30896 publications

  1. Trace Elements in Clinical Medicine
  2. Trace Elements in Environmental History
  3. Trace Elements in Man and Animals 10
  4. Trace Elements in Man and Animals 6
  5. Trace Elements in Terrestrial Environments
  6. Trace Elements in the Terrestrial Environment
  7. Trace Elements, Micronutrients, and Free Radicals
  8. Trace Fossil Analysis
  9. Trace Gas Emissions and Plants
  10. Trace Gas Exchange in Forest Ecosystems
  11. Trace Metal Biogeochemistry and Ecology of Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Systems
  12. Trace Metals in Sea Water
  13. Trace Metals in a Tropical Mangrove Wetland
  14. Trace Metals in the Westerschelde Estuary: A Case-Study of a Polluted, Partially Anoxic Estuary
  15. Trace Theory and VLSJ Design
  16. Trace-Based Post-Silicon Validation for VLSI Circuits
  17. TraceME: A Traceability-Based Method for Conceptual Model Evolution
  18. Traceability in Chemical Measurement
  19. Traceability in the Dairy Industry in Europe
  20. Traceability, Validation and Measurement Uncertainty in Chemistry: Vol. 3
  21. Traceback and Anonymity
  22. Tracer Diffusion Data for Metals, Alloys, and Simple Oxides
  23. Tracer Kinetics and Physiologic Modeling
  24. Tracer Kinetics in Biomedical Research
  25. Tracer Methods in Hormone Research
  26. Tracer Technology
  27. Traces and Determinants of Linear Operators
  28. Traces and Emergence of Nonlinear Programming
  29. Traces of Common Xylophagous Insects in Wood
  30. Traces of Differential Forms and Hochschild Homology
  31. Traces of Fukushima
  32. Traces of Violence and Freedom of Thought
  33. Traces of the Ice Age
  34. Trachea and Lung Surgery in Childhood
  35. Trachea · Bronchien · Lungen · Pleura
  36. Tracheostomy
  37. Tracheotomie
  38. Tracheotomie und Tracheostomaversorgung
  39. Tracheotomy and Airway
  40. Trachten der Schweiz
  41. Tracing Contemporary Chinese Art
  42. Tracing Dominican Identity
  43. Tracing Gender Practices After Armed Conflicts
  44. Tracing Paradigms: One Hundred Years of Neophilologus
  45. Tracing Private Conversations in Early Modern Europe
  46. Tracing Rhetoric and Material Life
  47. Tracing War in British Enlightenment and Romantic Culture
  48. Tracing the Aesthetic Principle in Conrad’s Novels
  49. Tracing the Discourses of Terrorism
  50. Tracing the Emergence of Psychology, 1520–⁠1750
  51. Tracing the Life Cycle of Ideas in the Humanities and Social Sciences
  52. Tracing the Politicisation of the EU
  53. Tracing the Shadow of Secrecy and Government Transparency in Eighteenth-Century France
  54. Tracing the Sources and Fate of Contaminants in Agroecosystems
  55. Track and Trace Management System for Dementia and Intellectual Disabilities
  56. Track-Before-Detect Using Expectation Maximisation
  57. Tracking Apollo to the Moon
  58. Tracking Control of Networked Systems via Sliding-Mode
  59. Tracking Differentiator Algorithms
  60. Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments
  61. Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments
  62. Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments
  63. Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments
  64. Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments
  65. Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments
  66. Tracking Interaction in Chinese Scholars’ Academic Writing
  67. Tracking Solar Concentrators
  68. Tracking and Mapping of Spatiotemporal Quantities Using Unicellular Swarm Intelligence
  69. Tracking and Preventing Diseases with Artificial Intelligence
  70. Tracking and Sensor Data Fusion
  71. Tracking the Automatic ANT
  72. Tracking the Literature of Tropical Weather
  73. Tracking the Neolithic House in Europe
  74. Tracks to Innovation
  75. Tractable Models of Solid Mechanics
  76. Tractable Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence
  77. Tractor-Implement Systems
  78. Tractors and their Power Units
  79. Trade Agreements and Public Health
  80. Trade Barriers Facing Developing Countries
  81. Trade Credit and Temporary Employment
  82. Trade Cycles: Theory and Evidence
  83. Trade Diplomacy Transformed
  84. Trade Effects of Public Subsidies to Private Enterprise
  85. Trade Facilitation Capacity Needs
  86. Trade Liberalisation, Economic Growth and Environmental Externalities
  87. Trade Liberalization in Sri Lanka
  88. Trade Logistics in Landlocked and Resource Cursed Asian Countries
  89. Trade Marks and Free Trade
  90. Trade Negotiations in Latin America
  91. Trade Policies towards Developing Countries
  92. Trade Policy Reforms in Latin America
  93. Trade Policy between Law, Diplomacy and Scholarship
  94. Trade Policy in the Asia-Pacific
  95. Trade Preferences for Developing Countries
  96. Trade Relations between Qing China and Tokugawa Japan
  97. Trade Routes to Sustained Economic Growth
  98. Trade Secrets Legal Protection
  99. Trade Show Psychology
  100. Trade Specialization in the Enlarged European Union
  101. Trade Strategy in East Asia
  102. Trade Theory and Policy
  103. Trade Theory in Computable General Equilibrium Models
  104. Trade Union Activism in the Nordic Countries since 1900
  105. Trade Union Cooperation in Europe
  106. Trade Unions and Politics
  107. Trade Unions and the Coming of Democracy in Africa
  108. Trade Unions and the Economy
  109. Trade Unions and the Management of Industrial Conflict
  110. Trade Unions and the Media
  111. Trade Unions and their Members
  112. Trade Unions in Russia and Ukraine, 1985-95
  113. Trade Unions in Western Europe since 1945
  114. Trade Unions on YouTube
  115. Trade Unions, Wage Formation and Macroeconomic Stability
  116. Trade Wins or Trade Wars
  117. Trade and Development
  118. Trade and Development Policies
  119. Trade and Environment
  120. Trade and Exchange
  121. Trade and Industrial Policy in Developing Countries
  122. Trade and Investment in East Africa
  123. Trade and Investment in the Middle East
  124. Trade and Receivables Finance
  125. Trade and Regional Integration in South Asia
  126. Trade and Tax Policy, Inflation and Exchange Rates
  127. Trade and Technology Networks in the Chinese Textile Industry
  128. Trade and Technology in Soviet-Western Relations
  129. Trade and The Environment
  130. Trade and Women’s Economic Empowerment
  131. Trade and the Environment in General Equilibrium: Evidence from Developing Economies
  132. Trade and the Labor Market
  133. Trade in Health Services in South Asia
  134. Trade in Ideas
  135. Trade in Services and Imperfect Competition
  136. Trade in Transit
  137. Trade, Aid and Development
  138. Trade, Circulation, and Flow in the Indian Ocean World
  139. Trade, Development and Political Economy
  140. Trade, Development and Structural Change
  141. Trade, Environment & Sustainable Development
  142. Trade, Globalization and Development
  143. Trade, Growth, and Economic Policy in Open Economies
  144. Trade, Industrial Restructuring and Development in Hong Kong
  145. Trade, Innovation, Environment
  146. Trade, Integration and Economic Development
  147. Trade, Investment and Competition in International Banking
  148. Trade, Investment and Economic Growth
  149. Trade, Investment, Migration and Labour Market Adjustment
  150. Trade, Labour and Transformation of Community in Asia
  151. Trade, Networks and Hierarchies
  152. Trade, Planning and Rural Development
  153. Trade, Poverty and the Environment
  154. Trade, Reputation and Child Labor in Twentieth-Century Egypt
  155. Trade, the WTO and Energy Security
  156. Trade-Offs in Analog Circuit Design
  157. Trademarks
  158. Tradeoff Decisions in System Design
  159. Traders at Work
  160. Traders, Informal Trade and Markets between the Caucasus and China
  161. Trading Agents
  162. Trading Economics
  163. Trading Ontology for Ideology
  164. Trading Systems
  165. Trading Tactics in the Financial Market
  166. Trading Thalesians
  167. Trading and Price Discovery for Crude Oils
  168. Trading in Local Energy Markets and Energy Communities
  169. Trading in Uncertainty
  170. Tradition and Argument in Classical Indian Linguistics
  171. Tradition and Authority
  172. Tradition and Change in Administrative Law
  173. Tradition and Experiment in English Poetry
  174. Tradition and Individuality
  175. Tradition and Influence in Anglo-Irish Poetry
  176. Tradition and Influence in Anglo-Saxon Literature
  177. Tradition and Innovation
  178. Tradition and Innovation in Chaucer
  179. Tradition and Modernity in Spanish American Literature
  180. Tradition and Public Administration
  181. Tradition and Science of Persian Ink Making
  182. Tradition in Creative Writing
  183. Tradition ohne Vergangenheit
  184. Tradition und Transformation
  185. Tradition-Based Natural Resource Management
  186. Traditional Chinese Fiction in the English-Speaking World
  187. Traditional Chinese Leisure Culture and Economic Development
  188. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Diseases
  189. Traditional Chinese Thinking on HRM Practices
  190. Traditional Chinese Villages
  191. Traditional Churches, Born Again Christianity, and Pentecostalism
  192. Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Resource Management in Asia
  193. Traditional English Grammar and Beyond
  194. Traditional Ethics and Contemporary Society of China
  195. Traditional European Breads
  196. Traditional Family Values and Substance Abuse
  197. Traditional Foods
  198. Traditional Foods
  199. Traditional Forest-Related Knowledge
  200. Traditional Indian Virtue Ethics for Today