24939 publications

  1. Specifying Statistical Models
  2. Specimen Banking
  3. Specimen Handling, Preparation, and Treatments in Surface Characterization
  4. Speckle Imaging Using Aperture Modulation
  5. Speckle Photography for Fluid Mechanics Measurements
  6. Spectacle Culture and American Identity 1815–1940
  7. Spectacle, Fashion and the Dancing Experience in Britain, 1960-1990
  8. Spectators in the Field of Politics
  9. Spectatorship and Film Theory
  10. Spectatorship, Embodiment and Physicality in the Contemporary Mutilation Film
  11. Spectra and Chemical Interactions
  12. Spectra and Dynamics of Small Molecules
  13. Spectra and Normal Forms
  14. Spectra for the Identification of Additives in Food Packaging
  15. Spectra of Graphs
  16. Spectral Action in Noncommutative Geometry
  17. Spectral Analysis
  18. Spectral Analysis and Filter Theory in Applied Geophysics
  19. Spectral Analysis of Growing Graphs
  20. Spectral Analysis of Large Dimensional Random Matrices
  21. Spectral Analysis of Nonlinear Elastic Shapes
  22. Spectral Analysis of Nonlinear Operators
  23. Spectral Analysis of Quantum Hamiltonians
  24. Spectral Analysis of Signals
  25. Spectral Analysis on Graph-like Spaces
  26. Spectral Approach to Transport Problems in Two-Dimensional Disordered Lattices
  27. Spectral Atlas of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds
  28. Spectral Classification and Multicolour Photometry
  29. Spectral Decompositions on Banach Spaces
  30. Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography in Macular Diseases
  31. Spectral Elements for Transport-Dominated Equations
  32. Spectral Evolution in Blazars
  33. Spectral Evolution of Galaxies
  34. Spectral Finite Element Method
  35. Spectral Geometry and Inverse Scattering Theory
  36. Spectral Geometry of Graphs
  37. Spectral Geometry: Direct and Inverse Problems
  38. Spectral Imaging
  39. Spectral Interpretation of Decision Diagrams
  40. Spectral Mapping Theorems
  41. Spectral Mapping Theorems
  42. Spectral Measures and Dynamics: Typical Behaviors
  43. Spectral Method in Multiaxial Random Fatigue
  44. Spectral Methods
  45. Spectral Methods
  46. Spectral Methods
  47. Spectral Methods for Incompressible Viscous Flow
  48. Spectral Methods for Non-Standard Eigenvalue Problems
  49. Spectral Methods for Operators of Mathematical Physics
  50. Spectral Methods for Uncertainty Quantification
  51. Spectral Methods for the Estimation of the Effective Elastic Thickness of the Lithosphere
  52. Spectral Methods in Chemistry and Physics
  53. Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics
  54. Spectral Methods in Infinite-Dimensional Analysis
  55. Spectral Methods in Quantum Field Theory
  56. Spectral Methods in Surface Superconductivity
  57. Spectral Mixture for Remote Sensing
  58. Spectral Properties of Hamiltonian Operators
  59. Spectral Properties of Noncommuting Operators
  60. Spectral Readings
  61. Spectral Representations for Schrödinger Operators With Long-Range Potentials
  62. Spectral Shakespeares
  63. Spectral Synthesis
  64. Spectral Techniques in VLSI CAD
  65. Spectral Theory
  66. Spectral Theory
  67. Spectral Theory and Analysis
  68. Spectral Theory and Applications of Linear Operators and Block Operator Matrices
  69. Spectral Theory and Differential Equations
  70. Spectral Theory and Mathematical Physics
  71. Spectral Theory and Mathematical Physics
  72. Spectral Theory and Quantum Mechanics
  73. Spectral Theory and Quantum Mechanics
  74. Spectral Theory and Wave Processes
  75. Spectral Theory and Wave Processes
  76. Spectral Theory in Inner Product Spaces and Applications
  77. Spectral Theory of Approximation Methods for Convolution Equations
  78. Spectral Theory of Automorphic Functions and Its Applications
  79. Spectral Theory of Banach Space Operators
  80. Spectral Theory of Bounded Linear Operators
  81. Spectral Theory of Canonical Differential Systems. Method of Operator Identities
  82. Spectral Theory of Differential Operators
  83. Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems
  84. Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems
  85. Spectral Theory of Families of Self-Adjoint Operators
  86. Spectral Theory of Hyponormal Operators
  87. Spectral Theory of Infinite-Area Hyperbolic Surfaces
  88. Spectral Theory of Infinite-Area Hyperbolic Surfaces
  89. Spectral Theory of Linear Operators
  90. Spectral Theory of Linear Operators and Spectral Systems in Banach Algebras
  91. Spectral Theory of Localized Resonances and Applications
  92. Spectral Theory of Non-Commutative Harmonic Oscillators: An Introduction
  93. Spectral Theory of Operator Pencils, Hermite-Biehler Functions, and their Applications
  94. Spectral Theory of Operators in Hilbert Space
  95. Spectral Theory of Operators on Hilbert Spaces
  96. Spectral Theory of Ordinary Differential Operators
  97. Spectral Theory of Random Schrödinger Operators
  98. Spectral Theory of Random Schrödinger Operators
  99. Spectral Theory of Self-Adjoint Operators in Hilbert Space
  100. Spectral Theory of Value and Actual Economies
  101. Spectral Theory on the S-Spectrum for Quaternionic Operators
  102. Spectral Theory, Function Spaces and Inequalities
  103. Spectral Theory, Mathematical System Theory, Evolution Equations, Differential and Difference Equations
  104. Spectral and Dynamical Stability of Nonlinear Waves
  105. Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations
  106. Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations - ICOSAHOM 2012
  107. Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM 2014
  108. Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM 2016
  109. Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM 2018
  110. Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM 2020+1
  111. Spectral and Imaging Cytometry
  112. Spectral and Scattering Theory
  113. Spectral and Scattering Theory for Ordinary Differential Equations
  114. Spectral and Scattering Theory for Wave Propagation in Perturbed Stratified Media
  115. Spectral and Shape Analysis in Medical Imaging
  116. Spectral, Convolution and Numerical Techniques in Circuit Theory
  117. Spectral, Spatial, and Temporal Properties of Lasers
  118. Spectrally Resolved Detector Arrays for Multiplexed Biomedical Fluorescence Imaging
  119. Spectres of Pessimism
  120. Spectrochemical Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence
  121. Spectroelectrochemistry
  122. Spectrometry of Fuels
  123. Spectrophysics
  124. Spectroscopic Analysis of Optoelectronic Semiconductors
  125. Spectroscopic Data
  126. Spectroscopic Data of Steroid Glycosides: Cardenolides and Pregnanes
  127. Spectroscopic Data of Steroid Glycosides: Cholestanes, Ergostanes, Withanolides, Stigmastane
  128. Spectroscopic Data of Steroid Glycosides: Miscellaneous Steroids and Indexes
  129. Spectroscopic Data of Steroid Glycosides: Pregnanes, Androstanes, and Miscellaneous
  130. Spectroscopic Data of Steroid Glycosides: Spirostanes, Bufanolides, Cardenolides
  131. Spectroscopic Data of Steroid Glycosides: Stigmastanes, Furostanes, Spirtostanes
  132. Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Photovoltaics
  133. Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Photovoltaics
  134. Spectroscopic Instrumentation
  135. Spectroscopic Investigations of Hydrogen Bond Network Structures in Water Clusters
  136. Spectroscopic Methods and Analyses
  137. Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry
  138. Spectroscopic Methods in the Study of Kaolin Minerals and Their Modifications
  139. Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis
  140. Spectroscopic Properties of Rare Earths in Optical Materials
  141. Spectroscopic Study on Charge-Spin-Orbital Coupled Phenomena in Mott-Transition Oxides
  142. Spectroscopic Techniques & Artificial Intelligence for Food and Beverage Analysis
  143. Spectroscopic Tricks
  144. Spectroscopic Tricks
  145. Spectroscopic and Computational Studies of Supramolecular Systems
  146. Spectroscopic and Diffraction Techniques in Interfacial Electrochemistry
  147. Spectroscopic and Kinetic Data. Physical Data I
  148. Spectroscopic and Mechanistic Studies of Dinuclear Metallohydrolases and Their Biomimetic Complexes
  149. Spectroscopy
  150. Spectroscopy I / Spektroskopie I
  151. Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Collective Excitations in Solids
  152. Spectroscopy and Optical Diagnostics for Gases
  153. Spectroscopy and Structure of Molecular Complexes
  154. Spectroscopy at Radio and Microwave Frequencies
  155. Spectroscopy for Materials Analysis
  156. Spectroscopy from Space
  157. Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules
  158. Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules
  159. Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: Modern Trends
  160. Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions
  161. Spectroscopy of Complex Oxide Interfaces
  162. Spectroscopy of Defects in Organic Crystals
  163. Spectroscopy of Emerging Materials
  164. Spectroscopy of Inorganic Bioactivators
  165. Spectroscopy of Light and Heavy Quarks
  166. Spectroscopy of Mott Insulators and Correlated Metals
  167. Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Microstructures
  168. Spectroscopy of Semiconductors
  169. Spectroscopy of Solid-State Laser-Type Materials
  170. Spectroscopy of Systems with Spatially Confined Structures
  171. Spectroscopy of the Excited State
  172. Spectroscopy, Luminescence and Radiation Centers in Minerals
  173. Spectroscopy: NMR, Fluorescence, FT-IR
  174. Spectroscopy: The Key to the Stars
  175. Spectrum Access and Management for Cognitive Radio Networks
  176. Spectrum Estimation and System Identification
  177. Spectrum Sharing Between Radars and Communication Systems
  178. Spectrum Sharing for Wireless Communications
  179. Spectrum Sharing in Cognitive Radio Networks
  180. Spectrum Trading in Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Networks
  181. Spectrum of Sex
  182. Spectrum-Aware Mobile Computing
  183. Speculative Geographies
  184. Speditionelle Transportdisposition
  185. Speditionsbetriebslehre
  186. Speditionsbetriebslehre in Frage und Antwort
  187. Speditionsbetriebslehre in Frage und Antwort
  188. Speditionsbetriebslehre und Logistik
  189. Speditionsbetriebslehre und Logistik
  190. Speditionsbetriebslehre und Logistik
  191. Speditionsbetriebslehre und Logistik
  192. Speditionsbetriebslehre und Logistik
  193. Speditionsbetriebslehre und Logistik
  194. Speditionsbetriebslehre und Logistik
  195. Speditionskaufmann
  196. Speditionskaufmann
  197. Speditionskaufmann
  198. Speditionsrechnen mit Prüfungsaufgaben
  199. Speech Accommodation in Student Presentations
  200. Speech Acoustics and Phonetics