (RetinaNet). Tables 3 and 4 show the results in full detail.

Ablation Study. As aforementioned, the D2S splits are based on scenes, i.e. all rotations and lightings for one placement of objects are included in the same split. To evaluate the importance of these variations and the ability of methods to learn invariance with respect to rotations and illumination, we perform an ablation study. For this purpose, we create three subsets of the full training set train. The train_rot0 set contains all three lightings, but only the first rotation of each scene. The train_light0 set contains only the default lighting, but all ten rotations of each scene. The train_rot0_light0 set contains only the default lighting and the first rotation for each scene.

The resulting AP values of the instance segmentation methods Mask R-CNN and FCIS are summarized in Table 3 (top). As expected, we obtain the best results when training on the full train set. Training only on the first rotation reduced the AP on the test set by 15.7% and 9.1% for Mask R-CNN and FCIS, respectively. Training only with default lighting reduced the AP slightly by 3.4% for Mask R-CNN and increased the AP by a neglible 0.4% for FCIS. Training on train_rot0_light0 reduced the AP by 13.2% and 12.9%, respectively. Overall, the results indicate that the models are more invariant to changes in lighting than to rotations of the objects.

Data Augmentation. As shown in Table 3, training on the augmented dataset aug boosts the AP on the test set to 76.1% and 69.8% for Mask R-CNN and FCIS, respectively. This is significantly higher than the 49.5% and 45.6% achieved by training on the original train set. Combining the sets train and aug to train+aug further improves the AP by 8.3% and 2.7%, respectively.

Table 3. Instance segmentation benchmark results on the test set. Mean average precision values for models trained on different training sets. (Top) Training on different subsets of the train set. (Bottom) Training on augmented data yields the highest AP values
Table 4. Object detection benchmark results on the test set. Mean average precision values for models trained on different training sets

Object Detection. We conduct the same ablation study for the task of object detection. The resulting AP values for all training splits of the methods Faster R-CNN and RetinaNet, as well as the results of instance segmentation methods Mask R-CNN and FCIS evaluated on bounding box level, are summarized in Table 4. It is interesting to note, that these AP values are not always better than the AP values obtained for the more difficult task of instance segmentation. On the one hand, we believe that the AP values for object detection and instance segmentation are generally very similar because current instance segmentation methods are based on object detection methods like Faster R-CNN. On the other hand, instance segmentation methods can even outperform object detection methods since a nearly perfect mask can still be generated from a too large underlying box proposal. It is also the case that the box-IoU is a lot more sensitive to the four box coordinates than the final segmentation. A third possible explanation is that the gradients of the mask branch help to learn even more descriptive features. For all methods the overall performance is very similar. Reducing the training set to only one rotation or only one lighting per scene results in worse performance. Analogously, augmenting the dataset by generating artificial training images results in a strong improvement.

Qualitative Results. We show qualitative results of the best-performing method Mask R-CNN in Fig. 11. Furthermore, Fig. 12 shows typical failure cases we observed for Mask R-CNN and FCIS on the D2S dataset. More qualitative results are provided in the supplementary material.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

(Top) Ground truth annotations from the D2S val and test sets. (Bottom) Results of Mask R-CNN trained on the train set. The classes are indicated by different colors (Color figure online)

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Typical failure cases of of Mask R-CNN and FCIS on D2S. (From left to right) (1) Nearby objects are detected as a single instance. (2) Segmentation mask spans to neighboring objects. (3 and 4) Background is falsely detected as object

6 Conclusion

We have introduced D2S, a novel dataset for instance-aware semantic segmentation that focuses on real-world industrial applications. The dataset addresses several highly relevant challenges, such as dealing with very limited training data. The training set is intentionally small and simple, while the validation and test sets are much more complex and diverse. As opposed to existing datasets, D2S has a very uniform distribution of the samples per class. Furthermore, the fixed acquisition setup prevents ambiguities in the labels, which in turn allows flawless algorithms to achieve an AP of 100%. We showed how the high-quality annotations can easily be utilized for artificial data augmentation to significantly boost the performance of the evaluated methods from an AP of 49.5% and 45.6% to 79.9% and 72.5%, respectively. Overall, the benchmark results indicate a significant room for improvement of the current state-of-the-art. We believe the dataset will help to boost research on instance-aware segmentation and leverage new approaches for artificial data augmentation.