About this book series

To focus upon ‘social morphogenesis’ as a general process of change is very different from examining its particular results over the last quarter of a century. To explain where we are right now means concentrating instead upon its outcomes; upon the specific changes produced and upon whether or not the new social forms elaborated do gel with one another and have some directionality. These are its knock-on effects. Yet, equally important are its knock-out effects, of eliminating those morphostatic processes that previously ‘counterbalanced’ morphogenetic changes, restraining the latter’s propensity to promote social instability by continuing to preserve a degree of contextual continuity for agents and actors in their everyday social lives.This is a closed series.
Discontinued series: although this series no longer publishes new content, the published titles listed here remain available.
Electronic ISSN
Print ISSN
Series Editor
  • Margaret S. Archer

Book titles in this series

  1. Late Modernity

    Trajectories towards Morphogenic Society

    • Margaret S. Archer
    • Copyright: 2014

    Available Renditions

    • Hard cover
    • Soft cover
    • eBook