24939 publications

  1. Statistical Handbook of U. K. Agriculture
  2. Statistical Human Genetics
  3. Statistical Human Genetics
  4. Statistical Hydrodynamic Models for Developed Mixing Instability Flows
  5. Statistical Hypothesis Testing with Microsoft ® Office Excel ®
  6. Statistical Image Processing Techniques for Noisy Images
  7. Statistical Image Processing and Multidimensional Modeling
  8. Statistical Implicative Analysis
  9. Statistical Inference
  10. Statistical Inference Based on Kernel Distribution Function Estimators
  11. Statistical Inference Under Mixture Models
  12. Statistical Inference and Machine Learning for Big Data
  13. Statistical Inference and Prediction in Climatology: A Bayesian Approach
  14. Statistical Inference for Discrete Time Stochastic Processes
  15. Statistical Inference for Ergodic Diffusion Processes
  16. Statistical Inference for Financial Engineering
  17. Statistical Inference for Spatial Poisson Processes
  18. Statistical Inference in Random Coefficient Regression Models
  19. Statistical Inference in Science
  20. Statistical Inference on Residual Life
  21. Statistical Inference, Econometric Analysis and Matrix Algebra
  22. Statistical Information and Likelihood
  23. Statistical Inversion of Electromagnetic Logging Data
  24. Statistical Language Models for Information Retrieval
  25. Statistical Language and Speech Processing
  26. Statistical Language and Speech Processing
  27. Statistical Language and Speech Processing
  28. Statistical Language and Speech Processing
  29. Statistical Language and Speech Processing
  30. Statistical Language and Speech Processing
  31. Statistical Language and Speech Processing
  32. Statistical Language and Speech Processing
  33. Statistical Language and Speech Processing
  34. Statistical Learning Theory and Stochastic Optimization
  35. Statistical Learning and Data Sciences
  36. Statistical Learning and Modeling in Data Analysis
  37. Statistical Learning and Pattern Analysis for Image and Video Processing
  38. Statistical Learning from a Regression Perspective
  39. Statistical Learning from a Regression Perspective
  40. Statistical Learning from a Regression Perspective
  41. Statistical Learning in Genetics
  42. Statistical Learning of Complex Data
  43. Statistical Learning with Math and Python
  44. Statistical Learning with Math and R
  45. Statistical Literacy for Clinical Practitioners
  46. Statistical Matching
  47. Statistical Mechancis
  48. Statistical Mechanical Theory of the Electrolytic Transport of Non-electrolytes
  49. Statistical Mechanics
  50. Statistical Mechanics
  51. Statistical Mechanics
  52. Statistical Mechanics
  53. Statistical Mechanics
  54. Statistical Mechanics
  55. Statistical Mechanics Deformation Ultrasonic Spectroscopy
  56. Statistical Mechanics and Field Theory: Mathematical Aspects
  57. Statistical Mechanics and Fractals
  58. Statistical Mechanics and Mathematical Problems
  59. Statistical Mechanics and Statistical Methods in Theory and Application
  60. Statistical Mechanics and the Foundations of Thermodynamics
  61. Statistical Mechanics for Athermal Fluctuation
  62. Statistical Mechanics for Engineers
  63. Statistical Mechanics of Biocomplexity
  64. Statistical Mechanics of Classical and Disordered Systems
  65. Statistical Mechanics of Complex Networks
  66. Statistical Mechanics of Hamiltonian Systems with Bounded Kinetic Terms
  67. Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems
  68. Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems
  69. Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks
  70. Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks
  71. Statistical Mechanics of Periodic Frustrated Ising Systems
  72. Statistical Mechanics of Superconductivity
  73. Statistical Mechanics of Turbulent Flows
  74. Statistical Mechanics, Protein Structure, and Protein Substrate Interactions
  75. Statistical Meso-Mechanics of Damage and Failure: How Microdamage Induces Disaster
  76. Statistical Methods
  77. Statistical Methods and Analyses for Medical Devices
  78. Statistical Methods and Applications from a Historical Perspective
  79. Statistical Methods and Applications in Forestry and Environmental Sciences
  80. Statistical Methods and Applications in Insurance and Finance
  81. Statistical Methods at the Forefront of Biomedical Advances
  82. Statistical Methods for Annotation Analysis
  83. Statistical Methods for Astronomical Data Analysis
  84. Statistical Methods for Biostatistics and Related Fields
  85. Statistical Methods for Data Analysis
  86. Statistical Methods for Data Analysis in Particle Physics
  87. Statistical Methods for Data Analysis in Particle Physics
  88. Statistical Methods for Disease Clustering
  89. Statistical Methods for Dynamic Treatment Regimes
  90. Statistical Methods for Environmental Epidemiology with R
  91. Statistical Methods for Experimental Research in Education and Psychology
  92. Statistical Methods for Global Health and Epidemiology
  93. Statistical Methods for Human Rights
  94. Statistical Methods for Imbalanced Data in Ecological and Biological Studies
  95. Statistical Methods for Microarray Data Analysis
  96. Statistical Methods for Plant Variety Evaluation
  97. Statistical Methods for Quality Assurance
  98. Statistical Methods for Quality of Life Studies
  99. Statistical Methods for Ranking Data
  100. Statistical Methods for Spatial Planning and Monitoring
  101. Statistical Methods for Spoken Dialogue Management
  102. Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Repeated Measurements
  103. Statistical Methods for the Assessment of Point Source Pollution
  104. Statistical Methods for the Earth Scientist
  105. Statistical Methods for the Environmental Sciences
  106. Statistical Methods for the Evaluation of Educational Services and Quality of Products
  107. Statistical Methods for the Evaluation of University Systems
  108. Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics
  109. Statistical Methods in Bioinformatics
  110. Statistical Methods in Biomarker and Early Clinical Development
  111. Statistical Methods in Counterterrorism
  112. Statistical Methods in Education and Psychology
  113. Statistical Methods in Human Genetics
  114. Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Hydroclimatology
  115. Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Hydroclimatology
  116. Statistical Methods in Medical Research
  117. Statistical Methods in Molecular Biology
  118. Statistical Methods in Molecular Evolution
  119. Statistical Methods in Neuropsychology
  120. Statistical Methods in Quantum Optics 1
  121. Statistical Methods in Quantum Optics 2
  122. Statistical Methods in Social Science Research
  123. Statistical Methods in Software Engineering
  124. Statistical Methods in Sonar
  125. Statistical Methods in Toxicology
  126. Statistical Methods in Video Processing
  127. Statistical Methods: Connections, Equivalencies, and Relationships
  128. Statistical Methods: The Geometric Approach
  129. Statistical Mining and Data Visualization in Atmospheric Sciences
  130. Statistical Modeling Using Bayesian Latent Gaussian Models
  131. Statistical Modeling and Analysis for Complex Data Problems
  132. Statistical Modeling and Computation
  133. Statistical Modeling and Simulation for Experimental Design and Machine Learning Applications
  134. Statistical Modeling for Biological Systems
  135. Statistical Modeling for Computer-Aided Design of MOS VLSI Circuits
  136. Statistical Modeling for Degradation Data
  137. Statistical Modeling in Biomedical Research
  138. Statistical Modeling of the National Assessment of Educational Progress
  139. Statistical Modeling, Analysis and Management of Fuzzy Data
  140. Statistical Modelling
  141. Statistical Modelling
  142. Statistical Modelling and Machine Learning Principles for Bioinformatics Techniques, Tools, and Applications
  143. Statistical Modelling and Regression Structures
  144. Statistical Modelling and Risk Analysis
  145. Statistical Modelling in Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
  146. Statistical Modelling of Survival Data with Random Effects
  147. Statistical Models Based on Counting Processes
  148. Statistical Models and Control Charts for High-Quality Processes
  149. Statistical Models and Methods for Biomedical and Technical Systems
  150. Statistical Models and Methods for Data Science
  151. Statistical Models and Methods for Financial Markets
  152. Statistical Models and Turbulence
  153. Statistical Models for Data Analysis
  154. Statistical Models for Optimizing Mineral Exploration
  155. Statistical Models for Proportions and Probabilities
  156. Statistical Models for Strategic Management
  157. Statistical Models for Test Equating, Scaling, and Linking
  158. Statistical Models in Epidemiology, the Environment, and Clinical Trials
  159. Statistical Models of Shape
  160. Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials
  161. Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials
  162. Statistical Network Analysis: Models, Issues, and New Directions
  163. Statistical Noise or Valuable Information
  164. Statistical Performance Analysis and Modeling Techniques for Nanometer VLSI Designs
  165. Statistical Physics
  166. Statistical Physics
  167. Statistical Physics
  168. Statistical Physics
  169. Statistical Physics
  170. Statistical Physics
  171. Statistical Physics
  172. Statistical Physics
  173. Statistical Physics I
  174. Statistical Physics I
  175. Statistical Physics II
  176. Statistical Physics II
  177. Statistical Physics and Computational Methods for Evolutionary Game Theory
  178. Statistical Physics and Dynamical Systems
  179. Statistical Physics and Economics: Concepts, Tools and Applications
  180. Statistical Physics and Spatial Statistics
  181. Statistical Physics for Biological Matter
  182. Statistical Physics for Cosmic Structures
  183. Statistical Physics for Electrical Engineering
  184. Statistical Physics of Complex Systems
  185. Statistical Physics of Complex Systems
  186. Statistical Physics of Fluids
  187. Statistical Physics of Nanoparticles in the Gas Phase
  188. Statistical Physics of Nanoparticles in the Gas Phase
  189. Statistical Physics of Non Equilibrium Quantum Phenomena
  190. Statistical Physics of Non-Thermal Phase Transitions
  191. Statistical Physics of Polymers
  192. Statistical Physics of Synchronization
  193. Statistical Physics of Wave Interactions
  194. Statistical Physics, Automata Networks and Dynamical Systems
  195. Statistical Population Genomics
  196. Statistical Prediction by Discriminant Analysis
  197. Statistical Pronunciation Modeling for Non-Native Speech Processing
  198. Statistical Properties in Firms’ Large-scale Data
  199. Statistical Properties of Deterministic Systems
  200. Statistical Properties of Nuclei