This book describes programming techniques for writing applications that use persistent memory. It is written for experienced software developers, but we assume no previous experience using persistent memory. We provide many code examples in a variety of programming languages. Most programmers will understand these examples, even if they have not previously used the specific language.

FormalPara Note

All code examples are available on a GitHub repository (, along with instructions for building and running it.

Additional documentation for persistent memory, example programs, tutorials, and details on the Persistent Memory Development Kit (PMDK), which is used heavily in this book, can be found on

The persistent memory products on the market can be used in various ways, and many of these ways are transparent to applications. For example, all persistent memory products we encountered support the storage interfaces and standard file API’s just like any solid-state disk (SSD). Accessing data on an SSD is simple and well-understood, so we consider these use cases outside the scope of this book. Instead, we concentrate on memory-style access, where applications manage byte-addressable data structures that reside in persistent memory. Some use cases we describe are volatile, using the persistent memory only for its capacity and ignoring the fact it is persistent. However, most of this book is dedicated to the persistent use cases, where data structures placed in persistent memory are expected to survive crashes and power failures, and the techniques described in this book keep those data structures consistent across those events.

A High-Level Example Program

To illustrate how persistent memory is used, we start with a sample program demonstrating the key-value store provided by a library called libpmemkv. Listing 1-1 shows a full C++ program that stores three key-value pairs in persistent memory and then iterates through the key-value store, printing all the pairs. This example may seem trivial, but there are several interesting components at work here. Descriptions below the listing show what the program does.

Listing 1-1 A sample program using libpmemkv

    37  #include <iostream>     38  #include <cassert>     39  #include <libpmemkv.hpp>     40     41  using namespace pmem::kv;     42  using std::cerr;     43  using std::cout;     44  using std::endl;     45  using std::string;     46     47  /*     48   * for this example, create a 1 Gig file     49   * called "/daxfs/kvfile"     50   */     51  auto PATH = "/daxfs/kvfile";     52  const uint64_t SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;     53     54  /*     55   * kvprint -- print a single key-value pair     56   */     57  int kvprint(string_view k, string_view v) {     58      cout << "key: "    << <<     59          " value: " << << endl;     60      return 0;     61  }     62     63  int main() {     64      // start by creating the db object     65      db *kv = new db();     66      assert(kv != nullptr);     67     68      // create the config information for     69      // libpmemkv's open method     70      config cfg;     71     72      if (cfg.put_string("path", PATH) != status::OK) {     73          cerr << pmemkv_errormsg() << endl;     74          exit(1);     75      }     76      if (cfg.put_uint64("force_create", 1) != status::OK) {     77          cerr << pmemkv_errormsg() << endl;     78          exit(1);     79      }     80      if (cfg.put_uint64("size", SIZE) != status::OK) {     81          cerr << pmemkv_errormsg() << endl;     82          exit(1);     83      }     84     85     86      // open the key-value store, using the cmap engine     87      if (kv->open("cmap", std::move(cfg)) != status::OK) {     88          cerr << db::errormsg() << endl;     89          exit(1);     90      }     91     92      // add some keys and values     93      if (kv->put("key1", "value1") != status::OK) {     94          cerr << db::errormsg() << endl;     95          exit(1);     96      }     97      if (kv->put("key2", "value2") != status::OK) {     98          cerr << db::errormsg() << endl;     99          exit(1);    100      }    101      if (kv->put("key3", "value3") != status::OK) {    102          cerr << db::errormsg() << endl;    103          exit(1);    104      }    105    106      // iterate through the key-value store, printing them    107      kv->get_all(kvprint);    108    109      // stop the pmemkv engine    110      delete kv;    111    112      exit(0);    113  }

  • Line 57: We define a small helper routine, kvprint() , which prints a key-value pair when called.

  • Line 63: This is the first line of main() which is where every C++ program begins execution. We start by instantiating a key-value engine using the engine name "cmap". We discuss other engine types in Chapter 9.

  • Line 70: The cmap engine takes config parameters from a config structure. The parameter "path" is configured to "/daxfs/kvfile", which is the path to a persistent memory file on a DAX file system; the parameter "size" is set to SIZE. Chapter 3 describes how to create and mount DAX file systems.

  • Line 93: We add several key-value pairs to the store. The trademark of a key-value store is the use of simple operations like put() and get(); we only show put() in this example.

  • Line 107: Using the get_all() method , we iterate through the entire key-value store, printing each pair when get_all() calls our kvprint() routine.

What’s Different?

A wide variety of key-value libraries are available in practically every programming language. The persistent memory example in Listing 1-1 is different because the key-value store itself resides in persistent memory. For comparison, Figure 1-1 shows how a key-value store using traditional storage is laid out.

Figure 1-1
figure 1

A key-value store on traditional storage

When the application in Figure 1-1 wants to fetch a value from the key-value store, a buffer must be allocated in memory to hold the result. This is because the values are kept on block storage, which cannot be addressed directly by the application. The only way to access a value is to bring it into memory, and the only way to do that is to read full blocks from the storage device, which can only be accessed via block I/O. Now consider Figure 1-2, where the key-value store resides in persistent memory like our sample code.

Figure 1-2
figure 2

A key-value store in persistent memory

With the persistent memory key-value store, values are accessed by the application directly, without the need to first allocate buffers in memory. The kvprint() routine in Listing 1-1 will be called with references to the actual keys and values, directly where they live in persistence – something that is not possible with traditional storage. In fact, even the data structures used by the key-value store library to organize its data are accessed directly. When a storage-based key-value store library needs to make a small update, for example, 64 bytes, it must read the block of storage containing those 64 bytes into a memory buffer, update the 64 bytes, and then write out the entire block to make it persistent. That is because storage accesses can only happen using block I/O, typically 4K bytes at a time, so the task to update 64 bytes requires reading 4K and then writing 4K. But with persistent memory, the same example of changing 64 bytes would only write the 64 bytes directly to persistence.

The Performance Difference

Moving a data structure from storage to persistent memory does not just mean smaller I/O sizes are supported; there is a fundamental performance difference. To illustrate this, Figure 1-3 shows a hierarchy of latency among the different types of media where data can reside at any given time in a program.

Figure 1-3
figure 3

The memory/storage hierarchy pyramid with estimated latencies

As the pyramid shows, persistent memory provides latencies similar to memory, measured in nanoseconds, while providing persistency. Block storage provides persistency with latencies starting in the microseconds and increasing from there, depending on the technology. Persistent memory is unique in its ability to act like both memory and storage at the same time.

Program Complexity

Perhaps the most important point of our example is that the programmer still uses the familiar get/put interfaces normally associated with key-value stores. The fact that the data structures are in persistent memory is abstracted away by the high-level API provided by libpmemkv. This principle of using the highest level of abstraction possible, as long as it meets the application’s needs, will be a recurring theme throughout this book. We start by introducing very high-level APIs; later chapters delve into the lower-level details for programmers who need them. At the lowest level, programming directly to raw persistent memory requires detailed knowledge of things like hardware atomicity, cache flushing, and transactions. High-level libraries like libpmemkv abstract away all that complexity and provide much simpler, less error-prone interfaces.

How Does libpmemkv Work?

All the complexity hidden by high-level libraries like libpmemkv are described more fully in later chapters, but let’s look at the building blocks used to construct a library like this. Figure 1-4 shows the full software stack involved when an application uses libpmemkv.

Figure 1-4
figure 4

The software stack when using libpmemkv

Starting from the bottom of Figure 1-4 and working upward are these components:

  • The persistent memory hardware, typically connected to the system memory bus and accessed using common memory load/store operations.

  • A pmem-aware file system, which is a kernel module that exposes persistent memory to applications as files. Those files can be memory mapped to give applications direct access (abbreviated as DAX). This method of exposing persistent memory was published by SNIA (Storage Networking Industry Association) and is described in detail in Chapter 3.

  • The libpmem library is part of the PMDK. This library abstracts away some of the low-level hardware details like cache flushing instructions.

  • The libpmemobj library is a full-featured transaction and allocation library for persistent memory. (Chapters 7 and 8 describe libpmemobj and its C++ cousin in more detail.) If you cannot find data structures that meet your needs, you will most likely have to implement what you need using this library, as described in Chapter 11.

  • The cmap engine, a concurrent hash map optimized for persistent memory.

  • The libpmemkv library, providing the API demonstrated in Listing 1-1.

  • And finally, the application that uses the API provided by libpmemkv.

Although there is quite a stack of components in use here, it does not mean there is necessarily a large amount of code that runs for each operation. Some components are only used during the initial setup. For example, the pmem-aware file system is used to find the persistent memory file and perform permission checks; it is out of the application’s data path after that. The PMDK libraries are designed to leverage the direct access allowed by persistent memory as much as possible.

What’s Next?

Chapters 1 through 3 provide the essential background that programmers need to know to start persistent memory programming. The stage is now set with a simple example; the next two chapters provide details about persistent memory at the hardware and operating system levels. The later and more advanced chapters provide much more detail for those interested.

Because the immediate goal is to get you programming quickly, we recommend reading Chapters 2 and 3 to gain the essential background and then dive into Chapter 4 where we start to show more detailed persistent memory programming examples.


This chapter shows how high-level APIs like libpmemkv can be used for persistent memory programming, hiding complex details of persistent memory from the application developer. Using persistent memory can allow finer-grained access and higher performance than block-based storage. We recommend using the highest-level, simplest APIs possible and only introducing the complexity of lower-level persistent memory programming as necessary.