Correction to: Chapter 5 in: R. Belloni et al. (eds.), Fear and Uncertainty in Europe, Global Issues,

The original version of the book was inadvertently published without incorporating the following corrections in Chapter 5 due to a Publisher error:

Missed Corrections:

References Brooks 1997, Mearsheimer 1993, Libal 1997, Peters 2004 have been missed and were now included.

Minor changes in the content were also missed and have now been incorporated.

Additional Corrections:

In the Abstract, the text “does fits” should be replaced with “fit”; the text “destabilitzation” should be replaced with “destabilization”; and the text “realist lenses” should be replaced with “neoclassical realist lenses”.

In the Reference list, “--- 2000” should be replaced with “Waltz, Kenneth N. 2000”.

The corrected chapter has been updated with the changes.