24177 publications

  1. Private Equity in Emerging Markets
  2. Private Equity in Germany
  3. Private Equity in Poland
  4. Private Equity in der Unternehmenskrise
  5. Private Finanzplanung
  6. Private Foreign Investment in Developing Countries
  7. Private Funds, Public Purpose
  8. Private Health Insurance and the European Union
  9. Private Higher Education and Inequalities in the Global South
  10. Private Higher Education in Post-Communist Europe
  11. Private Information Retrieval
  12. Private Intelligence
  13. Private Intergenerational Transfers and Population Aging
  14. Private International Law
  15. Private International Law Aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility
  16. Private International Law in China
  17. Private Krankenversicherung
  18. Private Law, Public Law, Metalaw and Public Policy in Space
  19. Private Madhouses in England, 1640–1815
  20. Private Military and Security Companies
  21. Private Military and Security Companies and States
  22. Private Nachfolge im Zivil- und Steuerrecht
  23. Private Placement of Public Equity in China
  24. Private Politics and Peasant Mobilization
  25. Private Print Media, the State and Politics in Colonial and Post-Colonial Zimbabwe
  26. Private Property Rights and the Environment
  27. Private Property and State Power
  28. Private Property and the Constitution
  29. Private Property and the Origins of Nationalism in the United States and Norway
  30. Private Ratings, Public Regulations
  31. Private Rental Housing in Transition Countries
  32. Private Schools and Public Issues
  33. Private Schools and School Choice in Compulsory Education
  34. Private Schulen
  35. Private Schulen in Deutschland
  36. Private Sector Development and Urbanization in China
  37. Private Sector Development in West Africa
  38. Private Security Companies
  39. Private Selves in Public Organizations
  40. Private Sicherheitsdienste im öffentlichen Raum
  41. Private Stiftungen und staatliche Schulen
  42. Private Strafvollzugsanstalten in den USA
  43. Private Television in Western Europe
  44. Private Topographies
  45. Private Tutoring Across the Mediterranean
  46. Private Universities in Latin America
  47. Private Vermögensbildung mit Gold — Risikosicherung in Krisenzeiten
  48. Private World(s)
  49. Private or Socialistic Forestry?
  50. Private und gewerbliche Garagen
  51. Private und öffentliche Rechnungslegung
  52. Private-Banking-Angebote regionaler Genossenschaftsbanken
  53. Private-Equity-Beteiligungen
  54. Privateering and Diplomacy, 1793–1807
  55. Privately and Publicly Verifiable Computing Techniques
  56. Privater Befehl und Zwang
  57. Privater Verbrauch in Deutschland
  58. Privates Baurecht praxisnah
  59. Privates Baurecht praxisnah
  60. Privates Baurecht praxisnah
  61. Privates Beteiligungskapital im deutschen Mittelstand
  62. Privates Sparen versus Sozialversicherung
  63. Privates Vermögensmanagement
  64. Privatheit im Internet
  65. Privatheit im Netz
  66. Privatheit im öffentlichen Raum
  67. Privatheit und selbstbestimmtes Leben in der digitalen Welt
  68. Privatheit, Garten und politische Kultur
  69. Privatheit, Medien und Geschlecht
  70. Privatisation Performance in Major European Countries Since 1980
  71. Privatisation against the European Social Model
  72. Privatisation and Structural Change in Transition Economies
  73. Privatisation in Ireland
  74. Privatisation in Transforming and Developing Economies
  75. Privatisation in the European Union
  76. Privatisierung der Abwasserbeseitigung
  77. Privatisierung der Arbeitslosenversicherung: Ein Konzept für Deutschland
  78. Privatisierung der internationalen Verkehrsflughäfen in Deutschland
  79. Privatisierung im Transformationsprozess
  80. Privatisierung in Rußland
  81. Privatisierung in Transformations-und Entwicklungsländern
  82. Privatisierung natürlicher Monopole
  83. Privatisierung von öffentlichen Unternehmen
  84. Privatisierung öffentlicher Aufgaben
  85. Privatisierungspolitik in Ostdeutschland
  86. Privatising Peace
  87. Privatization Processes in Eastern Europe
  88. Privatization and Alternative Public Sector Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa
  89. Privatization and Culture
  90. Privatization and Democracy in Argentina
  91. Privatization and Deregulation
  92. Privatization and Development
  93. Privatization and Entrepreneurship in Post-Socialist Countries
  94. Privatization and State-Owned Enterprises
  95. Privatization and its Limits in Central and Eastern Europe
  96. Privatization at the End of the Century
  97. Privatization of Agriculture in New Market Economies: Lessons from Bulgaria
  98. Privatization of Early Childhood Education and Care in Nordic Countries
  99. Privatization of Public City Gas Utilities
  100. Privatization, Corporate Governance and the Emergence of Markets
  101. Privatizing Eastern Europe
  102. Privatizing the Democratic Peace
  103. Privatizing the Police-State
  104. Privatkundengeschäft
  105. Privatrecht
  106. Privatrecht und Polizei in Preußen
  107. Privatsache Kind — Privatsache Beruf
  108. Privatschulen versus staatliche Schulen
  109. Privatschulwahl
  110. Privatsphäre 4.0
  111. Privatsphäre durch die Delegation von Rechten
  112. Privatversicherungsrecht
  113. Privatärztliches Gebührenrecht
  114. Privileg Pauschalbesteuerung in der Schweiz
  115. Privileg Pauschalbesteuerung in der Schweiz
  116. Privilege Through the Looking-Glass
  117. Privilege, Agency and Affect
  118. Privileged Attack Vectors
  119. Privileged Attack Vectors
  120. Privileging Difference
  121. Prize Essay on the Distribution of the Moon’s Heat and its Variation with the Phase
  122. Pro .NET 1.1 Network Programming
  123. Pro .NET 1.1 Remoting, Reflection, and Threading
  124. Pro .NET 2.0 Code and Design Standards in C#
  125. Pro .NET 2.0 Extreme Programming
  126. Pro .NET 2.0 Graphics Programming
  127. Pro .NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in C#
  128. Pro .NET 2.0 XML
  129. Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C#
  130. Pro .NET 5 Custom Libraries
  131. Pro .NET Benchmarking
  132. Pro .NET Best Practices
  133. Pro .NET Framework with the Base Class Library
  134. Pro .NET Memory Management
  135. Pro .NET Performance
  136. Pro .NET on Amazon Web Services
  137. Pro ADO.NET 2.0
  138. Pro ADO.NET Data Services
  139. Pro ASP.NET 1.1 in VB .NET
  140. Pro ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming
  141. Pro ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005
  142. Pro ASP.NET 2.0 in VB 2005
  143. Pro ASP.NET 3.5 Server Controls and AJAX Components
  144. Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008
  145. Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008
  146. Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in VB 2008
  147. Pro ASP.NET 4 CMS
  148. Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010
  149. Pro ASP.NET 4 in VB 2010
  150. Pro ASP.NET 4.5 in C#
  151. Pro ASP.NET 4.5 in VB
  152. Pro ASP.NET Core 3
  153. Pro ASP.NET Core 6
  154. Pro ASP.NET Core Identity
  155. Pro ASP.NET Core MVC
  156. Pro ASP.NET Core MVC 2
  157. Pro ASP.NET Extensibility
  158. Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework
  159. Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework
  160. Pro ASP.NET MVC 4
  161. Pro ASP.NET MVC 5
  162. Pro ASP.NET MVC 5 Platform
  163. Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework
  164. Pro ASP.NET SharePoint 2010 Solutions
  165. Pro ASP.NET SignalR
  166. Pro ASP.NET Web API
  167. Pro ASP.NET Web API Security
  168. Pro ASP.NET Web Forms Techniques
  169. Pro Access 2007
  170. Pro Access 2010 Development
  171. Pro Active Directory Certificate Services
  172. Pro Active Record
  173. Pro Agile .NET Development with Scrum
  174. Pro Ajax and Java™ Frameworks
  175. Pro Ajax and the .NET 2.0 Platform
  176. Pro Android
  177. Pro Android 2
  178. Pro Android 3
  179. Pro Android 4
  180. Pro Android 5
  181. Pro Android Apps Performance Optimization
  182. Pro Android Augmented Reality
  183. Pro Android C++ with the NDK
  184. Pro Android Flash
  185. Pro Android Games
  186. Pro Android Games
  187. Pro Android Games
  188. Pro Android Graphics
  189. Pro Android Media
  190. Pro Android Python with SL4A
  191. Pro Android UI
  192. Pro Android Wearables
  193. Pro Android Web Apps
  194. Pro Android Web Game Apps
  195. Pro Android with Kotlin
  196. Pro Android with Kotlin
  197. Pro Angular
  198. Pro Angular
  199. Pro Angular 6
  200. Pro Angular 9