Thus far in this book, our code examples have represented kernels using C++ lambda expressions. Lambda expressions are a concise and convenient way to represent a kernel right where it is used, but they are not the only way to represent a kernel in SYCL. In this chapter, we will explore various ways to define kernels in detail, helping us to choose a kernel form that is most natural for our C++ coding needs.

This chapter explains and compares three ways to represent a kernel:

  • Lambda expressions.

  • Named function objects (functors).

  • Via interoperability with kernels created via other languages or APIs. This topic is covered briefly in this chapter, and in more detail in Chapter 20.

This chapter closes with a discussion of how to explicitly manipulate kernels in a kernel bundle to query kernel properties and to control when and how kernels are compiled.

Why Three Ways to Represent a Kernel?

Before we dive into the details, let’s start with a summary of why there are three ways to define a kernel and the advantages and disadvantages of each method. A useful summary is given in Figure 10-1.

Bear in mind that a kernel is used to express a unit of computation and that many instances of a kernel will usually execute in parallel on an accelerator. SYCL supports multiple ways to express a kernel to integrate naturally and seamlessly into codebases with different coding styles, while also executing efficiently on a wide diversity of accelerator types.

Figure 10-1
A table with 3 kernel representations such as lambda expressions, Named function objects as functor and interoperability with other languages or A P Is. Each includes a description with pros and cons listed in 2, 2, and 3 points respectively.

Three ways to represent a kernel

Kernels as Lambda Expressions

C++ lambda expressions, also referred to as anonymous function objects, unnamed function objects, closures, or simply lambdas, are a convenient way to express a kernel right where it is used. This section describes how to represent a kernel as a C++ lambda expression. This expands on the introductory refresher on C++ lambda expressions, in Chapter 1, which included some basic coding samples with output.

C++ lambda expressions are very powerful and have an expressive syntax, but only a specific subset of the full C++ lambda expression syntax is required (and supported) when expressing a kernel in SYCL.

Figure 10-2
A lambda expression in C + + with function, h dot parallel for, includes, = in square brackets. i d less than 1 greater than i, in parentheses. data underscore a c c of i = data underscore a c c of i + 1 semicolon, in curly braces.

Simple kernel defined using a lambda expression

Elements of a Kernel Lambda Expression

Figure 10-2 shows a simple kernel written as a typical lambda expression—the code examples so far in this book have used this syntax.

The illustration in Figure 10-3 shows elements of a lambda expression that may be used with kernels, but many of these elements are not typical. In most cases, the lambda defaults are sufficient, so a typical kernel lambda expression looks more like the lambda expression in Figure 10-2 than the more complicated lambda expression in Figure 10-3.

Figure 10-3
A lambda expression in C + +. Includes q dot submit function with a nested h dot parallel function, with parameters of size and 8.

More elements of a kernel lambda expression, including optional elements

  1. 1.

    The first part of a lambda expression describes the lambda captures. Capturing a variable from a surrounding scope enables it to be used within the lambda expression, without explicitly passing it to the lambda expression as a parameter.

    C++ lambda expressions support capturing a variable by copying it or by creating a reference to it, but for kernel lambda expressions, variables may only be captured by copy. General practice is to simply use the default capture mode [=], which implicitly captures all variables by value, although it is possible to explicitly name each captured variable in a comma-separated capture-list as well. Any variable used within a kernel that is not captured by value will cause a compile-time error. Note that global variables are not captured by a lambda expression, as per the C++ standard.

  2. 2.

    The second part of a lambda expression describes parameters that are passed to the lambda expression, just like parameters that are passed to named functions.

    For kernel lambda expressions, the parameter depends on how the kernel was invoked and identifies the index of the work-item in the parallel execution space. Please refer to Chapter 4 for more details about the various parallel execution spaces and how to identify the index of a work-item in each execution space.

  3. 3.

    The last part of the lambda expression defines the function body. For a kernel lambda expression, the function body describes the operations that should be performed at each index in the parallel execution space.

There are other parts of a lambda expression, but they are either optional, infrequently used, or unsupported by SYCL 2020:

  1. 4.

    No specifiers (such as mutable) are defined by SYCL 2020, so none are shown in the example code.

  2. 5.

    The exception specification is supported, but must be noexcept if provided, since exceptions are not supported for kernels.

  3. 6.

    Lambda attributes are supported and may be used to control how the kernel is compiled. For example, the reqd_work_group_size attribute can be used to require a specific work-group size for a kernel, and the device_has attribute can be used to require specific device aspects for a kernel. Chapter 12 contains more information on kernel specialization using attributes and aspects.

  4. 7.

    The return type may be specified but must be void if provided, since non-void return types are not supported for kernels.


Some C++ style guides recommend against implicit (or default) captures for lambda expressions due to possible dangling pointer issues, especially when lambda expressions cross scope boundaries. The same issues may occur when lambdas are used to represent kernels, since kernel lambdas execute asynchronously on the device, separately from host code.

Because implicit captures are useful and concise, it is common practice for SYCL kernels and a convention we use in this book, but it is ultimately our decision whether to prefer the brevity of implicit captures or the clarity of explicit captures.

Identifying Kernel Lambda Expressions

There is one more element that must be provided in some cases when a kernel is written as a lambda expression: because lambda expressions are anonymous, at times SYCL requires an explicit kernel name template parameter to uniquely identify a kernel written as a lambda expression.

Figure 10-4
A kernel lambda expression. Includes h dot parallel for function, with a class name of Add.

Identifying kernel lambda expressions

Naming a kernel lambda expression is a way for a host code compiler to identify which kernel to invoke when the kernel was compiled by a separate device code compiler. Naming a kernel lambda also enables runtime introspection of a compiled kernel or building a kernel by name, as shown in Figure 10-9.

To support more concise code when the kernel name template parameter is not required, the kernel name template parameter is optional for most SYCL 2020 compilers. When no kernel name template parameter is required, our code can be more compact, as shown in Figure 10-5.

Figure 10-5
A kernel lambda expression in C + +. Includes h dot parallel for function with parameters of size and i d. Calculates data underscore a c c of i.

Using unnamed kernel lambda expressions

Because the kernel name template parameter for lambda expressions is not required in most cases, we can usually start with an unnamed lambda and only add a kernel name in specific cases when the kernel name template parameter is required.

When the kernel name template parameter is not required, using unnamed kernel lambdas is preferred to reduce verbosity.

Kernels as Named Function Objects

Named function objects, also known as functors, are an established pattern in C++ that allows operating on an arbitrary collection of data while maintaining a well-defined interface. When used to represent a kernel, the member variables of a named function object define the state that the kernel may operate on, and the overloaded function call operator() is invoked for each work-item in the parallel execution space.

Named function objects require more code than lambda expressions to express a kernel, but the extra verbosity provides more control and additional capabilities. It may be easier to analyze and optimize kernels expressed as named function objects, for example, since any buffers and data values used by the kernel must be explicitly passed to the kernel, rather than captured automatically by a lambda expression.

Kernels expressed as named function objects may also be easier to debug, easier to reuse, and they may be shipped as part of a separate header file or library.

Finally, because named function objects are just like any other C++ class, kernels expressed as named function objects may be templated. C++20 added templated lambda expressions, but templated lambda expressions are not supported for kernels in SYCL 2020, which is based on C++17.

Elements of a Kernel Named Function Object

The code in Figure 10-6 demonstrates typical usage of a kernel represented as a named function object. In this example, the parameters to the kernel are passed to the class constructor, and the kernel itself is in the overloaded function call operator().

Figure 10-6
A code in C + +. Includes operator function, class Add, q dot get device, q dot submit, and h dot parallel for functions.

Kernel as a named function object

When a kernel is expressed as a named function object, the named function object type must follow SYCL 2020 rules to be device copyable. Informally, this means that the named function objects may be safely copied byte by byte, enabling the member variables of the named function object to be passed to and accessed by kernel code executing on a device. Any C++ type that is trivially copyable is implicitly device copyable.

The argument to the overloaded function call operator() depends on how the kernel is launched, just like for kernels expressed as lambda expressions.

The code in Figure 10-7 shows how to use optional kernel attributes, like the reqd_work_group_size attribute, on kernels defined as named function objects. There are two valid positions for the optional kernel attribute when a kernel is defined as a named function object. This is different than a kernel written as a lambda expression, where only one position for the optional kernel attribute is valid.

Figure 10-7
A code in C + +. Includes class Add with Attribute and class Mul with Attribute.

Using optional attributes with a named function object

Because all function objects are named, the host code compiler can use the function object type to identify the kernel code produced by the device code compiler even if the function object is templated. No additional kernel name template parameter is needed to name a kernel function object.

Kernels in Kernel Bundles

One final topic we should be aware of related to SYCL kernels concerns SYCL kernel objects and SYCL kernel bundles. Knowledge of kernel objects and kernel bundles is not required for typical application development but is useful in some cases to tune application performance. Knowledge of kernel objects and kernel bundles can also help to understand how kernels are organized and managed by a SYCL implementation.

A SYCL kernel bundle is a container for SYCL kernels or SYCL functions used by an application. The number of kernel bundles in an application depends on the specific SYCL compiler. Some applications may have just one kernel bundle, even if they have multiple kernels, while other applications may have more than one kernel bundle, even if they just have a few kernels.

A SYCL kernel bundle and the kernels or functions it contains can be in one of three states:

  • An input state: Kernel bundles in this state are typically in some sort of intermediate representation and must be just-in-time (JIT) compiled before they can execute on a device.

  • An object state: Kernel bundles in this state are usually compiled but not linked, like object files created by host application compilers.

  • An executable state: Kernel bundles in this state are fully compiled to device code and are ready to be executed on the device. Kernel bundles that are ahead-of-time (AOT) compiled when the host application is compiled will initially be in this state.

While not required by the specification, many SYCL compilers compile kernels to an intermediate representation initially, for portability to the largest number of SYCL devices. This means that usually the application kernel bundles are in the input state initially. Then, many SYCL runtime libraries compile the kernel bundles from the input state to the executable state “lazily,” on an as-needed basis.

This is usually a good policy because it enables fast application startup and does not compile kernels unnecessarily if they are never executed. The disadvantage of this policy, though, is that the first use of a kernel takes longer than subsequent uses, since it includes both the time needed to compile the kernel and the usual time needed to submit and execute the kernel. For complex kernels, the time to compile the kernel can be significant, making it desirable to shift compilation to a different point during application execution, such as when the application is loading, or to a separate background thread.

To provide more control over when and how a kernel is compiled, we can explicitly request a kernel bundle to be compiled before submitting a kernel to a queue. The precompiled kernel bundle can be used when the kernel is submitted to a queue for execution. Figure 10-8 shows how to compile all the kernels used by an application before any of the kernels are submitted to a queue, and how to use the precompiled kernel bundle.

Figure 10-8
A code in C + + includes get kernel bundle assigned to k b, q dot get context, q dot submit, h dot use kernel bundle, and h dot parallel for functions.

Compiling kernels explicitly using kernel bundles

This example requests a kernel bundle in an executable state for all the devices in the SYCL context associated with the SYCL queue, which will cause any kernels in the application to be just-in-time compiled if they are not already in the executable state. In this specific example, the kernel is very short and should not take long to compile, but if there were many kernels, or if they were more complicated, this step could take a significant amount of time. Of course, if all kernels were ahead-of-time compiled, or if all kernels had already been just-in-time compiled, this operation would effectively be free because all kernels would already be in the executable state.

If we want even more control over when and how our kernels are compiled, we can request a kernel bundle for a specific device, or even specific kernels in our program. This allows us to selectively compile some of the kernels in our program immediately, while leaving other kernels to be compiled later or on an as-needed basis. Figure 10-9 shows how to compile only the kernel identified by the class Add kernel name and only for the SYCL device associated with the SYCL queue, rather than all kernels in the program and all devices in the SYCL context.

Figure 10-9
A kernel lambda expression with a class name of Add to get kernel i d assigned to kid. get kernel bundle assigned to k b, q dot get context, q dot submit, h dot use kernel bundle, and h dot parallel for with a class name of Add.

Compiling kernels explicitly and selectively using kernel bundles

This is a rare case where we needed to name our kernel lambda expression; otherwise, we would have no way to identify the kernel to compile.

Use kernel bundles to compile kernels predictably in an application!

Kernels in kernel bundles can also be used to query information about a compiled kernel, say to determine the maximum work-group size for a kernel for a specific device. In some cases, these types of kernel queries may be needed to choose valid values to use for a kernel and a specific device. In other cases, kernel queries can provide hints, allowing our application to dynamically adapt and choose optimal values for a kernel and a specific device.

The basic mechanism to identify a kernel, get a kernel object from a compiled kernel bundle, and use the kernel object to perform device-specific queries is shown in Figure 10-10. A more complete list of available kernel queries is described in Chapter 12.

Figure 10-10
A code in C + + with 3 sets of example outputs. Running on device as N VIDIA geForce, Intel Data center G P U, and Intel U H D Graphics 770, maximum work group size for kernel and this device as 1024, 1024, and 512, preferred work group size multiple for kernel and this device as 32, 16, and 64.

Querying kernels in kernel bundles

This is another rare case where we need to name our kernel lambda expression; otherwise, we would have no way to identify the kernel to query.

Interoperability with Other APIs

When a SYCL implementation is built on top of another API, the implementation may be able to interoperate with kernels defined using mechanisms of the underlying API. This allows an application to integrate SYCL easily and incrementally into existing codebases that are already using the underlying API. This topic is covered in detail in Chapter 20. For the purposes of this chapter, we can simply recognize that interoperability with kernels or kernel bundles created via other source languages or APIs provides a third way to represent a kernel.


In this chapter, we explored different ways to define kernels. We described how to seamlessly integrate SYCL into existing C++ codebases by representing kernels as C++ lambda expressions or named function objects. For new codebases, we also discussed the pros and cons of the different kernel representations to help choose the best way to define kernels based on the needs of our application or library.

We described how kernels are typically compiled in a SYCL application and how to directly manipulate kernels in kernel bundles to control the compilation process. Even though this level of control will not be required for most applications, it is a useful technique to be aware of when we are tuning our applications.