30913 publications

  1. The Making of Global Health Governance
  2. The Making of Goddess Durga in Bengal: Art, Heritage and the Public
  3. The Making of Green Engineers
  4. The Making of Harrod’s Dynamics
  5. The Making of History's Greatest Star Map
  6. The Making of India
  7. The Making of Indian Secularism
  8. The Making of Informal States
  9. The Making of Information Systems
  10. The Making of Islamic Heritage
  11. The Making of Italy, 1796–1866
  12. The Making of Jewish Revolutionaries in the Pale of Settlement
  13. The Making of London
  14. The Making of Mathematics
  15. The Making of Modern Afghanistan
  16. The Making of Modern Switzerland, 1848–1998
  17. The Making of Nagorno-Karabagh
  18. The Making of New Labour’s European Policy
  19. The Making of Orthodox Byzantium, 600–1025
  20. The Making of Regions in Post-Socialist Europe — the Impact of Culture, Economic Structure and Institutions
  21. The Making of Resistance
  22. The Making of Statisticians
  23. The Making of Symbolic Interactionism
  24. The Making of Tests for Index Numbers
  25. The Making of Western Jewry, 1600–1819
  26. The Making of Yeats’s A Vision
  27. The Making of Yeats’s A Vision
  28. The Making of a Digital World
  29. The Making of a European Constitution
  30. The Making of a European President
  31. The Making of a Gay Muslim
  32. The Making of a Maritime Power
  33. The Making of a Neuromorphic Visual System
  34. The Making of a New Science
  35. The Making of a Pandemic
  36. The Making of a Post-Keynesian Economist: Cambridge Harvest
  37. The Making of a Protest Movement in Turkey: #occupygezi
  38. The Making of a Scribe
  39. The Making of an Indian Ocean World-Economy, 1250–1650
  40. The Making of the Banlieue
  41. The Making of the Chinese Civilization
  42. The Making of the Chinese Middle Class
  43. The Making of the Civil Codes
  44. The Making of the Democratic Party in Europe, 1860–1890
  45. The Making of the European Union
  46. The Making of the Global Yijing in the Modern World
  47. The Making of the Golden Bough
  48. The Making of the Modern Chinese State
  49. The Making of the Modern English State, 1460–1660
  50. The Making of the Modern Manager
  51. The Making of the Modern State
  52. The Making of the Modern World
  53. The Making of the Reader
  54. The Making of the Test Ban Treaty
  55. The Making of the Twentieth-Century Novel
  56. The Making of… Adaptation and the Cultural Imaginary
  57. The Malaysia-Japan Model on Technology Partnership
  58. The Male Body in Representation
  59. The Male Clock
  60. The Male Factor in Human Infertility Diagnosis and Treatment
  61. The Male Image
  62. The Male Patient in Aesthetic Medicine
  63. The Male Role in Pregnancy Loss and Embryo Implantation Failure
  64. The Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics
  65. The Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics
  66. The Maltese Language in the Digital Age
  67. The Maltreatment of Children
  68. The Mammalian Auditory Pathway: Neuroanatomy
  69. The Mammalian Auditory Pathway: Neurophysiology
  70. The Mammalian Auditory Pathways
  71. The Mammalian Carotid Body
  72. The Mammalian Cochlear Nuclei
  73. The Mammalian Egg Coat
  74. The Mammalian Fetus in vitro
  75. The Mammalian Preimplantation Embryo
  76. The Man Behind the Syndrome
  77. The Man Problem
  78. The Man behind the Queen
  79. The Man who would be Kipling
  80. The Managed Body
  81. The Management Barrier
  82. The Management Function in International Banking
  83. The Management Of Cultural World Heritage Sites and Development In Africa
  84. The Management Shift
  85. The Management and Practice of Public Relations
  86. The Management and Regulation of Banks
  87. The Management of AIDS Patients
  88. The Management of Additive Manufacturing
  89. The Management of Biceps Pathology
  90. The Management of Burns and Fire Disasters: Perspectives 2000
  91. The Management of CAD for Construction
  92. The Management of Change in Criminal Justice
  93. The Management of Change in Government
  94. The Management of Chronic Illness
  95. The Management of Construction Firms
  96. The Management of Consumer Credit
  97. The Management of Consumer Credit
  98. The Management of Continuous Product Development
  99. The Management of Corporate Acquisitions
  100. The Management of Defence
  101. The Management of Disorders of the Child’s Cervical Spine
  102. The Management of Eating Disorders and Obesity
  103. The Management of Eating Disorders and Obesity
  104. The Management of Enclosed and Domesticated Deer
  105. The Management of Enterprises in the People’s Republic of China
  106. The Management of Expertise
  107. The Management of Gallstone Disease
  108. The Management of Global Careers
  109. The Management of Head and Neck Cancer
  110. The Management of Human Resources in Chinese Industry
  111. The Management of Industrial Forest Plantations
  112. The Management of International Enterprises
  113. The Management of Lithiasis
  114. The Management of Manufacturing Systems
  115. The Management of Mass Burn Casualties and Fire Disasters
  116. The Management of Meaning in Organizations
  117. The Management of Meniscal Pathology
  118. The Management of Mutual Funds
  119. The Management of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas in Europe
  120. The Management of Opera
  121. The Management of Peace Processes
  122. The Management of Productivity and Technology in Manufacturing
  123. The Management of Public Utilities by Local Authorities II
  124. The Management of Quality and its Control
  125. The Management of Science
  126. The Management of Small Renal Masses
  127. The Management of Technical Change
  128. The Management of Transshipment Terminals
  129. The Management of Uncertainty: Approaches, Methods and Applications
  130. The Management of Voice Disorders
  131. The Management of Water Quality and the Environment
  132. The Management of the Menopause & Post-Menopausal Years
  133. The Management of the World Economy
  134. The Managerial Implications of Microelectronics
  135. The Manager’s Dilemma
  136. The Manager’s Guide to Web Application Security:
  137. The Mandarin VP
  138. The Mangled Extremity
  139. The Mango Genome
  140. The Manipulation of Choice
  141. The Manipulation of Online Self-Presentation: Create, Edit, Re-edit and Present
  142. The ManuFuture Road
  143. The Manual of Dermatology
  144. The Manual of Strategic Economic Decision Making
  145. The Manufacturing Sector in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico
  146. The Many Dimensions of Chinese Feminism
  147. The Many Dimensions of Poverty
  148. The Many Faces of Elastica
  149. The Many Faces of Health, Competence and Well-Being in Old Age
  150. The Many Faces of Imitation in Language Learning
  151. The Many Faces of Judge Lynch
  152. The Many Faces of Maxwell, Dirac and Einstein Equations
  153. The Many Faces of Maxwell, Dirac and Einstein Equations
  154. The Many Faces of National Security in the Arab World
  155. The Many Faces of Osteoarthritis
  156. The Many Faces of Social Attention
  157. The Many Faces of Time
  158. The Many Faces of Youth Crime
  159. The Many Faces of the Sun
  160. The Many Facets of Complexity Science
  161. The Many Facets of Graph Theory
  162. The Many Facets of Israel's Hydrogeology
  163. The Many Scales in the Universe
  164. The Many-Body Problem
  165. The Many-Body Problem Jastrow Correlations Versus Brueckner Theory
  166. The Many-Sidedness of George Minchin Minchin
  167. The Map and the Territory
  168. The Map of My Life
  169. The Maple Handbook
  170. The Maple Handbook
  171. The Maple Handbook
  172. The Maple® O.D.E. Lab Book
  173. The Mar Chiquita Salt Lake (Córdoba, Argentina)
  174. The Marathon of the Messenger
  175. The March of Time
  176. The Marginal Soils of Africa
  177. The Marginalised Majority in Higher Education
  178. The Margins of European Law
  179. The Marine Algal Vegetation of St. Martin, St. Eustatius and Saba (Netherlands Antilles)
  180. The Marine Microbiome
  181. The Marine Microbiome
  182. The Marine Seismic Source
  183. The Maritime Defence of China
  184. The Maritime Dimension of European Security
  185. The Maritime Dimension of Sustainable Energy Security
  186. The Maritime Turn in EU Foreign and Security Policies
  187. The Market
  188. The Market Approach to Comparable Company Valuation
  189. The Market Economy as a Social System
  190. The Market and the State
  191. The Market for Corporate Control in Japan
  192. The Market for Learning
  193. The Market in Chinese Social Policy
  194. The Marketing Challenge for Industrial Companies
  195. The Marketing of Children’s Toys
  196. The Marketing of Service-Dominant Logic
  197. The Marketing of World War II in the US, 1939-1946
  198. The Marketing-Sales-Finance Triangle
  199. The Marketisation of Higher Education
  200. The Marking Enterprise