24159 publications

  1. Particle Accelerator Physics
  2. Particle Accelerator Physics
  3. Particle Accelerator Physics
  4. Particle Accelerator Physics I
  5. Particle Accelerator Physics II
  6. Particle Accelerator Physics II
  7. Particle Accelerators, Colliders, and the Story of High Energy Physics
  8. Particle Accelerators: From Big Bang Physics to Hadron Therapy
  9. Particle Analysis in Oceanography
  10. Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology
  11. Particle Characterization: Light Scattering Methods
  12. Particle Confinement in Penning Traps
  13. Particle Confinement in Penning Traps
  14. Particle Damping Technology Based Structural Control
  15. Particle Detection with Drift Chambers
  16. Particle Detection with Drift Chambers
  17. Particle Diffusion in the Radiation Belts
  18. Particle Filters for Random Set Models
  19. Particle Image Velocimetry
  20. Particle Image Velocimetry
  21. Particle Image Velocimetry
  22. Particle Image Velocimetry
  23. Particle Image Velocimetry
  24. Particle Image Velocimetry: Recent Improvements
  25. Particle Induced Electron Emission I
  26. Particle Induced Electron Emission II
  27. Particle Interactions at High Energies
  28. Particle Interactions at Very High Energies
  29. Particle Interactions at Very High Energies
  30. Particle Interactions in High-Temperature Plasmas
  31. Particle Metaphysics
  32. Particle Modeling
  33. Particle Packing Method for Recycled Aggregate Concrete
  34. Particle Panic!
  35. Particle Penetration and Radiation Effects
  36. Particle Penetration and Radiation Effects Volume 2
  37. Particle Physics
  38. Particle Physics
  39. Particle Physics
  40. Particle Physics
  41. Particle Physics
  42. Particle Physics Reference Library
  43. Particle Physics Reference Library
  44. Particle Physics Reference Library
  45. Particle Physics and Astrophysics Current Viewpoints
  46. Particle Physics and Cosmology: The Interface
  47. Particle Physics and the Universe
  48. Particle Physics in the New Millennium
  49. Particle Physics: Ideas and Recent Developments
  50. Particle Polarization in High Energy Physics
  51. Particle Production Spanning MeV and TeV Energies
  52. Particle Production in Highly Excited Matter
  53. Particle Radiotherapy
  54. Particle Scattering, X-Ray Diffraction, and Microstructure of Solids and Liquids
  55. Particle Size Analysis
  56. Particle Size Measurement
  57. Particle Size Measurement
  58. Particle Size Measurements
  59. Particle Swarm Optimization: A Physics-Based Approach
  60. Particle Technology
  61. Particle Technology and Surface Phenomena in Minerals and Petroleum
  62. Particle Verbs in English
  63. Particle and Astroparticle Physics
  64. Particle and Nuclear Physics at J-PARC
  65. Particle emission concept and probabilistic consideration of the development of infections in systems
  66. Particle-Based Methods
  67. Particle-Laden Flow
  68. Particles and Astrophysics
  69. Particles and Detectors
  70. Particles and Fields
  71. Particles and Fields
  72. Particles and Fields 2
  73. Particles and Fields in the Magnetosphere
  74. Particles and Fundamental Interactions
  75. Particles and Fundamental Interactions: Supplements, Problems and Solutions
  76. Particles and Nanoparticles in Pharmaceutical Products
  77. Particles and Nuclei
  78. Particles and Nuclei
  79. Particles and Nuclei
  80. Particles and Nuclei
  81. Particles and Nuclei
  82. Particles and Nuclei
  83. Particles and Nuclei
  84. Particles and Nuclei
  85. Particles and Nuclei
  86. Particles and Nuclei
  87. Particles and Nuclei
  88. Particles and Projections in Irish Syntax
  89. Particles in Contact
  90. Particles in Flows
  91. Particles in Gases and Liquids 1
  92. Particles in Gases and Liquids 2
  93. Particles in Gases and Liquids 3
  94. Particles in Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows: Deposition, Re-Suspension and Agglomeration
  95. Particles in the Air
  96. Particles in the Dark Universe
  97. Particles on Surfaces 1
  98. Particles on Surfaces 2
  99. Particles on Surfaces 3
  100. Particles, Fields and Forces
  101. Particles, Fields and Forces
  102. Particles, Fields, Quanta
  103. Particles, Quantum Fields and Statistical Mechanics
  104. Particularism and the Space of Moral Reasons
  105. Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas
  106. Particulate Carbon
  107. Particulate Carbon
  108. Particulate Composites
  109. Particulate Flows
  110. Particulate Products
  111. Particulate Technology for Delivery of Therapeutics
  112. Partielle Differentialgleichungen
  113. Partielle Differentialgleichungen
  114. Partielle Differentialgleichungen
  115. Partielle Differentialgleichungen
  116. Partielle Differentialgleichungen
  117. Partielle Differentialgleichungen
  118. Partielle Differentialgleichungen
  119. Partielle Differentialgleichungen der Geometrie und der Physik
  120. Partielle Differentialgleichungen der Geometrie und der Physik
  121. Partielle Differentialgleichungen und funktionalanalytische Grundlagen
  122. Partielle Differentialgleichungen und funktionalanalytische Grundlagen
  123. Partielle Differentialgleichungen und ihre Anwendungen auf physikalische Fragen
  124. Partielle Differentialgleichungen und numerische Methoden
  125. Partielle Differenzialgleichungen
  126. Partielle Differenzialgleichungen
  127. Partielle Riccati-Differenzialgleichungen
  128. Parties and the Party System in France
  129. Parties, Gender Quotas and Candidate Selection in France
  130. Parties, Governments and Elites
  131. Parties, Institutions and Preferences
  132. Partikelemissionskonzept und probabilistische Betrachtung der Entwicklung von Infektionen in Systemen
  133. Partikelemissionsuntersuchungen an einem Ottomotor mit Benzindirekteinspritzung und aufgeladenem Magerbetrieb
  134. Parting the Cosmic Veil
  135. Partisan Dealignment and the Blue-Collar Electorate in France
  136. Partisan Histories
  137. Partisan Policy-Making in Western Europe
  138. Partisan Politics, Narrative Realism, and the Rise of the British Novel
  139. Partition Function Form Games
  140. Partition Functions and Automorphic Forms
  141. Partition and the Practice of Memory
  142. Partition in Ireland, India and Palestine
  143. Partitional Clustering Algorithms
  144. Partitional Clustering via Nonsmooth Optimization
  145. Partitioned Representations
  146. Partitionierung zur effizienten Duplikaterkennung in relationalen Daten
  147. Partitions, Hypergeometric Systems, and Dirichlet Processes in Statistics
  148. Partitions, q-Series, and Modular Forms
  149. Partizipation
  150. Partizipation als Arbeit am Sozialen
  151. Partizipation als Entscheidungshilfe
  152. Partizipation aus Subjektperspektive
  153. Partizipation durch Werkstatträte
  154. Partizipation für alle und alles?
  155. Partizipation im inklusiven Mathematikunterricht
  156. Partizipation in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft
  157. Partizipation in der Kindheit
  158. Partizipation in der Schule
  159. Partizipation in der Wissensgesellschaft
  160. Partizipation in der offenen Ganztagsschule
  161. Partizipation trifft Repräsentation
  162. Partizipation und Engagement in Ostdeutschland
  163. Partizipation und Kompetenz
  164. Partizipation und Schule
  165. Partizipation und Soziale Arbeit
  166. Partizipation und Un_gleichzeitigkeit
  167. Partizipation und Vertrauen
  168. Partizipation und nachhaltige Entwicklung
  169. Partizipation und soziale Integration in heterogenen Gesellschaften
  170. Partizipation von Frauen am Islamismus
  171. Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen
  172. Partizipation von Schülerinnen und Schülern bei der Leistungsbeurteilung
  173. Partizipation — Demokratisierung — Mitbestimmung
  174. Partizipation, Wissen und Motivation im Politikunterricht
  175. Partizipationsbiographien Jugendlicher
  176. Partizipationsförderung in Ganztagsschulen
  177. Partizipative Aktionsforschung mit Kindern und Jugendlichen
  178. Partizipative Forschung
  179. Partizipative Forschung
  180. Partizipative Governance
  181. Partizipative Leitbildentwicklung
  182. Partizipative Medienkulturen
  183. Partizipative Praktiken an Demokratischen Schulen
  184. Partizipative Werbekommunikation
  185. Partizipative und deliberative Demokratie auf lokaler Ebene
  186. Partizipatives organisationales Lernen
  187. Partner Choice and Cooperation in Networks
  188. Partner Violence
  189. Partnergewalt gegen Frauen und deren Gewaltbewältigung
  190. Partnerinnentötungen und deren gerichtliche Sanktionierung
  191. Partnerlosigkeit in Deutschland
  192. Partnerschaft und Familiengründung
  193. Partnerschaft und Sexualität bei geistiger Behinderung
  194. Partnerschaft und Sexualität im Alter
  195. Partnerschaft und Sexualität im höheren Lebensalter
  196. Partnerschaft, Sexualität und Fruchtbarkeit
  197. Partnerschaften von NGOs und Unternehmen
  198. Partnerschaftskarrieren
  199. Partnerschaftsprobleme: Diagnose und Therapie
  200. Partnerschaftsprobleme: Diagnose und Therapie