
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

X.509 Certificate: The International Organization for Standardization/International Telecommunication Union: Standardization Department (ISO/ITUT) X.509 standard defined two types of certificates: the X.509 public key certificate and the X.509 attribute certificate. Most commonly, an X.509 certificate refers to the X.509 public key certificate. SOURCE: SP 800-57

Xcode: Apple development tool.

XcodeGhost: A counterfeit version of an Apple development tool, Xcode, downloaded by developers from third-party sources, because downloading the 4GB code from Apple took too long. XcodeGhost poses a privacy risk, as apps developed with XcodeGhost could be configured to record data from people’s devices and sent to a remote server.

XOR engine: Process or set of instructions that calculates data bit relationships in a RAID subsystem.