24168 publications

  1. Phenomenological and Mathematical Modelling of Structural Instabilities
  2. Phenomenologies of Grace
  3. Phenomenology
  4. Phenomenology
  5. Phenomenology And The Non-Human Animal
  6. Phenomenology World-Wide
  7. Phenomenology and Aesthetics
  8. Phenomenology and Beyond: The Self and Its Language
  9. Phenomenology and Dialectical Materialism
  10. Phenomenology and Existentialism in the Twentieth Century
  11. Phenomenology and Existentialism in the Twentieth Century
  12. Phenomenology and Existentialism in the Twentieth Century
  13. Phenomenology and Intercultural Understanding
  14. Phenomenology and Intersubjectivity
  15. Phenomenology and Mathematics
  16. Phenomenology and Ontology
  17. Phenomenology and Perspectives on the Heart
  18. Phenomenology and Psychological Science
  19. Phenomenology and Science
  20. Phenomenology and Social Reality
  21. Phenomenology and The Social Science: A Dialogue
  22. Phenomenology and Treatment of Psychiatric Emergencies
  23. Phenomenology and the Arts: Logos and Aisthesis
  24. Phenomenology and the Formal Sciences
  25. Phenomenology and the Future of Film
  26. Phenomenology and the Human Positioning in the Cosmos
  27. Phenomenology and the Human Positioning in the Cosmos
  28. Phenomenology and the Human Sciences
  29. Phenomenology and the Late Twentieth-Century American Long Poem
  30. Phenomenology and the Metaphysics of Presence
  31. Phenomenology and the Primacy of the Political
  32. Phenomenology and the Problem of Time
  33. Phenomenology for the Twenty-First Century
  34. Phenomenology in Action in Psychotherapy
  35. Phenomenology in Adaptation Planning
  36. Phenomenology in French Philosophy: Early Encounters
  37. Phenomenology in Italy
  38. Phenomenology in Japan
  39. Phenomenology in Perspective
  40. Phenomenology in Practice and Theory
  41. Phenomenology in a Co-creative Workplace
  42. Phenomenology in a New Key: Between Analysis and History
  43. Phenomenology of Anxiety
  44. Phenomenology of Bioethics: Technoethics and Lived-Experience
  45. Phenomenology of Life and the Human Creative Condition
  46. Phenomenology of Life from the Animal Soul to the Human Mind
  47. Phenomenology of Life from the Animal Soul to the Human Mind
  48. Phenomenology of Life in a Dialogue Between Chinese and Occidental Philosophy
  49. Phenomenology of Life. Meeting the Challenges of the Present-Day World
  50. Phenomenology of Natural Science
  51. Phenomenology of Space and Time
  52. Phenomenology of Space and Time
  53. Phenomenology of Suicide
  54. Phenomenology of Time
  55. Phenomenology of Values and Valuing
  56. Phenomenology of the Cultural Disciplines
  57. Phenomenology of the Embodied Organization
  58. Phenomenology of the Object and Human Positioning
  59. Phenomenology of the Political
  60. Phenomenology of the Winter-City
  61. Phenomenology on Kant, German Idealism, Hermeneutics and Logic
  62. Phenomenology, Language & Schizophrenia
  63. Phenomenology, New Materialism, and Advances In the Pulsatile Imaginary
  64. Phenomenology/Ontopoiesis Retrieving Geo-cosmic Horizons of Antiquity
  65. Phenomenology: Continuation and Criticism
  66. Phenomenology: East and West
  67. Phenomenology: Japanese and American Perspectives
  68. Phenomics
  69. Phenomics in Crop Plants: Trends, Options and Limitations
  70. Phenotropic Interaction
  71. Phenotypes and Genotypes
  72. Phenotypic Oncology PET
  73. Phenotypic Screening
  74. Phenotypic Variation in Populations
  75. Phenotyping for Plant Breeding
  76. Pheochromocytoma
  77. Pheochromocytomas, Paragangliomas and Disorders of the Sympathoadrenal System
  78. Pheromone Signaling
  79. Phi-features and the Modular Architecture of Language
  80. Philadelphia’s Black Mafia
  81. Philanthropic Foundations and Social Welfare
  82. Philanthropic Foundations in Higher Education
  83. Philanthropic Foundations, Public Good and Public Policy
  84. Philanthropy and American Higher Education
  85. Philanthropy and Education
  86. Philanthropy and Race in the Haitian Revolution
  87. Philanthropy and Settler Colonialism
  88. Philanthropy and the National Park Service
  89. Philanthropy in Black Higher Education
  90. Philanthropy in Transition
  91. Philanthropy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  92. Philip Gould
  93. Philip II
  94. Philip Larkin
  95. Philip Larkin
  96. Philip Larkin and His Audiences
  97. Philip Larkin and his Contemporaries
  98. Philip Larkin: Art and Self
  99. Philip Larkin: The Man and his Work
  100. Philip Pettit: Five Themes from his Work
  101. Philipp Franz von Siebold and His Era
  102. Philipp Lenard: Erinnerungen eines Naturforschers
  103. Philipp Melanchthon und die Medizin im Spiegel seiner akademischen Reden
  104. Philipp von Zesen
  105. Philippa Foot on Goodness and Virtue
  106. Philippine Cinema and the Cultural Economy of Distribution
  107. Phillis Wheatley’s Miltonic Poetics
  108. Philolog und Kultfigur
  109. Philologische Praxis I
  110. Philologische Praxis III
  111. Philology and Global English Studies
  112. Philology and the Appropriation of the World
  113. Philomathes
  114. Philosemitism
  115. Philosophen
  116. Philosophers Discuss Education
  117. Philosophers Look at Quantum Mechanics
  118. Philosophers and Einstein's Relativity
  119. Philosophers and Friends
  120. Philosophers on Education
  121. Philosophers on the University
  122. Philosophia Perennis
  123. Philosophia Perennis
  124. Philosophia perennis
  125. Philosophic Foundations of Genetic Psychology and Gestalt Psychology
  126. Philosophical Analysis
  127. Philosophical Analysis and Human Welfare
  128. Philosophical Analysis in Latin America
  129. Philosophical Biology in Aristotle's Parts of Animals
  130. Philosophical Clarifications
  131. Philosophical Dimensions in Mathematics Education
  132. Philosophical Dimensions of Human Rights
  133. Philosophical Dimensions of Logic and Science
  134. Philosophical Dimensions of the Neuro-Medical Sciences
  135. Philosophical Doctrines of the Andhakas
  136. Philosophical Education Beyond the Classroom
  137. Philosophical Essay on Probabilities
  138. Philosophical Essays
  139. Philosophical Essays East and West
  140. Philosophical Explorations of Justice and Taxation
  141. Philosophical Explorations of the Legacy of Alan Turing
  142. Philosophical Faith and the Future of Humanity
  143. Philosophical Fallacies
  144. Philosophical Foundation of Human Rights
  145. Philosophical Foundation of Human Rights
  146. Philosophical Foundations of Education
  147. Philosophical Foundations of Quality of Life
  148. Philosophical Foundations of Science
  149. Philosophical Foundations of the Religious Axis
  150. Philosophical Hermeneutics and Islamic Thought
  151. Philosophical Interactions with Parapsychology
  152. Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Pediatric Suffering
  153. Philosophical Issues in Nursing
  154. Philosophical Issues in Pharmaceutics
  155. Philosophical Languages in the Seventeenth Century: Dalgarno, Wilkins, Leibniz
  156. Philosophical Lectures on Probability
  157. Philosophical Logic
  158. Philosophical Logic
  159. Philosophical Logic and Artificial Intelligence
  160. Philosophical Logic and Logical Philosophy
  161. Philosophical Logic in Poland
  162. Philosophical Logic: Current Trends in Asia
  163. Philosophical Papers
  164. Philosophical Papers 1913–1946
  165. Philosophical Papers and Letters
  166. Philosophical Perspectives in Quantum Chemistry
  167. Philosophical Perspectives on Brain Data
  168. Philosophical Perspectives on Compulsory Education
  169. Philosophical Perspectives on Democracy in the 21st Century
  170. Philosophical Perspectives on Land Reform in Southern Africa
  171. Philosophical Perspectives on Lifelong Learning
  172. Philosophical Perspectives on Suicide
  173. Philosophical Presentations of Raising Children
  174. Philosophical Principles of the History and Systems of Psychology
  175. Philosophical Problems Today
  176. Philosophical Problems Today / Problèmes Philosophiques d’Aujourd’hui
  177. Philosophical Problems in Logic
  178. Philosophical Problems in Sense Perception: Testing the Limits of Aristotelianism
  179. Philosophical Problems of Modern Physics
  180. Philosophical Problems of Space and Time
  181. Philosophical Psychopathology
  182. Philosophical Readings of Shakespeare
  183. Philosophical Reflections and Syntheses
  184. Philosophical Reflections on Disability
  185. Philosophical Reflections on Medical Ethics
  186. Philosophical Semiotics
  187. Philosophical Sovietology
  188. Philosophical Urbanism
  189. Philosophical Works of Peter Chaadaev
  190. Philosophical and Ethical Problems in Mental Handicap
  191. Philosophical and Mathematical Logic
  192. Philosophical and Methodological Debates in Public Health
  193. Philosophical and Political Consequences of the Critique of Political Economy
  194. Philosophical, Logical and Scientific Perspectives in Engineering
  195. Philosophico-Methodological Analysis of Prediction and its Role in Economics
  196. Philosophie
  197. Philosophie
  198. Philosophie
  199. Philosophie
  200. Philosophie