12436 publications

  1. Refined Verisimilitude
  2. Refinement
  3. Refinement Calculus
  4. Refinement Monoids, Equidecomposability Types, and Boolean Inverse Semigroups
  5. Refinement Techniques in Software Engineering
  6. Refinement in Z and Object-Z
  7. Refinement in Z and Object-Z
  8. Refinements of the Nash Equilibrium Concept
  9. Refining Privacy in Tort Law
  10. Reflectance Confocal Microscopy for Skin Diseases
  11. Reflectance Spectroscopy
  12. Reflected Brownian Motions in the KPZ Universality Class
  13. Reflecting Telescope Optics I
  14. Reflecting Telescope Optics I
  15. Reflecting Telescope Optics II
  16. Reflecting on India’s Development
  17. Reflecting on and with the ‘More-than-Human’ in Education
  18. Reflection Groups and Invariant Theory
  19. Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction and Reflection Electron Imaging of Surfaces
  20. Reflection Positivity
  21. Reflection and Action
  22. Reflection and Software Engineering
  23. Reflections on 21st Century Human Habitats in India
  24. Reflections on Academic Lives
  25. Reflections on African Cities in Transition
  26. Reflections on Artificial Intelligence for Humanity
  27. Reflections on Criticality in Educational Philosophy
  28. Reflections on Ethics and Responsibility
  29. Reflections on European Integration
  30. Reflections on God and the Death of God
  31. Reflections on Grand Strategy
  32. Reflections on Human Inquiry
  33. Reflections on Identity
  34. Reflections on Irish Criminology
  35. Reflections on Jean Améry
  36. Reflections on Learning, Life and Work
  37. Reflections on Life in Higher Education
  38. Reflections on Medical Ethics
  39. Reflections on Money
  40. Reflections on Naturalism
  41. Reflections on Political Theory
  42. Reflections on Power Prediction Modeling of Conventional High-Speed Craft
  43. Reflections on Programming Systems
  44. Reflections on Qualitative Research in Language and Literacy Education
  45. Reflections on Quanta, Symmetries, and Supersymmetries
  46. Reflections on Roadkill between Mobility Studies and Animal Studies
  47. Reflections on Socialism in the Twenty-First Century
  48. Reflections on Spacetime
  49. Reflections on Theoretical Issues in Argumentation Theory
  50. Reflections on a Troubled World Economy
  51. Reflections on a United Nations' Career
  52. Reflections on the Analogy of Being
  53. Reflections on the Balkan Wars: Ten Years After the Break Up of Yugoslavia
  54. Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics
  55. Reflections on the Foundations of Probability and Statistics
  56. Reflections on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident
  57. Reflections on the Future of Capitalism
  58. Reflections on the History of Computers in Education
  59. Reflections on the History of Computing
  60. Reflections on the International Association for Media and Communication Research
  61. Reflections on the Problem of Consciousness
  62. Reflections on the Teaching of Programming
  63. Reflections on the Triangular Relations of Beijing-Taipei-Washington Since 1995
  64. Reflections on the Work of C.A.R. Hoare
  65. Reflections: A Memoir
  66. Reflective Approaches to European Governance
  67. Reflective Equilibrium
  68. Reflective Goal Setting
  69. Reflective Practice in ESL Teacher Development Groups
  70. Reflective Practice in Teaching
  71. Reflective Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy in a Diverse Society
  72. Reflective Practices in Arts Education
  73. Reflective Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
  74. Reflektierender Faraday-Effekt-Stromsensor
  75. Reflektierte Grenzgänger
  76. Reflektierte Zielsetzung
  77. Reflektorische Beeinflußbarkeit der Lungenatmung
  78. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
  79. Reflex-Empfänger
  80. Reflexe
  81. Reflexion des Rechts – Beiträge zur responsiven Rechtssoziologie
  82. Reflexion und Subversion
  83. Reflexionen über Erbe und Zukunft des Abendlandes
  84. Reflexions- und Transfermaßnahmen in der Führungskräfteentwicklung
  85. Reflexionsfähigkeit von Lehrkräften über metakognitive Schülerprozesse beim mathematischen Modellieren
  86. Reflexionskompetenz von Englischlehramtsstudierenden im Lehr-Lern-Labor-Seminar
  87. Reflexionsorientiertes Controlling
  88. Reflexionsspektroskopie
  89. Reflexionsverhalten von Fahrbahnbelägen
  90. Reflexionswissen zur linearen Algebra in der Sekundarstufe II
  91. Reflexiv-strategische Beratung
  92. Reflexive Epistemology
  93. Reflexive Erkenntnis und psychologische Forschung
  94. Reflexive Erziehungswissenschaft
  95. Reflexive Erziehungswissenschaft
  96. Reflexive Ethnographic Practice
  97. Reflexive Grounded Theory
  98. Reflexive Grounded Theory
  99. Reflexive Grounded Theory
  100. Reflexive Grounded Theory
  101. Reflexive Kompetenzentwicklung in der Lehrer*innenbildung
  102. Reflexive Körper?
  103. Reflexive Practice
  104. Reflexive Pronouns: A Theoretical and Experimental Synthesis
  105. Reflexive Psychopathologie
  106. Reflexive Sicherheit, Freiheit und Grenzmanagement in der Europäischen Union
  107. Reflexive Sozialpsychologie
  108. Reflexive Sozialpädagogik
  109. Reflexive Structures
  110. Reflexive Unternehmensführung
  111. Reflexive Wissensproduktion
  112. Reflexive soziale Mechanismen
  113. Reflexiver Sprachgebrauch
  114. Reflexivity and Criminal Justice
  115. Reflexivity and Development Economics
  116. Reflexivity in Criminological Research
  117. Reflexivity in Economics
  118. Reflexivity in Social Research
  119. Reflextherapie
  120. Reflux Aspiration and Lung Disease
  121. Refluxfibel
  122. Refluxtherapie
  123. Reforesting Landscapes
  124. Reforging the Great Chain of Being
  125. Reform Options for the EU Own Resources System
  126. Reform Processes and Policy Change
  127. Reform and Change in Higher Education
  128. Reform and Development in Rural China
  129. Reform and Development of Agriculture in China
  130. Reform and Development of Educational System
  131. Reform and Development of Powers and Functions of China's Criminal Proceedings
  132. Reform and Price Discovery at the Tokyo Stock Exchange: From 1990 to 2012
  133. Reform and Responsibility in the Remaking of the Swedish National Pension System
  134. Reform and the Non-State Economy in China
  135. Reform autoritärer Herrschaft in Nordafrika
  136. Reform der Datenschutzaufsicht
  137. Reform der Finanzierung von Hochschulbildung
  138. Reform der Heimerziehung
  139. Reform der Kommunalverwaltung in England und Deutschland
  140. Reform der Rechnungslegung und Corporate Governance in Deutschland und Europa
  141. Reform der Unternehmensbesteuerung
  142. Reform der sozialen Sicherung
  143. Reform des Interventionsprozesses
  144. Reform des Zivilprozesses
  145. Reform in CEE-Countries with Regard to European Enlargement
  146. Reform of Higher Education in Europe
  147. Reform of Teacher Education in the Asia-Pacific in the New Millennium
  148. Reform of the International Monetary System
  149. Reform of the Socialist System in Central and Eastern Europe
  150. Reform, Opening-up and China's Changing Role in Global Governance
  151. Reformansätze in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung
  152. Reformation
  153. Reformation Hermeneutics and Literary Language in Early Modern England
  154. Reformation Reputations
  155. Reformation and Development in the Muslim World
  156. Reformation im Islam
  157. Reformations of the Body
  158. Reformbaustelle Bundesstaat
  159. Reformblockaden in der Wirtschaftspolitik
  160. Reformen in Deutschland
  161. Reformen in Kommunalpolitik und -verwaltung
  162. Reformen in Wohlfahrtsstaaten
  163. Reformen öffentlicher Verwaltungen
  164. Reformen — jetzt!
  165. Reformfragen des deutschen Steuerrechts
  166. Reformgesetz in der Bewährung
  167. Reformierung des Gesundheitssystems — oder: In welchem Gesundheitssystem wollen wir leben?
  168. Reforming Boston Schools, 1930 to the Present
  169. Reforming Britain’s Economic and Financial Policy
  170. Reforming Civil-Military Relations in New Democracies
  171. Reforming Europe
  172. Reforming European Data Protection Law
  173. Reforming Financial Institutions and Markets in the United States
  174. Reforming Health Care in the United States, Germany, and South Africa
  175. Reforming Higher Education
  176. Reforming Higher Education in Vietnam
  177. Reforming Juvenile Justice
  178. Reforming Latin America’s Economies
  179. Reforming Learning
  180. Reforming Learning and Teaching in Asia-Pacific Universities
  181. Reforming Local Government
  182. Reforming Local Government in Europe
  183. Reforming New Zealand Secondary Education
  184. Reforming Pedagogy in Cambodia
  185. Reforming Pensions in Developing and Transition Countries
  186. Reforming Science Teacher Education Programs in the STEM Era
  187. Reforming State-Owned Enterprises in Asia
  188. Reforming Teaching and Teacher Education
  189. Reforming Turkish Energy Markets
  190. Reforming Urban Governance in Bangladesh
  191. Reforming Vietnamese Higher Education
  192. Reforming WTO Rules on State-Owned Enterprises
  193. Reforming Water Law and Governance
  194. Reforming a School System, Reviving a City
  195. Reforming for Results in the UN System
  196. Reforming the Art of Living
  197. Reforming the Chinese Electricity Supply Sector
  198. Reforming the Common Agricultural Policy
  199. Reforming the Common European Asylum System — Legislative developments and judicial activism of the European Courts
  200. Reforming the European Commission