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Relevance of Research in Parkinson’s Disease to Psychiatry

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The neuropathological changes associated with Parkinson’s disease were established in the early part of the present century. The biochemical changes now known to be associated with the disease were not known until much later. The distribution of amines in the brains of animals was widely explored in the 1950s and the presence of dopamine in the brains of many animals was described by Montagu in 1957. From the time of its discovery it was suggested that dopamine might be a neurotransmitter in its own right, but it was Carlsson who, in 1959, put forward the view that dopamine has an important role in the regulation of motor function.

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© 1978 Raghu N. Gaind and Barbara L. Hudson

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Mindham, R.H.S. (1978). Relevance of Research in Parkinson’s Disease to Psychiatry. In: Current Themes in Psychiatry 1. Palgrave, London.

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