9355 publications

  1. Lipid Hydroperoxide-Derived Modification of Biomolecules
  2. Lipid Management
  3. Lipid Mediators and Their Metabolism in the Brain
  4. Lipid Mediators in the Immunology of Shock
  5. Lipid Metabolism and Its Pathology
  6. Lipid Metabolism and Membrane Biogenesis
  7. Lipid Metabolism in Mammals
  8. Lipid Metabolism in Normoxic and Ischemic Heart
  9. Lipid Metabolism in Tumor Immunity
  10. Lipid Metabolism in the Healthy and Disease Heart
  11. Lipid Nanoparticles: Production, Characterization and Stability
  12. Lipid Oxidation in Food and Biological Systems
  13. Lipid Rafts
  14. Lipid Rafts
  15. Lipid Second Messengers
  16. Lipid Signaling Protocols
  17. Lipid Signaling Protocols
  18. Lipid Signaling in Human Diseases
  19. Lipid Signaling in Plants
  20. Lipid Storage Disorders
  21. Lipid Transfer in Lipoprotein Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease
  22. Lipid and Biopolymer Monolayers at Liquid Interfaces
  23. Lipid and Polymer-Lipid Systems
  24. Lipid and Protein Traffic
  25. Lipid metabolism in the normoxic and ischaemic heart
  26. Lipid-Activated Nuclear Receptors
  27. Lipid-Lowering Therapy and Progression of Coronary Atherosclerosis
  28. Lipid-Protein Interactions
  29. Lipid-Protein Interactions
  30. Lipid-Soluble Antioxidants: Biochemistry and Clinical Applications
  31. Lipid-mediated Protein Signaling
  32. Lipide und Lipoproteide im Blutplasma
  33. Lipidomics
  34. Lipidomics
  35. Lipidomics
  36. Lipidomics
  37. Lipidomics
  38. Lipidomics in Health & Disease
  39. Lipidomics of Stem Cells
  40. Lipids and Lipid Polymers in Higher Plants
  41. Lipids and Lipidoses
  42. Lipids and Related Compounds
  43. Lipids and Skin Health
  44. Lipids and Women’s Health
  45. Lipids in Aquatic Ecosystems
  46. Lipids in Evolution
  47. Lipids in Freshwater Ecosystems
  48. Lipids in Health and Disease
  49. Lipids in Human Nutrition
  50. Lipids in Photosynthesis
  51. Lipids in Photosynthesis: Structure, Function and Genetics
  52. Lipids in Plant and Algae Development
  53. Lipids in Plants and Microbes
  54. Lipids in Protein Misfolding
  55. Lipids, Lipophilic Components and Essential Oils from Plant Sources
  56. Lipids, Lipoproteins, and Drugs
  57. Lipids: A Clinicians’ Guide
  58. Lipodystrophy Syndrome in HIV
  59. Lipoide
  60. Lipophilic Vitamins in Health and Disease
  61. Lipopolysaccharide Transport
  62. Lipoprotein Deficiency Syndromes
  63. Lipoprotein Metabolism
  64. Lipoprotein Metabolism and Atherogenesis
  65. Lipoprotein Protocols
  66. Lipoprotein Subfractions Omega-3 Fatty Acids
  67. Lipoprotein(a)
  68. Lipoproteins and Atherosclerosis
  69. Lipoproteins and Cardiovascular Disease
  70. Lipoproteins in Diabetes Mellitus
  71. Lipoproteins in Diabetes Mellitus
  72. Liposome Dermatics
  73. Liposome Methods and Protocols
  74. Liposome-Based Drug Delivery Systems
  75. Liposome-Based Drug Delivery Systems
  76. Liposomes
  77. Liposomes
  78. Liposomes
  79. Liposomes
  80. Liposuction
  81. Liposuction
  82. Liposuction
  83. Lipoxins
  84. Lipoxygenases and their Metabolites
  85. Lipoxygenases in Inflammation
  86. Lipschitz Functions
  87. Liquid Biofuels: Bioethanol
  88. Liquid Biofuels: Emergence, Development and Prospects
  89. Liquid Biopsies
  90. Liquid Biopsies in Solid Tumors
  91. Liquid Biopsy in Cancer Patients
  92. Liquid Chromatography / FTIR Microspectroscopy / Microwave Assisted Synthesis
  93. Liquid Chromatography In Clinical Analysis
  94. Liquid Chromatography in Environmental Analysis
  95. Liquid Chromatography of Synthetic Polymers
  96. Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
  97. Liquid Crystal Colloids
  98. Liquid Crystal Display Drivers
  99. Liquid Crystal Elastomers: Materials and Applications
  100. Liquid Crystal Flat Panel Displays
  101. Liquid Crystal Flat Panel Displays
  102. Liquid Crystal Polymers I
  103. Liquid Crystal Polymers II/III
  104. Liquid Crystal Polymers: From Structures to Applications
  105. Liquid Crystalline Functional Assemblies and Their Supramolecular Structures
  106. Liquid Crystalline Polymers
  107. Liquid Crystalline Polymers
  108. Liquid Crystalline Polymers
  109. Liquid Crystalline Semiconductors
  110. Liquid Crystalline and Mesomorphic Polymers
  111. Liquid Crystals
  112. Liquid Crystals
  113. Liquid Crystals I
  114. Liquid Crystals II
  115. Liquid Crystals and Ordered Fluids
  116. Liquid Crystals and Ordered Fluids
  117. Liquid Crystals and Ordered Fluids
  118. Liquid Crystals and Ordered Fluids
  119. Liquid Crystals in Biotribology
  120. Liquid Crystals of One- and Two-Dimensional Order
  121. Liquid Culture Systems for in vitro Plant Propagation
  122. Liquid Explosives
  123. Liquid Film Coating
  124. Liquid Hydrogen
  125. Liquid Institutionalization at Sea
  126. Liquid Legal
  127. Liquid Legal
  128. Liquid Legal – Humanization and the Law
  129. Liquid Metal Biomaterials
  130. Liquid Metal Magnetohydrodynamics
  131. Liquid Metal Soft Machines
  132. Liquid Metal Systems
  133. Liquid Phase Sintering
  134. Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment: Ukrainian Context
  135. Liquid Separations with Membranes
  136. Liquid Separations with Membranes
  137. Liquid Sovereignty: Post-Colonial Statehood of China and India in the New International Order
  138. Liquid Spray from Nozzles
  139. Liquid Work
  140. Liquid-Crystal Nanomaterials
  141. Liquid-Crystal Polymers
  142. Liquid-Phase Reaction Rate Constants
  143. Liquid-Phase Transition in Water
  144. Liquid-quenched Alloys
  145. Liquidation of Empire
  146. Liquide Mittel und Investitionsentscheidungen
  147. Liquidity
  148. Liquidity Risk
  149. Liquidity Risk
  150. Liquidity Risk Management in Banks
  151. Liquidity Risk, Efficiency and New Bank Business Models
  152. Liquidity, Markets and Trading in Action
  153. Liquidität am deutschen Kapitalmarkt
  154. Liquidität und Konkurrenz
  155. Liquiditätshaltung und Unternehmenswert
  156. Liquiditätskennziffern und Verschuldungsquote
  157. Liquiditätsplanung
  158. Liquiditätsrechnung im Dienste der Unternehmensführung
  159. Liquiditätsrechnung im Dienste der Unternehmensführung
  160. Liquiditätsregulierung als Determinante für Bankverhalten
  161. Liquiditätsreserven und Zielfunktionen in der kurzfristigen Finanzplanung
  162. Liquiditätsspreads im Gleichgewicht auf illiquiden Anleihemärkten
  163. Liquids Under Negative Pressure
  164. Liquids and Solids
  165. Liquor Hirnpunktion Röntgenologie
  166. Liquor-Zytologie
  167. Liquordiagnostik in der Neurologie
  168. Liquorice
  169. Liquorpheresis
  170. Lise Meitner and the Dawn of the Nuclear Age
  171. Lisp Lore: A Guide to Programming the Lisp Machine
  172. List Decoding of Error-Correcting Codes
  173. List of Members
  174. List of Publications Concerning Management Terminology
  175. List of Substances of the Competent Federal Government and Federal State Authorities
  176. Listen and Design
  177. Listen and Talk
  178. Listen to the Music
  179. Listen, Bäume und Graphen als Objekte
  180. Listen, Daughter
  181. Listening and Knowledge in Reformation Europe
  182. Listening for Managers
  183. Listening in the Ocean
  184. Listening to China’s Cultural Revolution
  185. Listening to Gynaecological Patients’ Problems
  186. Listening to Gynaecological Patients’ Problems
  187. Listening to Heloise
  188. Listening to Iris Murdoch
  189. Listening to Music
  190. Listening to Sicarios
  191. Listeria
  192. Listeria Monocytogenes
  193. Listeria monocytogenes
  194. Listeria monocytogenes in the Food Processing Environment
  195. Listeria monocytogenes: Pathogenesis and Host Response
  196. Lists Ideen zum deutschen Eisenbahnwesen
  197. Liszt: My Travelling Circus Life
  198. Lit and Dark Liquidity with Lost Time Data: Interlinked Trading Venues around the Global Financial Crisis
  199. Literacies and Language Education
  200. Literacies and Language Education