12437 publications

  1. Resampling Methods
  2. Resampling Methods
  3. Resampling Methods for Dependent Data
  4. Rescheduling Under Disruptions in Manufacturing Systems
  5. Rescue Robotics
  6. Rescue of Sturgeon Species in the Ural River Basin
  7. Rescuing EU Emissions Trading
  8. Rescuing Reason
  9. Research
  10. Research & Innovation Forum 2019
  11. Research Advances in ADHD and Technology
  12. Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems
  13. Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems
  14. Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems
  15. Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems
  16. Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems
  17. Research Advances in Cloud Computing
  18. Research Advances in Database and Information Systems Security
  19. Research Advances in Industrial Engineering
  20. Research Advances in the Compositae
  21. Research Advances in the Mathematical Education of Pre-service Elementary Teachers
  22. Research Agendas in EU Studies
  23. Research Approaches in Urban Agriculture and Community Contexts
  24. Research Approaches on Workplace Learning
  25. Research Assessment in the Humanities
  26. Research Challenges in Information Science
  27. Research Challenges in Information Science
  28. Research Challenges in Information Science
  29. Research Challenges in Information Science
  30. Research Challenges in Information Science
  31. Research Challenges in Information Science: Information Science and the Connected World
  32. Research Challenges in Modeling and Simulation for Engineering Complex Systems
  33. Research Collaboration and Team Science
  34. Research Design and Proposal Writing in Spatial Science
  35. Research Design and Proposal Writing in Spatial Science
  36. Research Design and Proposal Writing in Spatial Science
  37. Research Design in Business and Management
  38. Research Design in Business and Management
  39. Research Design in European Studies
  40. Research Design in Political Science
  41. Research Developments in Geotechnics, Geo-Informatics and Remote Sensing
  42. Research Developments in Saline Agriculture
  43. Research Developments in Sustainable Aviation
  44. Research Directions in Data and Applications Security
  45. Research Directions in Data and Applications Security XVIII
  46. Research Directions in Database Security
  47. Research Directions in Number Theory
  48. Research Directions in Number Theory
  49. Research Directions in Parallel Functional Programming
  50. Research Directions in Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology
  51. Research Directions, Challenges and Achievements of Modern Geography
  52. Research Ethics for Students in the Social Sciences
  53. Research Ethics in Epidemics and Pandemics: A Casebook
  54. Research Ethics in the Arab Region
  55. Research Ethics in the Digital Age
  56. Research Experiences in Plant Physiology
  57. Research Handbook on Childhoodnature
  58. Research Handbook on Childhoodnature
  59. Research Impact
  60. Research Informing the Practice of Museum Educators
  61. Research Infrastructures for Hardware Accelerators
  62. Research Instrumentation for the 21st Century
  63. Research Issues in Community Nursing
  64. Research Issues in Learning Disabilities
  65. Research Issues in Structured and Semistructured Database Programming
  66. Research Methodologies and Ethical Challenges in Digital Migration Studies
  67. Research Methodologies in Supply Chain Management
  68. Research Methodology
  69. Research Methodology and Scientific Writing
  70. Research Methodology for Allied Health Professionals
  71. Research Methodology in Bioscience and Biotechnology
  72. Research Methodology in Management and Industrial Engineering
  73. Research Methodology in Marketing
  74. Research Methodology: A Guide for Researchers In Agricultural Science, Social Science and Other Related Fields
  75. Research Methods and Data Analysis for Business Decisions
  76. Research Methods and Solutions to Current Transport Problems
  77. Research Methods and Statistics
  78. Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education
  79. Research Methods for Therapists
  80. Research Methods for the Digital Humanities
  81. Research Methods for the Self-study of Practice
  82. Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis
  83. Research Methods in Building Science and Technology
  84. Research Methods in Dentistry
  85. Research Methods in European Union Studies
  86. Research Methods in Indigenous Contexts
  87. Research Methods in International Business
  88. Research Methods in Language and Education
  89. Research Methods in Language and Education
  90. Research Methods in Modern Urban Transportation Systems and Networks
  91. Research Methods in Neurochemistry
  92. Research Methods in Neurochemistry
  93. Research Methods in Neurochemistry
  94. Research Methods in Neurochemistry
  95. Research Methods in Neurochemistry
  96. Research Methods in Neurochemistry
  97. Research Methods in Orthodontics
  98. Research Methods in Remote Sensing
  99. Research Methods in Urban and Regional Planning
  100. Research Methods in the Study of Substance Abuse
  101. Research Methods of Environmental Physiology in Aquatic Sciences
  102. Research Misconduct as White-Collar Crime
  103. Research On and Activities For Mathematically Gifted Students
  104. Research Outline for China’s Cultural Soft Power
  105. Research Outside The Academy
  106. Research Papers in Statistical Inference for Time Series and Related Models
  107. Research Partners with Lived Experience
  108. Research Partnerships in Early Childhood Education
  109. Research Perspectives and Case Studies in System Test and Diagnosis
  110. Research Perspectives in Couple Therapy
  111. Research Perspectives on Dynamic Translinear and Log-Domain Circuits
  112. Research Perspectives on Work and the Transition to Motherhood
  113. Research Problems in Discrete Geometry
  114. Research Problems in Function Theory
  115. Research Procedures and Data Analysis
  116. Research Progress in Oligosaccharins
  117. Research Progress on Forage Production, Processing and Utilization in China
  118. Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics
  119. Research Regarding the Influence of Social Media on the Quality of Services in the Sharing Economy
  120. Research Report on Corporate Social Responsibility of China
  121. Research Schools on Number Theory in India
  122. Research Studies on Learning and Teaching of Mathematics
  123. Research Techniques
  124. Research Techniques for Computer Science, Information Systems and Cybersecurity
  125. Research Techniques for High Pressure and High Temperature
  126. Research Theatre, Climate Change, and the Ecocide Project: A Casebook
  127. Research Thinking for Responsive Teaching
  128. Research Topics in Analysis, Volume I
  129. Research Topics in Bioactivity, Environment and Energy
  130. Research Trends in Combinatorial Optimization
  131. Research Trends in Geographic Information Science
  132. Research Trends in Graph Theory and Applications
  133. Research Trends in Mathematics Teacher Education
  134. Research Using IT
  135. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  136. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  137. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  138. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  139. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  140. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  141. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  142. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  143. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  144. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  145. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  146. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  147. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  148. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  149. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  150. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  151. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  152. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  153. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
  154. Research and Application of Cable-Driven and Rigid Parallel Robots
  155. Research and Development Management
  156. Research and Development Management: From the Soviet Union to Russia
  157. Research and Development in Art, Design and Creativity
  158. Research and Development in Breast Ultrasound
  159. Research and Development in Digital Media
  160. Research and Development in Expert Systems XV
  161. Research and Development in Information Retrieval
  162. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XIX
  163. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XVI
  164. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XVII
  165. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XVIII
  166. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XX
  167. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXI
  168. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXII
  169. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIII
  170. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIV
  171. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXIX
  172. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXV
  173. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVI
  174. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVII
  175. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVIII
  176. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXX
  177. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXI
  178. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXII
  179. Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXIII
  180. Research and Development in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
  181. Research and Development in Relation to Farm Animal Welfare
  182. Research and Development in Work and Technology
  183. Research and Development in the Academy, Creative Industries and Applications
  184. Research and Development of Deck Bridges
  185. Research and Development of High Temperature Materials for Industry
  186. Research and Education in Robotics - EUROBOT 2009
  187. Research and Education in Robotics - EUROBOT 2010
  188. Research and Education in Robotics - EUROBOT 2011
  189. Research and Education in Robotics — EUROBOT 2008
  190. Research and Education in Urban History in the Age of Digital Libraries
  191. Research and Education in Urban History in the Age of Digital Libraries
  192. Research and Education: Traditions and Innovations
  193. Research and Innovation Forum 2020
  194. Research and Innovation Forum 2021
  195. Research and Innovation Forum 2022
  196. Research and Innovation Forum 2023
  197. Research and Innovation in Physics Education: Two Sides of the Same Coin
  198. Research and Innovation in the Modern Corporation
  199. Research and Management Practices for Conservation of the Persian Leopard in Iran
  200. Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems