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The Peninsular Economy

  • Chapter
Golden Age Spain

Part of the book series: Studies in European History ((SEURH))

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In no area of Spain’s past has so much work been done recently as on its economic history; this has meant that some classic works, such as Vicens Vives’ Economic History of Spain (1958), have been rapidly superseded. However, progress is very uneven; some themes, such as family structure, are only just beginning to be studied, and others, such as foreign trade, remain almost totally neglected. We shall attempt here to look at questions both of historical development and of economic structure.

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Select Bibliography

  1. Earl J. Hamilton, American Treasure and the Price Revolution in Spain, 1501–1650 (Cambridge, Mass., 1934). See also Dennis Flynn, ‘A new perspective on the Spanish price revolution: the monetary approach to the balance of payments’, Explorations in Economic History, 15 (Oct. 1978) 388–406.

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  2. For re-exports see Artur Attman, Dutch Enterprise in the World Bullion Trade 1550–1800 (Göteborg, 1983); also his American Bullion in the European World Trade 1600–1800 (Göteborg, 1986).

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  3. Earl J. Hamilton, War and Prices in Spain 1651–1800 (Cambridge, Mass., 1947), is the standard work on this period.

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  4. Jordi Nadal, La población española (siglos XVI a XX) (Barcelona, 1984).

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  5. Angel Garcia Sanz, Desarrollo y crisis del Antiguo Régimen en Castilla la Vieja. Economíay Sociedad en tierras de Segovia 1500–1814 (Madrid, 1977); Bartolomé Bennassar, Valladolid au siècle d’or (Paris, 1967).

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  6. See Enrique Otte, ‘Sevilla, plaza bancaria europea en el siglo XVI’, in A. Otazu (ed.), Dineroy Crédito (siglos XVI al XIX). Actas del I Coloquio internacional de historia económia, Madrid-Segovia 1977 (Madrid, 1978).

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  7. Annie Molinié-Bertrand, Au Siècle d’or. L’Espagne et ses hommes. La Population du royaume de Castille au XVIe siècle (Paris, 1985).

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  8. Alberto Marcos Martín, Auge y déclive de un núcleo mercantil y financiero de Castilla la Vieja. Evolución demográfica de Medina del Campo durante los siglos XVI y XVII (Valladolid, 1978).

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  9. M. Weisser, ‘The Decline of Castile Revisited: the Case of Toledo’, Journal of European Economic History, 2 (1973) 614–40.

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  10. Vicente Perez Moreda, Las crisis de mortalidad en la España interior (siglos XVI-XIX) (Madrid, 1980). For the Mediterranean coast, there are data in N. Biraben, Les Hommes et la peste en France et dans les pays européens et méditerranéens, 2 vols (Paris, 1975).

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  11. Henry Kamen, Spain in the Later Seventeenth Century, 1665–1700 (London, 1980).

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  12. José Manuel Pérez Garcia, Un modelo de sociedad rural de Antiguo Régimen en la Galicia costera: la Peninsula del Sainés (Santiago, 1979).

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  13. James Casey, ‘Spain: a Failed Transition’, in Peter Clark (ed.) The European Crisis of the 1590s (London, 1985). An unsuccessful attempt to make population responsible for everything that went wrong in the peninsula (‘the model that best explains the economy of early modern Spain is a Malthusian one’) can be found in Carla Rahn Phillips, ‘Time and Duration: A Model for the Economy of Early Modern Spain’, American Historical Review (Sept. 1987).

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  14. J. H. Elliott, ‘Self-perception and decline in early seventeenth-century Spain’, Past and Present, 74 (1977).

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  15. Jordi Nadal and Emili Giralt, La population catalane de 1553 à 1717: l’immigration française (Paris, 1960); also Jordi Nadal, ‘La població catalana als segles XVI i XVII’, in Historia de Catalunya, vol. iv, Salvat editores (Barcelona, 1978).

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  16. For example, J. E. Gelabert Gonzalez, Santiago y la tierra de Santiago de 1500 a 1640 (La Coruña, 1982). Another recent survey of Galicia is Pegerto Saavedra, Economía, Politica y Sociedad en Galicia: la provincia de Mondoñedo, 1480–1830 (Madrid, 1985).

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  17. Among the several studies of the 1561 census, see B. Bennassar, ‘Economie et société à Ségovie au milieu du XVIe siècle’, Anuario de Historia Económical Social, i, i (1968); L. Martz and J. Porres, Toledo y los toledanos en 1561 (Toledo, 1974).

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  18. Robert Rowland, ‘Sistemas matrimoniales en la península ibérica (siglos XVI-XIX): una perspectiva regional’, in V. Pérez Moreda and D. S. Reher (eds.) La Demografía Histórica de la Península Ibérica (Actas de las I Jornadas de Demografia Histórica, Madrid, Dec. 1983) (Madrid, 1986). For some aspects of the function of love, A. Redondo (ed.), Amours légitimes, amours illégitimes en Espagne (XVIe-XVIIe siècles) (Paris, 1985). See also J. Casey, ‘La familia en la Andalucia del Antiguo Régimen’, Historia 16, 57 (Jan. 1981).

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  19. James Casey, The Kingdom of Valencia in the Seventeenth Century (Cambridge, 1979). In the useful collection of essays by James Casey and others, La Familia en la España Mediterránea (siglos XV-XIX) (Barcelona, 1987), Casey gives a good survey of the family in Andalucia.

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  20. Bartolomé Bennassar, Recherches sur les grandes épidémies dans le Nord de l’Espagne à la fin du XVIe siècle (Paris, 1969).

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  21. Antonio Dominguez Ortiz, La sociedad española en el siglo XVII, 2 vols (Madrid, 1963, 1970).

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  22. Magnus Mörner, ‘Spanish migration to the New World prior to 1810’, in F. Chiapelli (ed.), First Images of America. The Impact of the New World on the Old, 2 vols (Los Angeles and London, 1976), vol. 2, 737–82; the same volume also contains P. Boyd-Bowman, ‘Spanish emigrants to the Indies, 1595–98’, 723–36. See also the latter’s ‘Patterns of emigration to the Indies until 1600’, Hispanic American Historical Review, 56, iv (1976).

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  23. Henry Kamen, ‘The Mediterranean and the Expulsion of Spanish Jews in 1492’, Past and Present 119 (May 1988).

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  24. Antonio Dominguez Ortiz and Bernard Vincent, Historia de los Moriscos (Madrid, 1978); Henri Lapeyre, La Géographie de l’Espagne morisque (Paris, 1959). In English the best, albeit old, survey is still H. C. Lea, The Moriscos of Spain (London, 1901). The bibliography on the Granada Moriscos has been surveyed by M. Barrios Aguilera and M. M. Birriel Salcedo, La repoblación del reino de Granada después de la expulsión de los moriscos. Fuentes y bibliografía (Granada, 1986). There are useful perspectives in the collective volume Les Morisques et leurs temps (CNRS, Paris, 1983).

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  25. James Casey, ‘Moriscos and the Depopulation of Valencia’, Past and Present, 50 (1971); and his important ‘La situación económica de la nobleza valenciana en visperas de la expulsiín de los Moriscos’, in Homenaje al Dr D. Juan Reglà, 2 vols (Valencia, 1975), i, 515–25.

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  26. Angel Rodríguez Sánchez, Cáceres: poblacióny comportamientos demográficos en el siglo XVI (Cáceres, 1977).

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  27. Gonzalo Anés, Las crisis agrarias en la España Moderna (Madrid, 1970).

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  28. J. Lopez Salazar and M. Martín Galán, ‘Production de cereales en Toledo, 1463–1690’, Cuadernos de Historia Moderna y Contemporánea (Madrid), II (1981). The trend was similar in Andalucia: see Pierre Ponsot, ‘La dîme, source d’histoire rurale et urbaine’, Actas II Coloquios Historia de Andalucia, Nov. 1980. Andalucia Moderna, tomo I (Córdoba, 1983) pp. 353–62.

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  29. Baudilio Barreiro, ‘La introducción de nuevos cultivos y la evolución de la ganadería en Asturias durante la Edad Moderna’, Congreso de Historia Rural Siglos XV al XIX (Madrid, 1984) pp. 287–318; J. M. Pérez García, ‘Aproximación al estudio de la penetración del maiz en Galicia’, in A. Eiras Roel (ed.), La Historia Social de Galicia en sus fuentes de protocolos (Santiago, 1981) pp. 117–59.

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  30. David E. Vassberg, ‘The tierras baldías: community property and public lands in 16th century Castile’, Agricultural History, 48, no. 3 (1974); ‘The sale of tierras baldías in sixteenth-century Castile’, Journal of Modern History, 47, no. 4(1975).

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  31. Gonzalo Anés, ‘Tendencias de la producción agricola en tierras de la Corona de Castilla (siglos XVI a XIX)’, Hacienda Pública Española, no. 55 (1978) 97–111.

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  32. Carmelo Vinas y Mey, El problema de la tierra en la España de los siglos XVI-XVIII (Madrid, 1941).

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  33. Jesús García Fernández, ‘Champs ouverts et champs clôturés en Vieille Castille’, Annales E.S.C., 20, no. 4 (1965) 692–718.

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  34. David E. Vassberg, Land and Society in Golden Age Castile (Cambridge, 1984).

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  35. Francis Brumont, La Bureba à l’époque de Philippe II (New York, 1977). To be supplemented by his ‘La rente de la terre en Rioja occidentale à l’époque moderne’, Mélanges de la Casa de Velazquez, xvi (1980) 237–72.

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  36. Noël Salomon, La Campagne de Nouvelle Castille à la fin du XVIe siècle d’après les ‘Relaciones Topográficas’ (Paris, 1964).

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  37. Eva Serra, ‘El règim feudal català abans i després de la sentència arbitral de Guadalupe’, Recerques, 10 (1980). See also the group of essays in the Revista de Girona, xxxii, no. 118 (Sept-Oct 1986).

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  38. The classic study is Julius Klein, The Mesta. A study in Spanish economic history 1273–1836 (Harvard, 1920). Recent studies include Felipe Ruiz Martin, ‘Pastos y ganaderos en Castilla: La Mesta, 1450–1600’, in M. Spallanzini (ed.), La lana come materia prima (Florence, 1974).

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  39. Paulino Iradiel Murugarren, Evolución de la industria textil castellana en los siglos XIII-XVI. Factores de desarrollo, organizacióny costes de la producción manufacturera en Cuenca (Salamanca, 1974). On the problems of textiles in the subsequent period see J. I. Fortea Pérez, Córdoba en el siglo XVI: las bases demograficas ye económicas de una expansión urbana (Córdoba, 1981). For a useful general perspective of the economy, see V. Vásquez de Prada, Historia Económica y Social de España, vol. III: Los Siglos XVI y XVII (Madrid, 1978).

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  40. Carla Rahn Phillips, ‘The Spanish Wool Trade, 1500–1780’, Journal of Economic History, XLII, 4 (Dec. 1982) 774–94; and her ‘Spanish merchants and the wool trade in the sixteenth century’, Sixteenth-Century Journal, XIV, 3 (1983) 259–82. For the later period, Jonathan Israel, ‘Spanish wool exports and the European economy, 1610–1640’, Economic History Review, XXXIII, 2 (1980).

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  41. Henri Lapeyre, Une famille de marchands: les Ruiz. Contribution á l’étude du commerce entre la France et l’Espagne au temps de Philippe II (Paris, 1955).

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  42. José Gentil da Silva, En Espagne. Développement économique, subsistance, déclin (Paris, 1965), has interesting data on the points in the peninsula to which bullion went.

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  43. Pierre Chaunu, Séville et l’Amérique XVIe-XVIIe siècle (Paris, 1977), is a condensation of the earlier major work: Séville et l’Atlantique (1504–1650), 8 vols (Paris, 1955–60).

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  44. A. M. Bernai, A. Collantes de Terán, and A. García-Baquero, ‘Sevilla: de los gremios a la industrialización’, Estudios de Historia Social, no. 5–6 (1978).

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  45. A. Girard, Le commerce français à Séville et Cadiz au temps des Habsbourg (Paris, 1932); J. Everaert, De internationale en koloniale Handel der Vlaamse Firma’s te Cadiz 1670–1700 (Bruges, 1973).

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  46. David R. Ringrose, Madrid and the Spanish Economy 1560–1850 (University of California, 1983).

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  47. M. Morineau, Incroyables gazettes et fabuleux métaux. Les retours des trésors américains d’après les gazettes hollandaises (XVIe-XVIIIe siècles) (Paris, 1985).

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  48. P. Molas Ribalta, ‘A tres-cents anys del “Fénix de Cataluna”. Recuperació i reformisme sota Carles IF, Pedralbes (Barcelona), 3 (1983) 147–174.

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  49. P. J. Pla Alberola, La población del marquesado de Guadalest en el siglo XVII (Alicante, 1983). For a good survey of the impact of crisis on one community, J. Casey, ‘Tierra y Sociedad en Castellon de la Plana, 1608–1702’, Estudis, 1 (1980) 13–46.

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  50. H. Kamen, ‘The decline of Castile: the last crisis’, Economic History Review, XVII i (1964) 63–76.

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  51. P. Molas Ribalta, ‘La Junta de Comercio de Barcelona’, Anuario de Historia Económicay Social, 3 (1970) 235–79.

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  52. P. Molas Ribalta, La burguesia mercantil en la España del Antiguo Rágimen (Madrid, 1985). This has an excellent up-to-date bibliography.

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  53. José Antonio Maravall, Estado Moderno y Mentalidad Social, siglos XV a XVII, 2 vols (Madrid, 1972).

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  54. William D. Phillips, ‘The Castilian community in sixteenth-century Bruges’, Sixteenth-Century Journal, XVII, 1 (1986). See also note 139 below.

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© 1988 Henry Kamen

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Kamen, H. (1988). The Peninsular Economy. In: Golden Age Spain. Studies in European History. Palgrave, London.

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  • Publisher Name: Palgrave, London

  • Print ISBN: 978-0-333-41930-4

  • Online ISBN: 978-1-349-08810-2

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