24932 publications

  1. Security, Race, Biopower
  2. Security, Territory, Population
  3. Security, Trade, and Environmental Policy
  4. Security, Trust and Privacy Models, and Architectures in IoT Environments
  5. Security-Aware Design for Cyber-Physical Systems
  6. Security-Aware Device-to-Device Communications Underlaying Cellular Networks
  7. Security-Enriched Urban Computing and Smart Grid
  8. Security-Enriched Urban Computing and Smart Grid
  9. Security-Related Advanced Technologies in Critical Infrastructure Protection
  10. Security-aware Cooperation in Cognitive Radio Networks
  11. Security@Work
  12. Sedation and Analgesia for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures
  13. Sedation and Analgesia for the Pediatric Intensivist
  14. Sedation at the End-of-life: An Interdisciplinary Approach
  15. Sedentary Behaviour Epidemiology
  16. Sedentary Behaviour Epidemiology
  17. Sedierung und Narkose
  18. Sediment Compaction and Applications in Petroleum Geoscience
  19. Sediment Diagenesis
  20. Sediment Dynamics and Pollutant Mobility in Rivers
  21. Sediment Fluxes in Coastal Areas
  22. Sediment Matters
  23. Sediment Records of Biomass Burning and Global Change
  24. Sediment Transport
  25. Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb Ores
  26. Sediment-Water Interactions in Anoxic Freshwater Sediments
  27. Sediment/Freshwater Interaction
  28. Sediment/Water Interactions
  29. Sediment/Water Interactions
  30. Sedimentary Basins
  31. Sedimentary Basins
  32. Sedimentary Carbonate Minerals
  33. Sedimentary Dynamics of Windfield-Source-Basin System
  34. Sedimentary Facies Reconstruction and Kinematic Restoration of Tight Gas Fields
  35. Sedimentary Organic Matter
  36. Sedimentary and Evolutionary Cycles
  37. Sedimentation History in the Arctic Ocean and Subarctic Seas for the Last 130 kyr
  38. Sedimentation Process and Design of Settling Systems
  39. Sedimentation Processes in the White Sea
  40. Sedimentation and Sediment Transport
  41. Sedimentation and Tectonics in Rift Basins Red Sea:- Gulf of Aden
  42. Sedimentation and Thickening
  43. Sedimentation as a Three-Component System
  44. Sedimentation in the Rupnarayan River
  45. Sedimentation in the Rupnarayan River
  46. Sedimentationsräume und Lebensbereiche der Erdgeschichte
  47. Sedimentology
  48. Sedimentology
  49. Sedimentology of Shale
  50. Sediments and Environmental Geochemistry
  51. Sediments and Toxic Substances
  52. Sediments and Water Interactions
  53. Seductions of Fate
  54. See No Evil
  55. See Right Through Me
  56. See You at the Crossroads: Hip Hop Scholarship at the Intersections
  57. See the Virgin Blest
  58. See- und Seehafenbau
  59. Seed Analysis
  60. Seed Development: OMICS Technologies toward Improvement of Seed Quality and Crop Yield
  61. Seed Dispersal by Ants in a Deciduous Forest Ecosystem
  62. Seed Dormancy
  63. Seed Dormancy and Germination
  64. Seed Ecology
  65. Seed Endophytes
  66. Seed Germination in Desert Plants
  67. Seed Pathology
  68. Seed Production
  69. Seed Proteins
  70. Seed Proteins
  71. Seed Science and Technology
  72. Seed-Borne Diseases of Agricultural Crops: Detection, Diagnosis & Management
  73. Seed-borne plant virus diseases
  74. Seedling physiology and reforestation success
  75. Seedlings of the North-Western European Lowland
  76. Seeds
  77. Seeds
  78. Seeds
  79. Seeds for Diversity and Inclusion
  80. Seeds of Decadence in the Late Nineteenth-Century Novel
  81. Seeds of Destruction
  82. Seeds of Restoration Success
  83. Seeds of Sustainability
  84. Seehelden und Seeschlachten in neuerer und neuester Zeit
  85. Seehäfen
  86. Seeing Autism through Parents’ Feedback, Sketchnotes, Technology, and Evidence-based Practices
  87. Seeing Between the Pixels
  88. Seeing Cities Through Big Data
  89. Seeing Comics through Art History
  90. Seeing Education on Film
  91. Seeing Film and Reading Feminist Theology
  92. Seeing Hitler’s Germany
  93. Seeing Our Planet Whole: A Cultural and Ethical View of Earth Observation
  94. Seeing Ourselves Through Technology: How We Use Selfies, Blogs and Wearable Devices to See and Shape Ourselves
  95. Seeing Smart Cities Through a Multi-Dimensional Lens
  96. Seeing Stars
  97. Seeing and Believing
  98. Seeing as Practice
  99. Seeing the Better City
  100. Seeing the Self
  101. Seeing, Thinking and Knowing
  102. Seeking Authenticity in Place, Culture, and the Self
  103. Seeking Chances
  104. Seeking Growth Under Financial Volatility
  105. Seeking Higher Ground
  106. Seeking Integrity in Teacher Education
  107. Seeking Molecular Biomarkers for Schizophrenia Using ROC Analysis
  108. Seeking Peace in El Salvador
  109. Seeking Reconciliation in a Context of Coloniality
  110. Seeking Success in E-Business
  111. Seeking Transformation Through Information Technology
  112. Seeking Wisdom in Adult Teaching and Learning
  113. Seeking a Richer Harvest
  114. Seeking safety
  115. Seeking the American Dream
  116. Seekriegsrecht und Seekriegführung im Weltkriege
  117. Seele und Leben
  118. Seele und Seelenkrankheit
  119. Seelenkenner Psychoschurken
  120. Seelenleben und Menschenbild
  121. Seeleute und Gentlemen
  122. Seelische Gesundheit im Langzeitverlauf – Die Mannheimer Kohortenstudie
  123. Seelische Gesundheit und neurotisches Elend
  124. Seelsorge im Islam
  125. Seemannschaft und Schiffstechnik
  126. Seemannschaft und Schiffstechnik
  127. Seemannschaft und Schiffstechnik
  128. Seemings and Epistemic Justification
  129. Seen and Unseen
  130. Seenotrettung und Kirchenasyl
  131. Seeprivatrechtliche Streitigkeiten unter der EuGVVO
  132. Seeungeheuer
  133. Seeverkehrswirtschaft
  134. Seezigeuner Gry
  135. Segelfliegen Lernen
  136. Segeln auf Sicht
  137. Segment und Lungentuberkulose
  138. Segment-Bilanzen
  139. Segmental Idiopathic Necrosis of the Femoral Head
  140. Segmentation and Recovery of Superquadrics
  141. Segmentation and Separation of Overlapped Latent Fingerprints
  142. Segmentation in Social Marketing
  143. Segmentation of Hand Bone for Bone Age Assessment
  144. Segmentation of the Aorta. Towards the Automatic Segmentation, Modeling, and Meshing of the Aortic Vessel Tree from Multicenter Acquisition
  145. Segmentation, Classification, and Registration of Multi-modality Medical Imaging Data
  146. Segmentberichterstattung im externen Jahresabschluß
  147. Segmentberichterstattung nach IFRS 8
  148. Segmentberichterstattung und Corporate Governance
  149. Segmentberichterstattung und Segmentanalyse
  150. Segmentectomy for Early-Stage Lung Cancer
  151. Segmented Labor, Fractured Politics
  152. Segmentierte Aktienmärkte
  153. Segmentierungsstrategien für den europäischen Markt
  154. Segmentinnervation des Cervicalgebietes
  155. Segmentorientierte Preisdifferenzierung für Verkehrsdienstleistungen
  156. Segmentspezifische Kundenzufriedenheitsanalyse
  157. Segregation Hurts
  158. Segregation by Design
  159. Segregation in Language Education
  160. Segregation und Eingliederung
  161. Segregierte Armut in der Stadt
  162. Segregierte Quartiere – segregierte Freizeiträume
  163. Seh- und Höreinbußen älterer Menschen
  164. Sehbeeinträchtigung im Alter
  165. Sehen lernen in der Fernsehgesellschaft
  166. Sehen lernen und verlernen: Perspektiven pädagogischer Professionalisierung
  167. Sehen und Photographie
  168. Sehen und Photographieren — Von der Ästhetik zum Bild
  169. Sehen und Verkehr
  170. Sehen und die Verarbeitung visueller Information
  171. Sehen und die Verarbeitung visueller Information
  172. Sehnenscheidenerkrankungen und Überbeanspruchung
  173. Sehnenverletzungen und Sehnen-Muskeltransplantationen
  174. Sehnsucht The Book of Architectural Longings
  175. Sehorgan und Innere Sekretion
  176. Sehr fortgeschrittene Handhabungssysteme
  177. Sehr geehrter Herr!
  178. Sehstörungen bei Kindern
  179. Sehstörungen bei Kindern
  180. Seiberg-Witten Gauge Theory
  181. Seidenbau und Seidenindustrie in Italien
  182. Seifen und Seifenartige Stoffe
  183. Seifen und Seifenartige Stoffe
  184. Seifert Manifolds
  185. Seigniorage
  186. Seilschwebebahnen
  187. Seilschwebebahnen
  188. Sein und Seiendes
  189. Sein und Zahl
  190. Sein, Wahrheit, Welt
  191. Seinserfahrung durch Lebenserprobung
  192. Seinsglaube in der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls
  193. Seismic Activity in Western Europe
  194. Seismic Analysis of Structures and Equipment
  195. Seismic Anisotropy in the Earth
  196. Seismic Assessment and Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings
  197. Seismic Assessment, Behavior and Retrofit of Heritage Buildings and Monuments
  198. Seismic Behavior of Steel Storage Pallet Racking Systems
  199. Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex Civil Structures
  200. Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex Civil Structures II