30903 publications

  1. The Electronic Financial Markets of the Future
  2. The Electronic Nose: Artificial Olfaction Technology
  3. The Electronic Structure of Complex Systems
  4. The Electronic Transitions of Molecular Oxygen
  5. The Electronics Assembly Handbook
  6. The Electronics Revolution
  7. The Elegies of Ted Hughes
  8. The Element of Negotiation in the Pacific Settlement of Disputes Between States
  9. The Element of Negotiation in the Pacific Settlement of Disputes between States
  10. The Elemental Dialectic of Light and Darkness
  11. The Elemental Metropolis
  12. The Elemental Passion for Place in the Ontopoiesis of Life
  13. The Elemental Passions of the Soul Poetics of the Elements in the Human Condition: Part 3
  14. The Elements of Big Data Value
  15. The Elements of Continuum Mechanics
  16. The Elements of Creativity and Giftedness in Mathematics
  17. The Elements of Hawkes Processes
  18. The Elements of Joint Learning and Optimization in Operations Management
  19. The Elements of Knowledge Organization
  20. The Elements of Mechanics
  21. The Elements of Operator Theory
  22. The Elements of STRATEGY
  23. The Elements of Statistical Learning
  24. The Elements of Statistical Learning
  25. The Elements of a Nonlinear Theory of Economic Dynamics
  26. The Elephant Hunters
  27. The Elephant in the Boardroom
  28. The Elephant in the Room
  29. The Elisa Guidebook
  30. The Elizabeth Icon: 1603–2003
  31. The Elizabethan Theatre IV
  32. The Elizabethan Theatre V
  33. The Elizabethan Theatre VI
  34. The Elms
  35. The Elusive Case of Lingua Franca
  36. The Elusive Promise of NGOs in Africa
  37. The Elusive Quest for European Security
  38. The Elusive Quest for Growth in Argentina
  39. The Elusive Self
  40. The Elusive Synthesis: Aesthetics and Science
  41. The Emancipatory Power of the Body in Everyday Life
  42. The Embassy in Grosvenor Square
  43. The Emblematic Queen
  44. The Embodied Philosopher
  45. The Embodied Soul
  46. The Embryo
  47. The Embryologic Basis of Craniofacial Structure
  48. The Embryology of the Common Marmoset
  49. The Embryology of the Human Locomotor System
  50. The Embryology of the Human Thyroid Gland Including Ultimobranchial Body and Others Related
  51. The Embryonic Development of Drosophila melanogaster
  52. The Embryonic Development of Drosophila melanogaster
  53. The Emergence Paradigm in Quality Management
  54. The Emergence and Development of LGBT Protest Activity in Russia
  55. The Emergence of African Capitalism
  56. The Emergence of Agrivoltaics
  57. The Emergence of Arthur Laffer
  58. The Emergence of Astrophysics in Asia
  59. The Emergence of Bangladesh
  60. The Emergence of Biolaw
  61. The Emergence of Biophilic Design
  62. The Emergence of Complexity
  63. The Emergence of Culture
  64. The Emergence of Digital Libraries – Research and Practices
  65. The Emergence of Dramatic Criticism in England
  66. The Emergence of Drugs which Block Calcium Entry
  67. The Emergence of ETFs in Asia-Pacific
  68. The Emergence of EU Defense Research Policy
  69. The Emergence of Greater China
  70. The Emergence of Holocaust Education in American Schools
  71. The Emergence of Indigenous Peoples
  72. The Emergence of Institutions
  73. The Emergence of Insurgency in El Salvador
  74. The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation
  75. The Emergence of Mind
  76. The Emergence of Neuroscience and the German Novel
  77. The Emergence of Ornithology as a Scientific Discipline: 1760–1850
  78. The Emergence of Personal Data Protection as a Fundamental Right of the EU
  79. The Emergence of Post-modernity at the Intersection of Liberalism, Capitalism, and Secularism
  80. The Emergence of Pre-Cinema
  81. The Emergence of Pressure Blade Making
  82. The Emergence of Russian Constitutionalism 1900–1904
  83. The Emergence of Russian Liberalism
  84. The Emergence of Self in Educational Contexts
  85. The Emergence of Social Entrepreneurship
  86. The Emergence of Somatic Psychology and Bodymind Therapy
  87. The Emergence of Southern Multinationals
  88. The Emergence of Whales
  89. The Emergence of a Tradition: Essays in Honor of Jesús Huerta de Soto, Volume I
  90. The Emergence of a Tradition: Essays in Honor of Jesús Huerta de Soto, Volume II
  91. The Emergence of the Acheulean in East Africa and Beyond
  92. The Emergence of the American Frontier Hero 1682–1826
  93. The Emergence of the Ethically-Engaged University
  94. The Emergence of the Knowledge Economy
  95. The Emergence of the Modern Russian State, 1855–81
  96. The Emergence of the State
  97. The Emergence of the Theory of the Firm
  98. The Emergency Medical Responder
  99. The Emergent Firm
  100. The Emergent Global Information Policy Regime
  101. The Emerging American Garrison State
  102. The Emerging Consensus in Social Systems Theory
  103. The Emerging Digital Economy
  104. The Emerging Domain of Cooperating Objects
  105. The Emerging Domain of Cooperating Objects
  106. The Emerging European Enterprise
  107. The Emerging Physics of Consciousness
  108. The Emerging Quantum
  109. The Emerging WDM EPON
  110. The Emigrant Communities of Latvia
  111. The Emotional Brain
  112. The Emotional Cerebellum
  113. The Emotional Labour of Nursing
  114. The Emotional and Sexual Lives of Older People
  115. The Emotions
  116. The Emotions in Hellenistic Philosophy
  117. The Empathic City
  118. The Empire of Progress
  119. The Empire of Stereotypes
  120. The Empire of the Raj
  121. The Empire’s New Clothes
  122. The Empire’s Patriotic Fund
  123. The Empirical Validation of House Energy Rating (HER) Software for Lightweight Housing in Cool Temperate Climates
  124. The Employable Sociologist
  125. The Employer Bill of Rights
  126. The Employment Consequences of Technological Change
  127. The Employment Effects of Technological Change
  128. The Employment Legacy of the 2012 Olympic Games
  129. The Employment Relationship
  130. The Empowered Investor
  131. The Empty Sea
  132. The Enactment of Strategic Leadership
  133. The Encapsulation Phenomenon
  134. The Encyclopaedia of Educational Media Communications and Technology
  135. The Encyclopedia of Aging
  136. The Encyclopedia of Chemical Electrode Potentials
  137. The Encyclopedia of Murder and Mystery
  138. The Encyclopedia of Physics
  139. The Encyclopedia of Public Choice
  140. The Encyclopedia of Television, Cable, and Video
  141. The End of Analysis
  142. The End of Art Theory
  143. The End of Automobile Dependence
  144. The End of British Politics?
  145. The End of China’s Non-Intervention Policy in Africa
  146. The End of Colonial Rule in West Africa
  147. The End of Desertification?
  148. The End of Empires
  149. The End of European Security Institutions?
  150. The End of Final Causes in Biology
  151. The End of Genre
  152. The End of Imperial Russia, 1855–1917
  153. The End of Literature, Hegel, and the Contemporary Novel
  154. The End of Pax Britannica in the Persian Gulf, 1968-1971
  155. The End of Performance Appraisal
  156. The End of Politics?
  157. The End of Poverty
  158. The End of Rationality and Selfishness
  159. The End of Russian Philosophy
  160. The End of Self-bondage
  161. The End of The Age of Innocence
  162. The End of Whitehall?
  163. The End of an Antibiotic Era
  164. The End of the British Mandate for Palestine, 1948
  165. The End of the Cold War and the Causes of Soviet Collapse
  166. The End of the Cold War?
  167. The End of the Cold War?
  168. The End of the Democratic State
  169. The End of the French Exception?
  170. The End of the Job Description
  171. The End of the Peasantry in Southeast Asia
  172. The End of the Performance Review
  173. The End of the Third World
  174. The End of the World in Medieval Thought and Spirituality
  175. The Endless Quest for Israeli-Palestinian Peace
  176. The Endless Reconstruction and Modern Disasters
  177. The Endocrine Control of the Fetus
  178. The Endocrine Pancreas and Juvenile Diabetes
  179. The Endocrinology of Prostate Tumours
  180. The Endogenization of Government Behaviour in Macroeconomic Models
  181. The Endogenous Energy-Saving Technological Change in China's Industrial Sector
  182. The Endometrium
  183. The Endometrium
  184. The Endometrium as a Target for Contraception
  185. The Endothelins
  186. The Endothelium in Cardiovascular Disease
  187. The Ends of Empire
  188. The Ends of European Colonial Empires
  189. The Ends of Philosophy of Religion
  190. The Energetics of Mangrove Forests
  191. The Energy Consumption in Refrigerated Warehouses
  192. The Energy Economy
  193. The Energy Landscape in the Republic of South Africa
  194. The Energy Method, Stability, and Nonlinear Convection
  195. The Energy Method, Stability, and Nonlinear Convection
  196. The Energy Mix for Sustaining Our Future
  197. The Energy Sector and Energy Geopolitics in the MENA Region at a Crossroad
  198. The Energy Security-Climate Nexus
  199. The Energy Transition
  200. The Energy-Climate Continuum