30895 publications

  1. Television Series as Literature
  2. Television and British Cinema
  3. Television and Dating in Contemporary China
  4. Television and Political Life
  5. Television and Precarity
  6. Television and Teletext
  7. Television and Terror
  8. Television and Youth Culture
  9. Television and the Genetic Imaginary
  10. Television and the Moral Imaginary
  11. Television at the Crossroads
  12. Television in Africa in the Digital Age
  13. Television in Turkey
  14. Television, Memory and Nostalgia
  15. Tell Me, Where Are We Going and How Do We Get There?
  16. Telling Environmental Histories
  17. Telling Fairy Tales in the Boardroom
  18. Telling Our Stories
  19. Telling Ruins in Latin America
  20. Telling Stories in Book Clubs
  21. Telling Tales Over Time
  22. Telling West Indian Lives
  23. Telling it Like it is
  24. Telling the Truth: China’s Great Leap Forward, Household Registration and the Famine Death Tally
  25. Telling to Understand
  26. Tellur
  27. Tellurite Glass Smart Materials
  28. Telocytes
  29. Telomerase Inhibition
  30. Telomere Territory and Cancer
  31. Telomeres and Telomerase
  32. Telomeres and Telomerase
  33. Telomeres and Telomerase
  34. Telomeres and Telomerase in Ageing, Disease, and Cancer
  35. Telomeres and Telomerase in Cancer
  36. Temperament
  37. Temperament
  38. Temperament
  39. Temperament and Children
  40. Temperament und Charakter
  41. Temperament und Kinder
  42. Temperate Fruit Crop Breeding
  43. Temperate Fruit Crops in Warm Climates
  44. Temperate Nuts
  45. Temperate and Boreal Rainforests of the World: Ecology and Conservation
  46. Temperatur und Wärme – was ist das wirklich?
  47. Temperatur- und Dehnungsmessungen in einem Gefrierschacht
  48. Temperatur- und Spannungsverteilung in ausgemauerten zylindrischen Reaktionsgefäßen
  49. Temperaturadaptive Prozessauslegung für das Laser-Pulver-Auftragschweißen
  50. Temperaturausgleich in einfachen Körpern
  51. Temperaturberechnung der Venusatmosphäre bis 80 km Höhe Aufgrund Solarer und Thermischer Strahlungsströme Sowie Konvektiver und Turbulenter Wärmetransporte
  52. Temperature Biology of Animals
  53. Temperature Calculation in Fire Safety Engineering
  54. Temperature Dependent Thomas-Fermi Theory
  55. Temperature Measurement during Millisecond Annealing
  56. Temperature Regulation
  57. Temperature Regulation
  58. Temperature Regulation in Humans and Other Mammals
  59. Temperature and Environmental Effects on the Testis
  60. Temperature and Frequency Dependence of Complex Permittivity in Metal Oxide Dielectrics: Theory, Modelling and Measurement
  61. Temperature and Humidity Independent Control (THIC) of Air-conditioning System
  62. Temperature and Life
  63. Temperature- and Supply Voltage-Independent Time References for Wireless Sensor Networks
  64. Temperature-dependent Deformation and Fracture Behavior of a Talcum-filled Co-polymer
  65. Temperaturfunktionen zur Prüfung selbsttätiger Brandmeldesysteme
  66. Temperaturmessung
  67. Temperaturmessung in Glimmentladungen
  68. Temperaturmessungen an einem einstufigen, luftgekühlten 4-Zylinder-Kolbenkompressor mit Kühlgebläse
  69. Temperaturstrahlung
  70. Temperaturstrahlung fester Körper
  71. Temperaturwechselverhalten tonerdereicher feuerfester Steine im Bereich hoher Temperaturen
  72. Tempered Stable Distributions
  73. Tempests after Shakespeare
  74. Template-based Management
  75. Template-driven Consulting
  76. Templates in Chemistry I
  77. Templates in Chemistry II
  78. Templates in Chemistry III
  79. Temporal Aspects of Therapeutics
  80. Temporal Bone CT and MRI Anatomy
  81. Temporal Bone Cancer
  82. Temporal Bone Imaging
  83. Temporal Bone Imaging Made Easy
  84. Temporal Circumstances
  85. Temporal Climatology and Anomalous Weather Analysis
  86. Temporal Coding in the Brain
  87. Temporal Databases: Research and Practice
  88. Temporal Dimensions of Landscape Ecology
  89. Temporal Disorder in Human Oscillatory Systems
  90. Temporal Dynamics of an Estuary: San Francisco Bay
  91. Temporal GIS
  92. Temporal Information Processing Technology and Its Application
  93. Temporal Information Systems in Medicine
  94. Temporal Logic
  95. Temporal Logic
  96. Temporal Logic
  97. Temporal Logic and State Systems
  98. Temporal Logic in Specification
  99. Temporal Logic of Programs
  100. Temporal Modalities in Arabic Logic
  101. Temporal Modelling of Customer Behaviour
  102. Temporal Network Epidemiology
  103. Temporal Network Theory
  104. Temporal Network Theory
  105. Temporal Networks
  106. Temporal Order
  107. Temporal Patterns of Communication in Social Networks
  108. Temporal Points of View
  109. Temporal Quantum Correlations and Hidden Variable Models
  110. Temporal Type Theory
  111. Temporal Variations of the Cardiovascular System
  112. Temporal Verification of Reactive Systems
  113. Temporal and Spatial Environmental Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
  114. Temporal and Spatial Patterns in Carbonate Platforms
  115. Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Vegetation Dynamics
  116. Temporal and Spatial Regulation of Plant Genes
  117. Temporal, Spatial, and Spatio-Temporal Data Mining
  118. Temporal-Pattern Learning in Neural Models
  119. Temporale Datenbanken in betrieblichen Informationssystemen
  120. Temporale Geschäftsprozessmodellierung
  121. Temporale Muster
  122. Temporality in Life as Seen Through Literature
  123. Temporally Distributed Symptoms in Technical Diagnosis
  124. Temporary Agency Workers in Italy and the UK
  125. Temporary Appropriation in Cities
  126. Temporary Camps, Enduring Segregation
  127. Temporary Cardiac Assist with an Axial Pump System
  128. Temporary Shelters and Surrounding Communities
  129. Temporary Skeletal Anchorage Devices
  130. Temporary Work Agencies in Italy
  131. Temporary Workers or Future Citizens?
  132. Temporary and Child Marriages in Iran and Afghanistan
  133. Temporomandibular Disorders
  134. Temporomandibular Joint Disorders
  135. Temporomandibular Joint Total Joint Replacement – TMJ TJR
  136. Temporomandibular Joint and Airway Disorders
  137. Temporäre An- und Abwesenheiten in ländlichen Räumen
  138. Temptations of Power
  139. Ten Applications of Graph Theory
  140. Ten Crises
  141. Ten Laws for Security
  142. Ten Lectures on Random Media
  143. Ten Lectures on Statistical and Structural Pattern Recognition
  144. Ten Materials That Shaped Our World
  145. Ten Physical Applications of Spectral Zeta Functions
  146. Ten Physical Applications of Spectral Zeta Functions
  147. Ten Projects in Applied Statistics
  148. Ten Worlds of Welfare Capitalism
  149. Ten Years of Boko Haram in Nigeria
  150. Ten Years of English Learning at School
  151. Ten Years of New Labour
  152. Ten Years of Progress in GW/P Body Research
  153. Ten Years of Superconductivity: 1980–1990
  154. Ten-Gallon Economy
  155. Tenacity in Children
  156. Tendenzen im Dienstleistungsmarketing
  157. Tendenzen und Schwerpunkte der britischen Wirtschaftsforschung
  158. Tendinopathy
  159. Tendon Injuries
  160. Tendon Transfers to Restore Opposition of the Thumb
  161. Tendon and Ligament Injuries of the Foot and Ankle
  162. Tendon transfer for irreparable cuff tear
  163. Tennessee Williams
  164. Tennessee Williams
  165. Tennessee Williams and Italy
  166. Tennis Elbow
  167. Tennis Medicine
  168. Tennyson
  169. Tennyson
  170. Tennyson
  171. Tennyson
  172. Tennyson
  173. Tennyson and Geology
  174. Tennyson and His Publishers
  175. Tennyson and Mid-Victorian Publishing
  176. Tennyson and the Fabrication of Englishness
  177. Tennyson’s Scepticism
  178. Tense Logic
  179. Tense, Attitudes, and Scope
  180. Tensegrity Structures
  181. Tensegrity Systems
  182. Tensile Fracturing in Rocks
  183. Tensions Between Capitalism and Democracy Today
  184. Tensions In Teaching About Teaching
  185. Tensions in World Literature
  186. Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers
  187. Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers
  188. Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers
  189. Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers
  190. Tensor Algebra and Tensor Analysis for Engineers
  191. Tensor Analysis
  192. Tensor Analysis and Continuum Mechanics
  193. Tensor Analysis and Continuum Mechanics
  194. Tensor Analysis and Elementary Differential Geometry for Physicists and Engineers
  195. Tensor Analysis and Elementary Differential Geometry for Physicists and Engineers
  196. Tensor Analysis and Nonlinear Tensor Functions
  197. Tensor Analysis for Engineers and Physicists - With Application to Continuum Mechanics, Turbulence, and Einstein’s Special and General Theory of Relativity
  198. Tensor Calculus and Differential Geometry for Engineers
  199. Tensor Calculus for Engineers and Physicists
  200. Tensor Categories and Endomorphisms of von Neumann Algebras