4651 publications

  1. Uniform Behavior
  2. Uniform Distribution of Sequences of Integers in Residue Classes
  3. Uniform Output Regulation of Nonlinear Systems
  4. Uniform Random Numbers
  5. Uniform Spaces and Measures
  6. Uniformisierung
  7. Uniformisierung
  8. Uniformly Accelerating Charged Particles
  9. Unifying Causality and Psychology
  10. Unifying Concepts in Ecology
  11. Unifying Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering
  12. Unifying Perspectives in Computational and Robot Vision
  13. Unifying Petri Nets
  14. Unifying Themes in Complex Systems
  15. Unifying Themes in Complex Systems
  16. Unifying Themes in Complex Systems
  17. Unifying Themes in Complex Systems
  18. Unifying Themes in Complex Systems IV
  19. Unifying Themes in Complex Systems IX
  20. Unifying Themes in Complex Systems VII
  21. Unifying Themes in Complex Systems X
  22. Unifying Theories of Programming
  23. Unifying Theories of Programming
  24. Unifying Theories of Programming
  25. Unifying Theories of Programming
  26. Unifying Theories of Programming
  27. Unifying Theories of Programming
  28. Unifying Theories of Programming
  29. Unifying Theories of Programming and Formal Engineering Methods
  30. Unifying the Philosophy of Truth
  31. Unifying the Software Process Spectrum
  32. Unilateral Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery
  33. Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy of the Spine
  34. Unilateral Denunciation of Treaty Because of Prior Violations of Obligations by Other Party
  35. Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis
  36. Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis IV
  37. Unilateral Problems in Structural Analysis — 2
  38. Unimagined Futures – ICT Opportunities and Challenges
  39. Unimodale und positiv definite Dichten
  40. Unimodality of Probability Measures
  41. Unimolecular and Supramolecular Electronics I
  42. Unimolecular and Supramolecular Electronics II
  43. Unintended Consequences of Domestic Violence Law
  44. Unintended Consequences of Renewable Energy
  45. Uninterrupted Knowledge Creation
  46. Union Education in Nigeria
  47. Union Revitalisation in Advanced Economies
  48. Union Wage Bargaining and Economic Growth
  49. Unionism in Modern Ireland
  50. Unionism in the United Kingdom, 1918–1974
  51. Unionist Voices and the Politics of Remembering the Past in Northern Ireland
  52. Unions in the 21st Century
  53. Unions, Strikes, Shaw
  54. Unionsbürgerschaft und Patientenfreizügigkeit Citoyenneté Européenne et Libre Circulation des Patients EU Citizenship and Free Movement of Patients
  55. Uniparental Disomy (UPD) in Clinical Genetics
  56. Unipolarity and the Evolution of America’s Cold War Alliances
  57. Unipotent Algebraic Groups
  58. Unique Environmentalism
  59. Unique Radio Innovation for the 21st Century
  60. Unique Solutions for Strategic Games
  61. Unique Urbanity?
  62. Uniqueness
  63. Uniqueness Theorems for Variational Problems by the Method of Transformation Groups
  64. Uniqueness Theorems in Linear Elasticity
  65. Uniqueness and Non-Uniqueness in the Cauchy Problem
  66. Uniqueness and Non-Uniqueness of Semigroups Generated by Singular Diffusion Operators
  67. Uniqueness of the Injective III1 Factor
  68. Unit Pricing
  69. Unit Root Tests in Time Series
  70. Unit Root Tests in Time Series
  71. Unitals in Projective Planes
  72. Unitarian Radicalism
  73. Unite the Tribes
  74. Unite the Tribes
  75. United Arab Emirates Keys to Soil Taxonomy
  76. United Kingdom Balance of Payments
  77. United Kingdom Facts
  78. United Nations Disarmament Processes in Intra-State Conflict
  79. United Nations Peace Operations in a Changing Global Order
  80. United States Arctic Interests
  81. United States Army Doctrine
  82. United States Foreign Policy Towards Southern Africa
  83. United States Foreign Policy towards Cambodia, 1977–92
  84. United States Health Care Policymaking
  85. United States Interests and Policies in Africa
  86. United States Policy toward the Armenian Question and the Armenian Genocide
  87. United States Policy towards Indonesia in the Truman and Eisenhower Years
  88. United States Post-Cold War Defence Interests
  89. United States Supreme Court und Bundesverfassungsgericht
  90. United States and Britain in Diego Garcia
  91. United States and European Union Auditor Independence Regulation
  92. United States-Japan Seminar on Host-Guest Chemistry
  93. Unities and Diversities in Chinese Religion
  94. Uniting Electron Crystallography and Powder Diffraction
  95. Uniting Marketing Efforts for the Common Good—A Challenge for the Fourth Sector
  96. Units in Skew Fields
  97. Units of Measurement
  98. Units of Measurement
  99. Units und Utilities für Turbo Pascal
  100. Unity Networking Fundamentals
  101. Unity for Absolute Beginners
  102. Unity from Duality: Gravity, Gauge Theory and Strings
  103. Unity in Hardy’s Novels
  104. Unity of Body and Soul or Mind-Brain-Being?
  105. Unity of Logic and Computation
  106. Unity of Science
  107. Unity, Ambiguity, and Flexibility in Theme Music for Game Shows
  108. Unity, Division and the Religious Mainstream in Sweden
  109. Unity, Truth and the Liar
  110. Unity® Virtual Reality Development with VRTK4
  111. Univalent Functions and Conformal Mapping
  112. Univalent Functions and Conformal Mapping
  113. Univalent Functions and Teichmüller Spaces
  114. Univalent Functions-Selected Topics
  115. Univariate Stable Distributions
  116. Univariate Time Series in Geosciences
  117. Univentricular Congenital Heart Defects and the Fontan Circulation
  118. Universal Access Theoretical Perspectives, Practice, and Experience
  119. Universal Access and Assistive Technology
  120. Universal Access in Ambient Intelligence Environments
  121. Universal Access in Health Telematics
  122. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction
  123. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction
  124. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction
  125. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction
  126. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction
  127. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Interaction
  128. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Learning, Health and Well-Being
  129. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Media, Learning and Assistive Environments
  130. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to Today's Technologies
  131. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Access to the Human Environment and Culture
  132. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Addressing Diversity
  133. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Aging and Assistive Environments
  134. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Ambient Interaction
  135. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Practice
  136. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services
  137. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services
  138. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services
  139. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services for Quality of Life
  140. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Context Diversity
  141. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design Approaches and Supporting Technologies
  142. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design Methods and User Experience
  143. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design Methods, Tools, and Interaction Techniques for eInclusion
  144. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design and Development Methods for Universal Access
  145. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design for All and Accessibility Practice
  146. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design for All and eInclusion
  147. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Intelligent and Ubiquitous Interaction Environments
  148. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Techniques and Environments
  149. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Methods, Techniques, and Best Practices
  150. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Methods, Technologies, and Users
  151. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Multimodality and Assistive Environments
  152. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Novel Design Approaches and Technologies
  153. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Theory, Methods and Tools
  154. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Universal Access to Information and Knowledge
  155. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. User and Context Diversity
  156. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. User and Context Diversity
  157. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Users Diversity
  158. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Users and Context Diversity
  159. Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Virtual, Augmented, and Intelligent Environments
  160. Universal Access in Human–Computer Interaction. Design and Development Approaches and Methods
  161. Universal Access in Human–Computer Interaction. Designing Novel Interactions
  162. Universal Access in Human–Computer Interaction. Human and Technological Environments
  163. Universal Acess in Human Computer Interaction. Coping with Diversity
  164. Universal Algebra
  165. Universal Algebra
  166. Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory
  167. Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory
  168. Universal Algebra for Computer Scientists
  169. Universal Algebra, Algebraic Logic, and Databases
  170. Universal Algebraic Logic
  171. Universal Artificial Intelligence
  172. Universal Aspects of Scientific Practice: Commitment, Methodology, and Technique
  173. Universal Basic Income and the Reshaping of Democracy
  174. Universal Basic Income in Historical Perspective
  175. Universal Biology after Aristotle, Kant, and Hegel
  176. Universal Coding and Order Identification by Model Selection Methods
  177. Universal Compression and Retrieval
  178. Universal Design in Video Games
  179. Universal Difference
  180. Universal Extensions and One Dimensional Crystalline Cohomology
  181. Universal Fuzzy Controllers for Non-affine Nonlinear Systems
  182. Universal Grammar and American Sign Language
  183. Universal Grammar and the Initial State of Second Language Learning
  184. Universal Grammar and the Second Language Classroom
  185. Universal Joints and Driveshafts
  186. Universal Joints and Driveshafts
  187. Universal Jurisdiction: The Sierra Leone Profile
  188. Universal Localities
  189. Universal Logic, Ethics, and Truth
  190. Universal Multiservice Networks
  191. Universal Navigation on Smartphones
  192. Universal Relations for Binary Neutron Star Mergers with Long-lived Remnants
  193. Universal Rights, Systemic Violations, and Cultural Relativism in Morocco
  194. Universal Routing Strategies for Interconnection Networks
  195. Universal Secondary Education in India
  196. Universal Semantic Communication
  197. Universal Service in WTO and EU law
  198. Universal Subgoaling and Chunking
  199. Universal Theory of Automata
  200. Universal Time-Series Forecasting with Mixture Predictors