30896 publications

  1. The Arts of Citizenship in African Cities
  2. The Arts of Transitional Justice
  3. The Arts, Community and Cultural Democracy
  4. The Ascendancy of Regional Powers in Contemporary US-China Relations
  5. The Ascent from Nominalism
  6. The Ascent of GIM, the Global Intelligent Machine
  7. The Ascent of Mary Somerville in 19th Century Society
  8. The Asia-Pacific Economy
  9. The Asian 21st Century
  10. The Asian City: Processes of Development, Characteristics and Planning
  11. The Asian Development Bank and Rural Development
  12. The Asian Developmental State
  13. The Asian Family in Literature and Film
  14. The Asian Family in Literature and Film
  15. The Asian Financial Crisis: Origins, Implications, and Solutions
  16. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank in a Changing Era
  17. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: The Construction of Power and the Struggle for the East Asian International Order
  18. The Asian Insider
  19. The Asian Megacity Region
  20. The Asian Monsoon
  21. The Asian Tsunami and Post-Disaster Aid
  22. The Asian Vigna
  23. The Aspiring Entrepreneurship Scholar
  24. The Assay of Spatially Random Material
  25. The Assemblage of Korean Shamanism
  26. The Assessment and Treatment of Children Who Abuse Animals
  27. The Assessment of German Cultural Landscapes
  28. The Assessment of L2 Written English across the MENA Region
  29. The Assets Agenda
  30. The Assets Perspective
  31. The Assimilation Myth
  32. The Assimilation and Integration of Pre- and Postwar Refugees in the Netherlands
  33. The Assimilation of German Expellees into the West German Polity and Society Since 1945
  34. The Associative Economy
  35. The Asteroid Impact Connection of Planetary Evolution
  36. The Astronaut's Cookbook
  37. The Astronomer Jules Janssen
  38. The Astronomy of Levi ben Gerson (1288–1344)
  39. The Astrophysics of Emission-Line Stars
  40. The Astrophysics of Galactic Cosmic Rays
  41. The Asylum Acquis Handbook
  42. The Asymmetric Nature of Time
  43. The Asymptotic Behaviour of Semigroups of Linear Operators
  44. The Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem
  45. The Atlantic Alliance and the Middle East
  46. The Atlantic Forest
  47. The Atlantic Imperial Constitution
  48. The Atlantik-Brücke and the American Council on Germany, 1952–1974
  49. The Atlas System of Morocco
  50. The Atlas of Climate Change: Based on SEAP-CMIP5
  51. The Atlas of Health Inequalities in Japan
  52. The Atmosphere and Ionosphere
  53. The Atmosphere and Ionosphere
  54. The Atmosphere and Ionosphere
  55. The Atmosphere — A Challenge
  56. The Atmospheres of Early-Type Stars
  57. The Atmospheric Boundary Layer for Engineers
  58. The Atmospheric Chemist’s Companion
  59. The Atna River: Studies in an Alpine—Boreal Watershed
  60. The Atom-Atom Potential Method
  61. The Atomic Energy Commission under Nixon
  62. The Atomic Nucleus as a Relativistic System
  63. The Atomic World Spooky? It Ain't Necessarily So!
  64. The Atomistic Nature of Crystal Growth
  65. The Attachment-Based Compassion Therapy
  66. The Attention Complex
  67. The Attention Deficit
  68. The Attention Economy and How Media Works
  69. The Attentional Shaping of Perceptual Experience
  70. The Atterbury Plot
  71. The Attractor Mechanism
  72. The Attribute of Water
  73. The Attribution of Blame
  74. The Atypical Mycobacteria and Human Mycobacteriosis
  75. The Audiovisual Chord
  76. The Audit Committee: Performing Corporate Governance
  77. The Auditory Brainstem
  78. The Auditory Cortex
  79. The Auditory Midbrain
  80. The Auditory System at the Cocktail Party
  81. The Augmented Spherical Wave Method
  82. The Augmented Spherical Wave Method
  83. The Auschwitz Sonderkommando
  84. The Austin Protocol Compiler
  85. The Australia-ASEAN Dialogue
  86. The Australia-European Union Free Trade Agreement
  87. The Australian Army Uniform and the Government Clothing Factory
  88. The Australian School of International Relations
  89. The Australian Study of Politics
  90. The Australian Trade Practices Act 1974
  91. The Austrian School of Economics in the 21st Century
  92. The Austro-Libertarian Point of View
  93. The Authoring Problem
  94. The Authoritative Guide on Harbor
  95. The Authority of EU Law
  96. The Authority of Female Speech in Indian Goddess Traditions
  97. The Autistic Stage
  98. The Autistic Subject
  99. The AutoCAD® Reference Guide
  100. The Autobiography of an African Princess
  101. The Autofictional
  102. The Automated City
  103. The Automated Design of Materials Far From Equilibrium
  104. The Automatic Packaging Machinery Sector in Italy and Germany
  105. The Automation of Reasoning with Incomplete Information
  106. The Automobile Revolution
  107. The Automotive Body
  108. The Automotive Body
  109. The Automotive Chassis
  110. The Automotive Chassis
  111. The Automotive Chassis
  112. The Automotive Chassis
  113. The Automotive Development Process
  114. The Automotive Industry and European Integration
  115. The Automotive Transmission Book
  116. The Autonomic Nervous System and Exercise
  117. The Autonomous Child
  118. The Autonomous Linear Quadratic Control Problem
  119. The Autonomous Web
  120. The Autonomy Paradox: Teachers’ Perceptions of Self-Governance Across Europe
  121. The Autonomy of Literature
  122. The Availability of Religious Ideas
  123. The Avar Siege of Constantinople in 626
  124. The Average Consumer in Confusion-based Disputes in European Trademark Law and Similar Fictions
  125. The Avogadro Constant
  126. The Awakening Desert
  127. The Axiological Status of Theism and Other Worldviews
  128. The Axiom of Constructibility: A Guide for the Mathematician
  129. The Axiomatics of Economic Design, Vol. 1
  130. The Axis Vertebra
  131. The Aymara
  132. The Azure Data Lakehouse Toolkit
  133. The A–Z of Applied Quality
  134. The B Language and Method
  135. The BALB/c Mouse
  136. The BAM Complex
  137. The BBC
  138. The BBC Asian Network
  139. The BBC German Service during the Second World War
  140. The BBC and the Development of Anglophone Caribbean Literature, 1943-1958
  141. The BBC in Transition
  142. The BBC, The 'War on Terror' and the Discursive Construction of Terrorism
  143. The BCS-BEC Crossover and the Unitary Fermi Gas
  144. The BOXES Methodology
  145. The BOXES Methodology Second Edition
  146. The BRICHOS Domain
  147. The BRICS Order
  148. The BRICS in International Development
  149. The BRICs, US ‘Decline’ and Global Transformations
  150. The Baboon in Biomedical Research
  151. The Background of Social Reality
  152. The Background to Current Affairs
  153. The Background to Current Affairs
  154. The Bacteria: Their Origin, Structure, Function and Antibiosis
  155. The Bacterial Cell Surface
  156. The Bacterial Cell Wall
  157. The Bacterial Cell Wall
  158. The Bacterial Flagellum
  159. The Bacterial Nucleoid
  160. The Bacteriocins
  161. The Bacteriophages
  162. The Baculovirus Expression System
  163. The Baculoviruses
  164. The Bad Faith in the Free Market
  165. The Baghdad Set
  166. The Bahía Blanca Estuary
  167. The Balance between Industry and Agriculture in Economic Development
  168. The Balance between Industry and Agriculture in Economic Development
  169. The Balance between Industry and Agriculture in Economic Development
  170. The Balance between Industry and Agriculture in Economic Development
  171. The Balance between Industry and Agriculture in Economic Development
  172. The Balance of Power
  173. The Balance of Power in East Asia
  174. The Balance of Power in World History
  175. The Balanced Development Index for Europe’s OECD Countries, 1999–2017
  176. The Balancing Act
  177. The Balkan Prospect
  178. The Balkan Wars from Contemporary Perception to Historic Memory
  179. The Balkans
  180. The Balkans in International Relations
  181. The Balkans in World War Two
  182. The Balkans in the Cold War
  183. The Ball and Some Hilbert Problems
  184. The Ballads and Songs of W. B. Yeats
  185. The Baltic
  186. The Baltic Sea Basin
  187. The Baltic States
  188. The Banking Sector in Hong Kong
  189. The Banking System of Cyprus
  190. The Banking and Financial Structure in the Nafta Countries and Chile
  191. The Bankruptcy of Economics: Ecology, Economics and the Sustainability of the Earth
  192. The Banks and the Italian Economy
  193. The Baobabs: Pachycauls of Africa, Madagascar and Australia
  194. The Barack Obama Presidency
  195. The Barbary Macaque
  196. The Barbier Reaction and Related One-Step Processes
  197. The Barcelona School of Ecological Economics and Political Ecology
  198. The Barley Genome
  199. The Barnard Objects: Then and Now
  200. The Barrel Cortex of Rodents