30913 publications

  1. The Latin American Road Movie
  2. The Latino/a Canon and the Emergence of Post-Sixties Literature
  3. The Lattice Boltzmann Method
  4. The Lattice Dynamics and Static of Alkali Halide Crystals
  5. The Lattice of Subquasivarieties of a Locally Finite Quasivariety
  6. The Latvian Language in the Digital Age
  7. The Laughter of Sarah: Biblical Exegesis, Feminist Theory, and the Concept of Delight
  8. The Law Applicable to Cross-border Contracts involving Weaker Parties in EU Private International Law
  9. The Law Lords
  10. The Law Lords
  11. The Law Regulating Unmanned Aircraft Systems in the United States, South Africa and Kenya
  12. The Law and Ethics of Data Sharing in Health Sciences
  13. The Law and Ethics of Freedom of Thought, Volume 1
  14. The Law and Finance of Corporate Insider Trading: Theory and Evidence
  15. The Law and the Individual
  16. The Law as a Moral Agent
  17. The Law as a System of Signs
  18. The Law for Energy Prosumers
  19. The Law in Philosophical Perspectives
  20. The Law in Shakespeare
  21. The Law of Bone Remodelling
  22. The Law of Business Organizations
  23. The Law of Carriage of Goods by Sea
  24. The Law of Causality and Its Limits
  25. The Law of Coastal Adaptation
  26. The Law of Corporate Finance: General Principles and EU Law
  27. The Law of Corporate Finance: General Principles and EU Law
  28. The Law of Corporate Finance: General Principles and EU Law
  29. The Law of Desire
  30. The Law of Emergency Powers
  31. The Law of Industrial Conflict
  32. The Law of Interactions Between International Organizations
  33. The Law of Karma
  34. The Law of Mass Action
  35. The Law of Nations and Britain’s Quest for Naval Security
  36. The Law of Nations in Political Thought
  37. The Law of Territorial Waters of Mid-Ocean Archipelagos and Archipelagic States
  38. The Law of Third Sector Organizations in Europe
  39. The Law of Unjust Enrichment in China: Necessary or Not?
  40. The Law of the Baltic States
  41. The Law on Medicines
  42. The Law on Medicines
  43. The Law-Medicine Relation: A Philosophical Exploration
  44. The Laws Concerning the So-Called Professional and Habitual Criminals
  45. The Laws of Love
  46. The Laws of Robots
  47. The Laws of Scientific Change
  48. The Laws of Transparency in Action
  49. The Laying Hen and its Environment
  50. The Lead Books of Granada
  51. The Leader
  52. The Leader
  53. The Leader Cult in Communist Dictatorships
  54. The Leadership Hubris Epidemic
  55. The Leadership Illusion
  56. The Leadership Lifecycle
  57. The Leading Economic Indicators and Business Cycles in the United States
  58. The Leading World’s Most Innovative Universities
  59. The Leaf: A Platform for Performing Photosynthesis
  60. The League of Nations and the East Asian Imperial Order, 1920–1946
  61. The League of Nations, International Terrorism, and British Foreign Policy, 1934–1938
  62. The Lean Enterprise
  63. The Lean Healthcare Handbook
  64. The Lean Product Design and Development Journey
  65. The Lean-Agile Dilemma
  66. The Learjet History
  67. The Learning Advantage
  68. The Learning Curve
  69. The Learning and Development of Mathematics Teacher Educators
  70. The Least Developed and the Oil-Rich Arab Countries
  71. The Least-Squares Finite Element Method
  72. The Leavises on Fiction
  73. The Leavises on Fiction
  74. The Lebanese Media
  75. The Lebanese Post-Civil War Novel
  76. The Lebesgue-Stieltjes Integral
  77. The Lefschetz Properties
  78. The Left Libertarianism of the Greens
  79. The Left Party in Contemporary German Politics
  80. The Left and Israel
  81. The Left in France
  82. The Lega Nord and the Northern Question in Italian Politics
  83. The Legacies of Richard Popkin
  84. The Legacies of Transition Governments in Africa
  85. The Legacies of Ursula K. Le Guin
  86. The Legacy Continues
  87. The Legacy Family
  88. The Legacy and Impact of German Unification
  89. The Legacy of Alladi Ramakrishnan in the Mathematical Sciences
  90. The Legacy of Bosman
  91. The Legacy of Courtly Literature
  92. The Legacy of D. H. Lawrence
  93. The Legacy of Desegregation: The Struggle for Equality in Higher Education
  94. The Legacy of Felix Klein
  95. The Legacy of Hans Freudenthal
  96. The Legacy of Hegel
  97. The Legacy of Indigenous Music
  98. The Legacy of J.C. Kapteyn
  99. The Legacy of John Austin's Jurisprudence
  100. The Legacy of Kurt Schütte
  101. The Legacy of Mad Men
  102. The Legacy of Mario Pieri in Foundations and Philosophy of Mathematics
  103. The Legacy of Mario Pieri in Geometry and Arithmetic
  104. The Legacy of Mega Events
  105. The Legacy of Niels Henrik Abel
  106. The Legacy of Positivism
  107. The Legacy of Primo Levi
  108. The Legacy of Punishment in International Law
  109. The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg, Oskar Lange and Michał Kalecki
  110. The Legacy of Second-Wave Feminism in American Politics
  111. The Legacy of Supranationalism
  112. The Legacy of Tatjana Afanassjewa
  113. The Legacy of Tethys
  114. The Legacy of Vattel's Droit des gens
  115. The Legacy of Watergate and the Nixon Presidency
  116. The Legacy of the Baby Boomers or the French Social System?
  117. The Legacy of the Crash
  118. The Legacy of the Good Friday Agreement
  119. The Legacy of the Italian Resistance
  120. The Legacy of the Soviet Union
  121. The Legal Barriers to Technology Transfer under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
  122. The Legal Challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
  123. The Legal Doctrines of the Rule of Law and the Legal State (Rechtsstaat)
  124. The Legal Environment and Risks for Foreign Investment in China
  125. The Legal Framework of Trade between the USSR and the People’s Republic of China
  126. The Legal Issues of the Emerging Rights
  127. The Legal Order
  128. The Legal Position of War: Changes in its Practice and Theory from Plato to Vattel
  129. The Legal Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
  130. The Legal Realism of Jerome N. Frank
  131. The Legal Regime Applicable to Private Military and Security Company Personnel in Armed Conflicts
  132. The Legal Regime of Fisheries in the Caribbean Region
  133. The Legal Relevance of Gender
  134. The Legal Significance of the Declarations of the General Assembly of the United Nations
  135. The Legal Status of Aircraft
  136. The Legal Status of the Caspian Sea
  137. The Legal Status of the Caspian Sea
  138. The Legal Status, Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies of the United Nations and Certain Other International Organizations
  139. The Legal System of Art Auction in China
  140. The Legal Technology Guidebook
  141. The Legal Thriller from Gardner to Grisham
  142. The Legend of Charlemagne in the Middle Ages
  143. The Legend of Jonah
  144. The Legibility of Serif and Sans Serif Typefaces
  145. The Legislature in Nigeria’s Presidential Democracy of the Fourth Republic
  146. The Legitimacy of Healthcare and Public Health
  147. The Legitimacy of Poetic Reason
  148. The Legitimacy of Regional Integration in Europe and the Americas
  149. The Legitimacy of Use of Force in Public and Islamic International Law
  150. The Legitimation Crisis of Neoliberalism
  151. The Legitimation of Power
  152. The Legitimization Strategy of the Taliban’s Code of Conduct
  153. The Legitimization of Violence
  154. The Leishmaniases: Old Neglected Tropical Diseases
  155. The Lerch Zeta-function
  156. The Lerma-Chapala Watershed
  157. The Lesbian Premodern
  158. The Less Deceived and the Whitsun Weddings by Philip Larkin
  159. The Lesser-Known Albert Einstein
  160. The Letter in Flora Tristan’s Politics, 1835–1844
  161. The Letter of Violence
  162. The Letters and Papers of Jan Hendrik Oort
  163. The Letters of Brendan Behan
  164. The Letters of Dominique Chaix, Botanist-Curé
  165. The Letters of Heloise and Abelard
  166. The Letters of Lupus of Ferrières
  167. The Letters of Mozart and his Family
  168. The Letters of Rudyard Kipling
  169. The Letters of Rudyard Kipling
  170. The Letters of Wilkie Collins
  171. The Letters of Wilkie Collins
  172. The Letters of William Hazlitt
  173. The Levant in Turmoil
  174. The Lewin Legacy
  175. The Leydig Cell in Health and Disease
  176. The Lhotsampa People of Bhutan
  177. The Liability of Arbitral Institutions: Legitimacy Challenges and Functional Responses
  178. The Liability of Classification Societies
  179. The Lib-Lab Pact
  180. The Liber mahameleth
  181. The Liberal Ascendancy, 1830–1886
  182. The Liberal Heart of Europe
  183. The Liberal Heresy
  184. The Liberal International Theory Tradition in Europe
  185. The Liberal Model and Africa
  186. The Liberal Party
  187. The Liberal Polity
  188. The Liberalisation of the Telecommunications Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa and Fostering Competition in Telecommunications Services Markets
  189. The Liberalization of Capital Movements in Europe
  190. The Liberalization of Maritime Transport Services
  191. The Liberation of Life through Death
  192. The Liberation of the Serfs
  193. The Libyan Economy
  194. The License Giver Business Concept of Technological Innovation
  195. The Lidov-Kozai Effect - Applications in Exoplanet Research and Dynamical Astronomy
  196. The Lie Algebras su(N)
  197. The Life Cycle of Copper, Its Co-Products and Byproducts
  198. The Life Cycle of Entrepreneurial Ventures
  199. The Life Cycle of Psychological Ideas
  200. The Life Cycle of the Corpus Luteum