
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

This chapter is kind of an introduction to the advanced concepts of Python. Since this is the final chapter, I would like to tell you about where you can go from here.

You can either build web applications with the help of Python or you can do some security networking stuff. Finally, like me, you can choose the interesting path of ethical hacking. All these things and more you can do through Python.

Let us see how we can apply our basic knowledge of Python in socket and networking. Write down this code on your IDE and see what output you get.

<code> # coding=utf-8 import socket print(socket.gethostbyname("")) print(socket.gethostbyname("")) </code>

The output is like this in my machine. You can test any other web site to get its address. This is the tip of the iceberg. Lots of things are inside. It is better for you to see everything that is inside than for me to tell you, as I feel you should concentrate on trying to write basic concepts of Python more and more.

<blockquote> Process finished with exit code 0 </blockquote>

In the further study of the relationship between ethical hacking and Python 3 , you’ll find these socket and networking concepts extremely useful.

Let us move further to Part Three of the book, where we’ll learn about anonymity.

An ethical hacker should always remain anonymous.

Why? Let us see.