Correction to:

K. Fattouch et al. (eds.), Advances in Treatments for Aortic Valve and Root Diseases,

This book was initially published with errors in the following chapters, which have been updated now.

Chapter 2

Permissions have been received retroactively from Dr. R. H. Anderson for the use of Figures 2.1. and 2.2. in Chapter 2.

On Page 32, in figure 2.6 legend, line 4, replaced “bisecting” with “off-center”.

On Page 32, in figure 2.6 legend, line 5, replaced “off-center” with “bisecting”.

On Page 32, line 4, replaced “bisecting” with “off-center”.

On Page 32, line 6, replaced “off-center” with “bisecting”.

Chapter 3

Permission has been received retroactively from Dr. R. H. Anderson for the use of Figure 3.2. in Chapter 3.