24178 publications

  1. Preismanagement im Investitionsgütermarketing
  2. Preismanagement im Privatkundengeschäft von Banken
  3. Preismanagement in Kreditinstituten
  4. Preismanagement in der unternehmerischen Praxis
  5. Preismanagement kompakt
  6. Preismessung bei Privatkrediten von Banken und Sparkassen
  7. Preismetriken im Handel
  8. Preismodelle deutscher Banken im Privatkundengeschäft
  9. Preisobergrenzen im Einkauf
  10. Preisorientierte Markenwertmessung
  11. Preispolitik
  12. Preispolitik
  13. Preispolitik
  14. Preispolitik
  15. Preispolitik als Funktion der Kostenentwicklung
  16. Preispolitik der Mehrproduktenunternehmung in der statischen Theorie
  17. Preispolitik für Leistungsverbunde im Business-to-Business-Marketing
  18. Preispolitik für Theater
  19. Preispolitik im Kulturbetrieb
  20. Preispolitik im digitalen Zeitalter
  21. Preispolitik in Netzwerken
  22. Preispsychologie
  23. Preispsychologie
  24. Preissetzungsmacht in lose gekoppelten Systemen
  25. Preisstabilitätspolitik
  26. Preisstrategien für innovative Telekommunikationsleistungen
  27. Preisstrategien für neue Produkte
  28. Preisstrategien und Produktqualität als Determinanten der Marktdurchdringung
  29. Preistheorie
  30. Preistheorie
  31. Preistheorie und Industrieökonomik
  32. Preistoleranz von Nachfragern
  33. Preisverhandlungen erfolgreich führen und gewinnen
  34. Preisverzeichnis
  35. Preisverzeichnis
  36. Preisvorbehaltsklauseln
  37. Preiswahrnehmung von Dienstleistungen
  38. Preiswettbewerb in Krisen
  39. Preiszufriedenheit bei Innovationen
  40. Preisänderungen, Ertragsrückgang und Produktionsänderung in der Landwirtschaft im Kreise Worms in den Jahren 1914–1920
  41. Prejudice, Stigma, Privilege, and Oppression
  42. Prekarisierung und Ressentiments
  43. Prekäre Arbeit und Zivilgesellschaft
  44. Prekäre Arbeitsräume
  45. Prekäre Gleichstellung
  46. Prekäre Hilfen?
  47. Prekäre Idyllen in der Erzählliteratur des deutschsprac higen Realismus
  48. Prekäre Intimität
  49. Prekäre Kommunikation
  50. Prekäre Staatlichkeit und Internationale Ordnung
  51. Prekäre Verbindlichkeiten
  52. Prekärer Übergang in den Ruhestand
  53. Prekäres Unternehmertum
  54. Preleukemia
  55. Preliminary Objections
  56. Preliminary Reconnaissance Report of the 2011 Tohoku-Chiho Taiheiyo-Oki Earthquake
  57. Prelinguistic and Minimally Verbal Communicators on the Autism Spectrum
  58. Prelude to Galileo
  59. Prelude to War
  60. Preludes to the Icelandic Financial Crisis
  61. Premalignant Conditions of the Oral Cavity
  62. Premarital Prediction of Marital Quality or Breakup
  63. Premature Ejaculation
  64. Premediation: Affect and Mediality After 9/11
  65. Premenstrual Syndrome
  66. Premetered Coating Methods
  67. Premiers pas en simulation
  68. Premiers pas en statistique
  69. Premium Calculation in Insurance
  70. Premiumhandelsmarken im Sortiment des Einzelhandels
  71. Premodern Beliefs and Witch Trials in a Swedish Province, 1669-1672
  72. Premodern Plants
  73. Premodern Rulers and Postmodern Viewers
  74. Prenatal Diagnosis
  75. Prenatal Diagnosis
  76. Prenatal Diagnosis
  77. Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Osteopathologies
  78. Prenatal Diagnosis of Orofacial Malformations
  79. Prenatal Diagnostic Testing for Genetic Disorders
  80. Prenatal Exposures
  81. Prenatal Family Dynamics
  82. Prenatal Gene Therapy
  83. Prenatal Gliogenesis in the Neopallium of the Rat
  84. Prenatal Mouse Brain Atlas
  85. Prenatal Stress and Child Development
  86. Prenatal and Postnatal Determinants of Development
  87. Prenatal and Preimplantation Diagnosis
  88. Prendersi cura dei bambini e dei loro genitori
  89. Preoperative (Neoadjuvant) Chemotherapy
  90. Preoperative Assessment
  91. Preparation and Crystal Growth of Materials with Layered Structures
  92. Preparation and Properties of Stereoregular Polymers
  93. Preparation for Aging
  94. Preparation for MRCP Part II
  95. Preparation of Nuclear Targets for Particle Accelerators
  96. Preparation, Characterisation and Reactivity of Low Oxidation State d-Block Metal Complexes Stabilised by Extremely Bulky Amide Ligands
  97. Preparation, Practice, and Politics of Teachers
  98. Preparative Chromatography Techniques
  99. Preparative Chromatography Techniques
  100. Preparative Organic Chemistry
  101. Preparative Organic Chemistry
  102. Preparative Organic Chemistry
  103. Preparative Organic Photochemistry
  104. Preparative Organic Photochemistry
  105. Preparative Polar Organometallic Chemistry
  106. Preparative Polar Organometallic Chemistry
  107. Prepare Your Data for Tableau
  108. Prepare for Launch
  109. Prepare for the MRCPsych CASC Exam
  110. Prepare for the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Board Examination
  111. Preparedness for Future Pandemics
  112. Preparing Informal Science Educators
  113. Preparing Scientific Illustrations
  114. Preparing Successors for Leadership
  115. Preparing Teachers for Young and Adolescent Multilingual Learners
  116. Preparing Teachers for the 21st Century
  117. Preparing Teachers of Color to Teach: Culturally Responsive Teacher Education in Theory and Practice
  118. Preparing Your Family Business for Strategic Change
  119. Preparing and Delivering Scientific Presentations
  120. Preparing for Brexit
  121. Preparing for Digital Disruption
  122. Preparing for Earthquakes: Lessons for India
  123. Preparing for Higher Education’s Mixed Race Future
  124. Preparing for Life in Humanity 2.0
  125. Preparing for Life in a Digital Age
  126. Preparing for Life in a Digital World
  127. Preparing for Peak Oil in South Africa
  128. Preparing for Teaching
  129. Preparing for Today’s Global Job Market
  130. Preparing for a Successful Faculty Career
  131. Preparing for a Sustainable Future
  132. Preparing for the Next Cyber Revolution
  133. Preparing the Ground for Renewal of Nuclear Power
  134. Preparing the Public Health Workforce
  135. Preparing to Study by Open Learning
  136. Prepectoral Breast Reconstruction
  137. Prerational Intelligence: Adaptive Behavior and Intelligent Systems Without Symbols and Logic, Volume 1, Volume 2 Prerational Intelligence: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Behavior of Natural and Artificial Systems, Volume 3
  138. Presbyopia Research
  139. Presbyterians in Ireland
  140. Presbyvertigo Presbyataxie Presbytinnitus
  141. Preschool Bilingual Education
  142. Preschool Geometry
  143. Preschool Issues in Autism
  144. Preschool Peer Social Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder
  145. Prescreening auf Mangelernährung in der Klinik
  146. Prescribing Hemodialysis
  147. Prescription for Social Dilemmas
  148. Prescription for Survival
  149. Prescriptions for Working Statisticians
  150. Presence and Coincidence
  151. Presence and the Political
  152. Presence messen in laborbasierter Forschung mit Mikrowelten
  153. Presenilins and Alzheimer’s Disease
  154. Present Approach to Traffic Flow Theory and Research in Civil and Transportation Engineering
  155. Present State and Future Needs in General Practice
  156. Present Status and Aims of Quantum Electrodynamics
  157. Present Status of Computer Support in Ambulatory Care
  158. Present Tense Narration in Contemporary Fiction
  159. Present and Future of High-Energy Physics
  160. Present and Future of the Cosmic Microwave Background
  161. Present and Ulterior Software Engineering
  162. Present-Day Corporate Communication
  163. Presentation Skills for Scientists and Engineers
  164. Presentation of Data in Science
  165. Presentations, Demos, and Training Sessions
  166. Presenteeism
  167. Presenteeism Behaviour
  168. Presenting Futures
  169. Presenting Oprah Winfrey, Her Films, and African American Literature
  170. Presenting Without Pandering - Self-Marketing for Creatives
  171. Presenting Your Case
  172. Presenting and Representing Environments
  173. Presenting at Medical Meetings
  174. Preservation and National Belonging in Eastern Germany
  175. Preservation and Reuse Design for Fragile Territories’ Settlements
  176. Preservation in Digital Cartography
  177. Preservation of Surfactant Formulations
  178. Preservation of the Integrity of Electronic Records
  179. Preservation of timber in the tropics
  180. Preservation, Radicalism, and the Avant-Garde Canon
  181. Preservice Primary Teachers’ Diagnostic Competences in Mathematics
  182. Preservice Teachers, Social Class, and Race in Urban Schools
  183. Preserving Digital Information
  184. Preserving Health, Preserving Earth
  185. Preserving Privacy Against Side-Channel Leaks
  186. Preserving Privacy in Data Outsourcing
  187. Preserving Privacy in On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP)
  188. Preserving and Constructing Place Attachment in Europe
  189. Preserving the Saudi Monarchy
  190. Preserving the Sixties
  191. President George W. Bush’s Influence over Bureaucracy and Policy
  192. President Obama and Education Reform
  193. President Obama’s Counterterrorism Strategy in the War on Terror
  194. President Trump and General Pershing
  195. Presidential Activism and Veto Power in Central and Eastern Europe
  196. Presidential Breakdowns in Latin America
  197. Presidential Elections in Mexico
  198. Presidential Elections in Nigeria's Fourth Republic
  199. Presidential Faith and Foreign Policy
  200. Presidential Healthcare Reform Rhetoric