24937 publications

  1. Singular Spectrum Analysis for Time Series
  2. Singular Spectrum Analysis for Time Series
  3. Singular Spectrum Analysis with R
  4. Singular Stochastic Differential Equations
  5. Singular and Different
  6. Singularities
  7. Singularities and Computer Algebra
  8. Singularities and Constructive Methods for Their Treatment
  9. Singularities and Foliations. Geometry, Topology and Applications
  10. Singularities and Groups in Bifurcation Theory
  11. Singularities and Groups in Bifurcation Theory
  12. Singularities and Oscillations
  13. Singularities and Their Interaction with Geometry and Low Dimensional Topology
  14. Singularities and Topology of Hypersurfaces
  15. Singularities in Boundary Value Problems
  16. Singularities in Elliptic Boundary Value Problems and Elasticity and Their Connection with Failure Initiation
  17. Singularities in Fluids, Plasmas and Optics
  18. Singularities in Geometry, Topology, Foliations and Dynamics
  19. Singularities in Gravitational Systems
  20. Singularities in Linear Wave Propagation
  21. Singularities of Analytic Spaces
  22. Singularities of Caustics and Wave Fronts
  23. Singularities of Differentiable Maps
  24. Singularities of Differentiable Maps
  25. Singularities of Differentiable Maps, Volume 1
  26. Singularities of Differentiable Maps, Volume 2
  27. Singularities of Mappings
  28. Singularities of Robot Mechanisms
  29. Singularities of integrals
  30. Singularities, Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, and Related Topics
  31. Singularities, Representation of Algebras, and Vector Bundles
  32. Singularity Hypotheses
  33. Singularity Theory I
  34. Singularity Theory and Equivariant Symplectic Maps
  35. Singularity Theory and Gravitational Lensing
  36. Singularity Theory and an Introduction to Catastrophe Theory
  37. Singularity Theory and its Applications
  38. Singularity Theory and its Applications
  39. Singularity Theory, Rod Theory, and Symmetry-Breaking Loads
  40. Singularitäten
  41. Singularitäten des Davoser Klimas
  42. Singularités C∞ en Présence de Symétrie
  43. Singularités d'Applications Différentiables
  44. Singularités des systèmes différentiels de Gauss-Manin
  45. Singularly Perturbed Boundary Value Problems
  46. Singularly Perturbed Boundary-Value Problems
  47. Singularly Perturbed Jump Systems
  48. Singularly Perturbed and Weakly Coupled Linear Control Systems
  49. Sinicizing International Relations
  50. Sinister Aesthetics
  51. Sinkholes and Subsidence
  52. Sinn im Dialog
  53. Sinn in der Arbeit
  54. Sinn und Arbeit
  55. Sinn und Funktion des Mythos in der griechischen und der römischen Dichtung
  56. Sinn und Inhalt in der Genetischen Phänomenologie E. Husserls
  57. Sinn und Inhalt in der Genetischen Phänomenologie E. Husserls
  58. Sinn und Relevanz
  59. Sinn von Arbeit
  60. Sinn(es)-Welten
  61. Sinn, Werte und Religion in der Elementarpädagogik
  62. Sinn-Management
  63. Sinnbilder des Alltagsverstandes
  64. Sinne und Verhalten: aus dem Leben einer Spinne
  65. Sinnes- und nervenphysiologische Untersuchungen an Scyphomedusen
  66. Sinnesorgane und Leuchtorgane
  67. Sinnesphysiologie
  68. Sinnesphysiologie
  69. Sinnesphysiologie programmiert
  70. Sinnesphysiologie und »Sprache« der Bienen
  71. Sinnesphysiologische und psychologische Untersuchungen an Musteliden
  72. Sinneswahrnehmung bei Pflanzen: Graviperzeption
  73. Sinnhaft führen
  74. Sinnhafte Strukturen des Handelns und neurobiologische Prozesse des Sehens
  75. Sinnkonstruktion und Mathematiklernen in Deutschland und Hongkong
  76. Sinnliche Bildung?
  77. Sinnliche Subjektivität bei Kant
  78. Sinnorientierte Führung
  79. Sinnstiftung als Beruf
  80. Sinnwelt Freizeit
  81. Sinnwelten
  82. Sinnzusammenhänge im modernen Wettbewerbsrecht
  83. Sino-African Cooperation for Schistosomiasis Control in Zanzibar
  84. Sino-African Development Cooperation
  85. Sino-American Relations
  86. Sino-German Encounters and Entanglements
  87. Sino-German Intercultural Management
  88. Sino-Japanese Power Politics
  89. Sino-Japanese Relations in a Trilateral Context
  90. Sino-Latin American Economic and Trade Relations
  91. Sino-Mexican Trade Relations
  92. Sino-Russian Relations in the 21st Century
  93. Sino-Russian Relations in the Seventeenth Century
  94. Sino-Soviet Dialogue on the Problem of War
  95. Sino-US Relations and the Role of Emotion in State Action
  96. Sino-US and Indo-US Relations
  97. Sinonasal and Skull Base Malignancies
  98. Sinophone Adaptations of Shakespeare
  99. Sinophone Cinemas
  100. Sinophone-Anglophone Cultural Duet
  101. Sintereisen
  102. Sintereisen und Sinterstahl
  103. Sintering
  104. Sintering Key Papers
  105. Sintering and Catalysis
  106. Sintering and Plastic Deformation
  107. Sintering and Related Phenomena
  108. Sintering’85
  109. Sintern, Schmelzen und Verblasen sulfidischer Erze und Hüttenprodukte
  110. Sinterung von Filterkuchen aus Eisenerz- bzw. Konzentratschlamm
  111. Sinterwerkstoffe aus Nickel oder Nickelaluminid mit Aluminiumoxyd
  112. Sinus Grafting Techniques
  113. Sinus Headache, Migraine, and the Otolaryngologist
  114. Sinus node inhibitors
  115. Sinusoidal Oscillators and Waveform Generators using Modern Electronic Circuit Building Blocks
  116. Sinusoidal Three-Phase Windings of Electric Machines
  117. Sinusrelief und Tangensrelief in der Elektrotechnik
  118. Sir Anthony Eden and the Suez Crisis
  119. Sir Arthur Lewis
  120. Sir Francis Galton, FRS
  121. Sir George Trevelyan, Residential Adult Education and the New Age
  122. Sir Hans Singer
  123. Sir Humphrey Gilbert and the Elizabethan Expedition
  124. Sir James Frazer and the Literary Imagination
  125. Sir James Graham
  126. Sir John Malcolm and the Creation of British India
  127. Sir John Moore’s Peninsular Campaign 1808–1809
  128. Sir Peter Hall: Pioneer in Regional Planning, Transport and Urban Geography
  129. Sir Philip Gibbs and English Journalism in War and Peace
  130. Sir Philip Sidney and the English Renaissance
  131. Sir Philip Sidney, Cultural Icon
  132. Sir Robert Peel
  133. Sir Thomas Lewis
  134. Sir Walter Ralegh and his Readers in the Seventeenth Century
  135. Sirius
  136. Sirius Matters
  137. Sirtuins
  138. Sirtuins
  139. Sisal in Ostafrika
  140. Sistemi ACM e Imaging Diagnostico
  141. Sistemi dinamici e teoremi ergodici
  142. Sistemi motori
  143. Sister Chromatid Exchanges
  144. Sister Plume’s Notes on Nursing
  145. Sisterhood, Interrupted
  146. Sisters and Rivals in British Women’s Fiction, 1914–39
  147. Sisters in Literature
  148. Sisters in the Brotherhoods
  149. Sisters of the Brotherhood: Alienation and Inclusion in Learning Philosophy
  150. Site Carpentry and Advanced Joinery
  151. Site Characterization and Aggregation of Implanted Atoms in Materials
  152. Site Characterization in Karst and Pseudokarst Terraines
  153. Site Design for Multifamily Housing
  154. Site Diversity in Satellite Communications
  155. Site Selection and Value Evaluation of New Hotel Projects
  156. Site Symmetry in Crystals
  157. Site Symmetry in Crystals
  158. Site, Dance and Body
  159. Site-Selective Catalysis
  160. Site-Specific Protein Labeling
  161. Site-Specific Recombinases
  162. Site-directed insertion of transgenes
  163. Sites of Modernity
  164. Sitten und Sittlichkeit im 19. Jahrhundert/Les Morales au XIXe siècle
  165. Situated Cognition Research
  166. Situated Dialog in Speech-Based Human-Computer Interaction
  167. Situated Learning in Interpreter Education
  168. Situatedness and Place
  169. Situating Children of Migrants across Borders and Origins
  170. Situating Intersectionality
  171. Situating Moral and Cultural Values in ELT Materials
  172. Situating Social Practices in Community Energy Projects
  173. Situation Awareness with Systems of Systems
  174. Situation Recognition Using EventShop
  175. Situation Specific Theories: Development, Utilization, and Evaluation in Nursing
  176. Situational Diversity
  177. Situational Method Engineering
  178. Situational Method Engineering: Fundamentals and Experiences
  179. Situational Privacy and Self-Disclosure
  180. Situations, Language and Logic
  181. Situationsanalyse
  182. Situationsbezogene Diagnosekompetenz von Mathematiklehrkräften
  183. Situationsklärungen
  184. Situationsklärungen
  185. Situationsmodellierung in der Bildfolgenauswertung
  186. Situative Content-Marketing-Strategie
  187. Situative Karten
  188. Situative Verhandlungsführung
  189. Sitzhaltung · Sitzschaden Sitzmöbel
  190. Sitzungsbericht
  191. Sitzungsbericht
  192. Sitzungsverhalten von Managern
  193. Sitzzuteilungsmethoden
  194. Six Contemporary Dramatists
  195. Six Crises of the World Economy
  196. Six Decades of Indonesia-China Relations
  197. Six Group Therapies
  198. Six Lectures on Commutative Algebra
  199. Six Lectures on Modern Natural Philosophy
  200. Six Lectures on Plotinus and Gnosticism