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The Politics of Implementing Women’s Rights in Catholic Countries of Latin America

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The Vatican, or Holy See, is an Observer State at the United Nations. Regardless of its limited status, the Vatican played an aggressive role during the preparatory process for the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women and during the conference itself. Never before had the Vatican been so involved in such a process. Alliances were developed with delegations of fundamentalist Islamic states to fight against proposals threatening the primacy of women’s roles as mothers, male control of women’s bodies and sexuality, the confinement of sexuality to marriage, and the elimination of legal restrictions limiting women’s access to safe birth control and abortions. The Vatican pressured several Latin American governments to influence decision making during the preparatory process and during the conference itself.

“The Fourth World Conference on Women was the last scenario where delicate mantles of words were weaved to defend the rights of women. The outcome were innovative alliances and conflict resolution strategies.… Beijing was the point of arrival of a long path cultivated with encounters and conflicts between development, human rights and women’s sexual and reproductive rights.…”

—Sonia Montaño (1996, 165).

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Jane H. Bayes Nayereh Tohidi

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© 2001 Jane H. Bayes and Nayereh Tohidi

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Stein, L.G. (2001). The Politics of Implementing Women’s Rights in Catholic Countries of Latin America. In: Bayes, J.H., Tohidi, N. (eds) Globalization, Gender, and Religion. Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-1-349-66347-7

  • Online ISBN: 978-1-137-04378-8

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