About this book series

This Series makes available important source materials from Austro-German philosophy relating to the foundations and background of currents of thought that shaped decisively the development of twentieth century philosophy. It is divided into four main sections, each of them containing materials or translations of otherwise inaccessible sources, supplemented by interpretative studies designed to establish the systematic implications, historical context, and contemporary relevance of the materials presented. The four sections are 1) Franz Brentano; 2) The School of Brentano (including Marty, Meinong, Twardowski, Ehrenfels, Husserl, and Stumpf); 3) Early phenomenology (including Scheler, Geiger, Pfänder, and Reinach.); and 4) Influences of Austro-German philosophy in other disciplines, especially in logic, linguistics, and theoretical psychology (from Bolzano to Bühler). The Series combines editions and translations of original and previously unpublished works with volumes having a stronger focus on interpretation, including both monographs and edited collections.


This Series has been established in response to the increasing interest in early phenomenology and early analytic philosophy of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. It promotes publications, both new editions and interpretative works, relating to a period and a current of the history of nineteenth and twentieth century philosophy which is of central importance for both analytic philosophy and phenomenology, but which until quite recently has been almost completely neglected by both of these fields.


This Series

·        Contributes to widening the focus of research of both phenomenology and analytic philosophy.

·        Investigates the influence of phenomenology and analytic philosophy in fields such as logic, linguistics, and theoretical psychology.

·        Is unique in its focus on Brentano and his students and on those they influenced.

This book series contains subseries
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Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Guillaume Fréchette,
  • Kevin Mulligan,
  • Peter Simons,
  • Barry Smith

Book titles in this series

  1. Speech Act and Sachverhalt

    Reinach and the Foundations of Realist Phenomenology

    • K. Mulligan
    • Copyright: 1987

    Available Renditions

    • Hard cover
    • Soft cover
    • eBook