30896 publications

  1. The Bulgarian Language in the Digital Age
  2. The Bulgarian-Byzantine Wars for Early Medieval Balkan Hegemony
  3. The Bumpy Road
  4. The Bundesbank Myth
  5. The Bundeswehr and Western Security
  6. The Bunker Climate Atlas of the North Atlantic Ocean
  7. The Bunker Climate Atlas of the North Atlantic Ocean
  8. The Bunyaviridae
  9. The Burden of Adult ADHD in Comorbid Psychiatric and Neurological Disorders
  10. The Burden of Proof upon Metaphysical Methods
  11. The Burdensharing Debate
  12. The Bureaucratic Labor Market
  13. The Bureaucratization of the World in the Neoliberal Era
  14. The Burial Record of Prehistoric Liangshan in Southwest China
  15. The Burrows-Wheeler Transform: Data Compression, Suffix Arrays, and Pattern Matching
  16. The Bush Administrations and Saddam Hussein
  17. The Bush Doctrine and Latin America
  18. The Bush Presidency
  19. The Business Basics of Building and Managing a Healthcare Practice
  20. The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility
  21. The Business Case for Love
  22. The Business Cycle in the Post-War World
  23. The Business Cycle: Theories and Evidence
  24. The Business Growth Benefits of Higher Education
  25. The Business Idea
  26. The Business Leader’s Health Manual
  27. The Business Manager's Guide to Software Projects
  28. The Business Plan
  29. The Business Value of Developer Relations
  30. The Business of Android Apps Development
  31. The Business of Android Apps Development
  32. The Business of Banking
  33. The Business of Bioscience
  34. The Business of Building and Managing a Healthcare Practice
  35. The Business of Densification
  36. The Business of Development in Post-Colonial Africa
  37. The Business of Electronics
  38. The Business of Family
  39. The Business of Geriatrics
  40. The Business of Giving
  41. The Business of Global Energy Transformation
  42. The Business of Hacking
  43. The Business of Hope
  44. The Business of Literary Circles in Nineteenth-Century America
  45. The Business of Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Architecture of Communal Societies in the 1960s and 1970s
  46. The Business of Medicine
  47. The Business of News in England, 1760–1820
  48. The Business of Satirical Prints in Late-Georgian England
  49. The Business of Sharing
  50. The Business of Shipping
  51. The Business of Social and Environmental Innovation
  52. The Business of Sustainability
  53. The Business of Teaching
  54. The Business of iOS App Development
  55. The Business of iPhone App Development
  56. The Business of iPhone and iPad App Development
  57. The Busy Physician’s Guide To Genetics, Genomics and Personalized Medicine
  58. The Butterfly Effect in China’s Economic Growth
  59. The Butterfly Effect in Competitive Markets
  60. The Buzz about Bees
  61. The Byzantine City from Heraclius to the Fourth Crusade, 610–1204
  62. The B−L Phase Transition
  63. The C# Programmer’s Study Guide (MCSD)
  64. The CAPRISA Clinical Trials: HIV Treatment and Prevention
  65. The CAPTCHA: Perspectives and Challenges
  66. The CBM Physics Book
  67. The CD-ROM Drive
  68. The CD4 Molecule
  69. The CDA TM book
  70. The CEO Whisperer
  71. The CEO’s Secret Weapon
  72. The CFA Franc Zone
  73. The CIS, the EU and Russia
  74. The CISO’s Next Frontier
  75. The CISO’s Transformation
  76. The CLES-Scale: An Evaluation Tool for Healthcare Education
  77. The CLI Book
  78. The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker
  79. The CNN Effect in Action
  80. The CNS Control of Glucose Metabolism
  81. The CO2 Laser
  82. The COVID Pandemic: Essays, Book Reviews, and Poems
  83. The COVID-19 - Health Systems Nexus
  84. The COVID-19 Crisis and Entrepreneurship
  85. The COVID-19 Pandemic and Memory
  86. The CPO
  87. The CRAC Channel
  88. The CRISPR/Cas Tool Kit for Genome Editing
  89. The CSCE Security Regime Formation
  90. The Cadbury Code and Recurrent Crisis
  91. The Cadherin Superfamily
  92. The Calabar Bean and its Alkaloids
  93. The Calabi–Yau Landscape
  94. The Calabrian Charlatan, 1598–1603
  95. The Calcium Channel: Structure, Function and Implications
  96. The Calculus of Computation
  97. The Calculus of Consent and Constitutional Design
  98. The Calculus of Life
  99. The Calculus of Variations
  100. The Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control
  101. The Caldwell Objects and How to Observe Them
  102. The California Electricity Crisis: What, Why, and What’s Next
  103. The Call Up to the Majors
  104. The Call of Distant Mammoths
  105. The Call of the Cranes
  106. The Callendar Effect
  107. The Callias Index Formula Revisited
  108. The Caloris Network
  109. The Cambridge Diet
  110. The Cambridge N-Body Lectures
  111. The Cambridge Platonists in Philosophical Context
  112. The Cambridge-Tilburg Law Lectures
  113. The Cameron-Clegg Coalition and Britain’s Role in the World
  114. The Cameron—Clegg Government
  115. The Canadian Contribution to a Comparative Law of Secession
  116. The Canadian Guide to Britain
  117. The Canadian Space Program
  118. The Canal of Panama and Globalization
  119. The Cancer Degradome
  120. The Cancer Patient and Supportive Care
  121. The Cannabinoid Receptors
  122. The Canning of Fish and Meat
  123. The Canning of Fish and Meat
  124. The Canterbury Tales
  125. The Capability Approach
  126. The Capability Approach and the Praxis of Development
  127. The Capability Approach, Empowerment and Participation
  128. The Capability Approach, Technology and Design
  129. The Capable Executive
  130. The Capacitor Handbook
  131. The Capacity Aspect of Inventories
  132. The Capacity Crisis in Disaster Risk Management
  133. The Capacity for Civic Engagement
  134. The Capacity of International Organizations to Conclude Treaties, and the Special Legal Aspects of the Treaties so Concluded
  135. The Capacity of Local Governments in Europe
  136. The Capacity to Share
  137. The Capetian Kings of France
  138. The Capital Market: its Nature and Significance
  139. The Capital Structure Decision
  140. The Capitalist State and the Construction of Civil Society
  141. The Capitalistic Cost-Benefit Structure of Money
  142. The Capsicum Genome
  143. The Captains of Energy
  144. The Captivity of John II, 1356-60
  145. The Car
  146. The Carbinole Acaricides: Chlorobenzilate and Chloropropylate
  147. The Carbon Dioxide Revolution
  148. The Carbonic Anhydrases
  149. The Carbonic Anhydrases
  150. The Carbonic Anhydrases: Current and Emerging Therapeutic Targets
  151. The Carceral Network in Ireland
  152. The Cardiac Lymphatic System
  153. The Cardiovascular Adrenergic System
  154. The Care and Management of Spinal Cord Injuries
  155. The Care of Long-Term Prisoners
  156. The Care of the Cancer Patient
  157. The Care of the Self in Early Christian Texts
  158. The Care of the Uninsured in America
  159. The Career Programmer
  160. The Career of a Research Statistician
  161. The Carers Guide
  162. The Caribbean Banana Trade
  163. The Caribbean Economy in the Age of Globalization
  164. The Caribbean Oral Tradition
  165. The Caribbean Postcolonial
  166. The Caribbean and the Atlantic World Economy
  167. The Caring Person’s Guide to Handling the Severely Multiply Handicapped
  168. The Caring Relationship
  169. The Carleson-Hunt Theorem on Fourier Series
  170. The Carlsberg Story
  171. The Carnation Genome
  172. The Carnegie-Mellon Curriculum for Undergraduate Computer Science
  173. The Carnitine System
  174. The Carnivore Way
  175. The Carolingian Debate over Sacred Space
  176. The Carpathians: Integrating Nature and Society Towards Sustainability
  177. The Carrera Revolt and 'Hybrid Warfare' in Nineteenth-Century Central America
  178. The Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Sea
  179. The Carrier's Liability for Deck Cargo
  180. The Carrot Genome
  181. The Carry On Films
  182. The Carter Administration and Vietnam
  183. The Carter Administration and the Fall of Iran’s Pahlavi Dynasty
  184. The Cartilaginous Skeleton of the Bronchial Tree
  185. The Cartographic Atlas of the Brain
  186. The Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change
  187. The Case Against 2 Per Cent Inflation
  188. The Case Against Bureaucratic Discretion
  189. The Case Against Consequentialism Reconsidered
  190. The Case Against Free Will
  191. The Case Against Theism
  192. The Case For a Humanistic Poetics
  193. The Case Writer’s Toolkit
  194. The Case against Floating Exchanges
  195. The Case against Joining the Common Market
  196. The Case for Repatriating China’s Cultural Objects
  197. The Case for Terence Rattigan, Playwright
  198. The Case for a Carbon Tax
  199. The Case for a New ECU
  200. The Case for the Legal Protection of Animals