This step lays the foundation of our learning path through the blockchain by introducing a way to organize and standardize our communication about technology. This step explains how you can analyze a software system and why it is important to consider a software system as a composition of ­layers. Furthermore, this step illustrates what you can gain from considering ­different layers in a system and how this approach helps us to understand the ­blockchain. Finally, this step provides a short introduction to the concept of software integrity and highlights its importance.

The Metaphor

Do you have a mobile phone? I would guess yes, as most people now have at least one. How much do you know about the different wireless communication protocols that are used to send and receive data? How much do you know about electromagnetic waves that are the foundation of mobile communication? Well, most of us do not know very much about these details because it is not necessary to know them in order to use a mobile phone and most of us do not have the time to learn about them. We mentally separate the mobile phone into the parts we need to know and the parts that can be ignored or taken for granted.

This approach to technology is not restricted to mobile phones. We use it all the time when we learn how to use a new television set, a computer, a washing machine, and so forth. However, these mental partitions are highly individual since what is considered important and what is not depends on our individual preferences, the specific technology, and our goals and experiences. As a result, your mental partition of a mobile phone may differ from my mental partition of the same mobile phone. This typically leads to problems in communication in particular when I try to explain to you what you should know about a certain mobile phone. Hence, unifying the way of partitioning a system is the key point when teaching and discussing technology. This step explains how to partition or layer a system and hence sets the basis for our communication about the blockchain.

Layers of a Software System

The following two ways of partitioning a system are used throughout this book:

  • Application vs. implementation

  • Functional vs. nonfunctional aspects

Application vs. Implementation

Mentally separating the user’s needs from the technical internals of a system leads to a separation of the application layer from the implementation layer. Everything that belongs to the application layer is concerned with the user’s needs (e.g., listening to music, taking photos, or booking hotel rooms). Everything that belongs to the implementation layer is concerned with making these things happen (e.g., converting digital information into acoustic signals, recognizing the color of a pixel in a digital camera, or sending messages over the Internet to a booking system). Elements of the implementation layer are technical by nature and are considered a means to an end.

Functional vs. Nonfunctional Aspects

Distinguishing between what a system does and how it does what it does leads to the separation of functional and nonfunctional aspects. Examples of functional aspects are sending data over a network, playing music, taking photos, and manipulating individual pixels of a picture. Examples of nonfunctional aspects are a beautiful graphical user interface, fast-running software, and an ability to keep user data private and save. Other important nonfunctional aspects of a system are security and integrity. Integrity means that a system behaves as intended, and it involves many aspects such as security and correctness.Footnote 1 There is a nice way to remember the difference between functional and nonfunctional aspects of a system by referring to grammar usage in the English language: verbs describe actions or what is done, while adverbs describe how an action is done. For example, a person can walk quickly or slowly. In both cases, the action of “walk” is identical but how the action is performed differs. As a rule of thumb, one can say that functional aspects are similar to verbs, while nonfunctional aspects are similar to adverbs.

Considering Two Layers at the Same Time

Identifying functional and nonfunctional aspects as well as separating ­application and implementation layer can be done at the same time, which leads to a ­two-dimensional table. Table 1-1 illustrates the result of mentally layering a mobile phone in this way.

Table 1-1. Example of Mentally Layering a Mobile Phone

Table 1-I may explain the visibility (or the lack of it) of specific elements of a system to its users. Functional aspects of the application layer are the most obvious elements of a system, because they serve obvious needs of the users. These elements are typically the ones users learn about. On the other hand, the nonfunctional aspects of the implementation layer are rarely seen as major elements of the system. They are typically taken for granted.


Integrity is an important nonfunctional aspect of any software system. It has three major componentsFootnote 2:

  • Data integrity : The data used and maintained by the system are complete, correct, and free of contradictions.

  • Behavioral integrity : The system behaves as intended and it is free of logical errors.

  • Security : The system is able to restrict access to its data and functionality to authorized users only.

Most of us may take integrity of software systems for granted because most of the time we luckily interact with systems that keep their integrity. This is due to the fact that programmers and software engineers have invested a lot of time and effort into the development of systems to achieve and maintain integrity. As a result, we may be a bit spoiled when it comes to appreciating the work done by software engineers to create systems that maintain a high level of integrity. But our feelings may change as soon as we interact with a system that fails to do so. These are the occasions when you face a loss of data, illogical software behavior, or realize that strangers were able to access your private data. These are the occasions when your mobile phone, your computer, your e-mail software, your word processor, or your spreadsheet calculator make you angry and forget your good manners! On these occasions, we begin to realize that software integrity is a highly valuable commodity. Hence, it should not come as a surprise that software professionals spend a lot of their time working on this seemingly tiny nonfunctional aspect of the implementation layer.


This step provided an introduction to some general principles of software engineering. In particular, the concepts of integrity and functional vs. nonfunctional aspects as well as application vs. implementation of a software system were illustrated. Understanding these concepts will help you appreciate the wider scope in which the blockchain exists. The next step will present the bigger picture by using the concepts introduced in this step.


  • Systems can be analyzed by separating them into:

    • Application and implementation layer

    • Functional and nonfunctional aspects

  • The application layer focuses on the user’s needs, while the implementation layer focuses on making things happen.

  • Functional aspects focus on what is done, while nonfunctional aspects focus on how things are done.

  • Most users are concerned with the functional aspects of the application layer of a system, while nonfunctional aspects of a system, in particular those of the ­implementation layer, are less visible to users.

  • Integrity is an important nonfunctional aspect of any ­software system and it has three major elements:

    • Data integrity

    • Behavioral integrity

    • Security

  • Most software failures, such as losses of data, illogical behavior, or strangers accessing one’s private data, are the result of violated system integrity.