9355 publications

  1. Law and Economics and the Economics of Legal Regulation
  2. Law and Economics in Europe
  3. Law and Economics in Europe and the U.S.
  4. Law and Economics in Japanese Competition Policy
  5. Law and Economics of International Climate Change Policy
  6. Law and Economics of Justice
  7. Law and Economics of Personalized Medicine
  8. Law and Economics of Regulation
  9. Law and Economics of the Coronavirus Crisis
  10. Law and Economics of the Digital Transformation
  11. Law and Government in England during the Long Eighteenth Century
  12. Law and Justice in China’s New Marketplace
  13. Law and Life. Why Law?
  14. Law and Logic
  15. Law and Markets
  16. Law and Migration in a Changing World
  17. Law and Opera
  18. Law and Opinion in Twentieth-Century Britain and Ireland
  19. Law and Order
  20. Law and Policy in Latin America
  21. Law and Politics
  22. Law and Politics in British Colonial Thought
  23. Law and Politics of the Danube
  24. Law and Practice of Crowdfunding and Peer-to-Peer Lending in Australia, China and Japan
  25. Law and Practice of Debt Finance in Modern China
  26. Law and Practice of Foreign Arbitration and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Pakistan
  27. Law and Prediction in the Light of Chaos Research
  28. Law and Reflexive Politics
  29. Law and Regulation of Aerodromes
  30. Law and Regulation of Air Cargo
  31. Law and Regulation of Commercial Mining of Minerals in Outer Space
  32. Law and Religion in Ireland, 1700-1970
  33. Law and Religious Cultural Heritage in Europe
  34. Law and Semiotics
  35. Law and Semiotics
  36. Law and Social Economics
  37. Law and Sustainability
  38. Law and Technology in a Global Digital Society
  39. Law and Tradition in Classical Islamic Thought
  40. Law and Transcendence
  41. Law and the Brontës
  42. Law and the Built Environment
  43. Law and the Family in Ireland, 1800–1950
  44. Law and the Farmer
  45. Law and the Farmer
  46. Law and the Semantic Web
  47. Law and the Social Worker
  48. Law and the Transition to Business Sustainability
  49. Law and the Unconscious
  50. Law as Institution
  51. Law as Passion
  52. Law for Social Work Practice
  53. Law for the Construction Industry
  54. Law in a Business Context
  55. Law in the Making
  56. Law in the Practice of Psychiatry
  57. Law of Succession
  58. Law of the European Union
  59. Law of the Sea in Dialogue
  60. Law, Culture and Visual Studies
  61. Law, Development and Innovation
  62. Law, Disorder and the Colonial State
  63. Law, Economics and Finance of the Real Estate Market
  64. Law, Engineering, and the American Right-of-Way
  65. Law, Ideology and Punishment
  66. Law, Insecurity and Risk Control
  67. Law, Institution and Legal Politics
  68. Law, Interpretation and Reality
  69. Law, Labour and Empire
  70. Law, Language and Translation
  71. Law, Liberty, and the Rule of Law
  72. Law, Morality and Rights
  73. Law, Narrative and Reality
  74. Law, Normative Pluralism, and Post-Disaster Recovery
  75. Law, Order and Freedom
  76. Law, Order and Riots in Mandatory Palestine, 1928–35
  77. Law, Politics and Violence in Israel/Palestine
  78. Law, Politics and the Limits of Prosecuting Mass Atrocity
  79. Law, Politics, and the Security Council
  80. Law, Politics, and the Security Council
  81. Law, Power and Culture
  82. Law, Public Policies and Complex Systems: Networks in Action
  83. Law, Religion and Tradition
  84. Law, Resources and Time-Space Constructing
  85. Law, Security and the State of Perpetual Emergency
  86. Law, Society & Politics
  87. Law, State and Inequality in Pakistan
  88. Law, State, and Society in Modern Iran
  89. Law, Truth, and Reason
  90. Lawesson’s Reagent in Heterocycle Synthesis
  91. Lawinen
  92. Lawmaking and Co-operation in International Politics
  93. Lawrence Durrell: The Mindscape
  94. Lawrence Kohlbergs Theorie des moralischen Urteilens
  95. Laws Relating to Sex, Pregnancy, and Infancy
  96. Laws and Explanations; Theories and Modal Possibilities
  97. Laws and Orders of Military Government / Gesetze und Verordnungen der Militärregierung
  98. Laws and Policies on Surrogacy
  99. Laws and Regulations in Global Financial Markets
  100. Laws and other Worlds
  101. Laws of Chaos
  102. Laws of Large Numbers for Normed Linear Spaces and Certain Fréchet Spaces
  103. Laws of Medicine
  104. Laws of Nature
  105. Laws of Small Numbers: Extremes and Rare Events
  106. Laws of Small Numbers: Extremes and Rare Events
  107. Laws on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Developmental Trend in Vietnam
  108. Lawyer Evaluation in Chinese Courtroom
  109. Lawyers Making Meaning
  110. Lawyers and Mediation
  111. Lawyers at Work
  112. Lawyers in Business
  113. Lawyers, Swamps, and Money
  114. Lawyers, the State and the Market
  115. Law’s Memories
  116. Laxatives
  117. Lay Empowerment and the Development of Puritanism
  118. Lay Epistemics and Human Knowledge
  119. Layer-Adapted Meshes for Reaction-Convection-Diffusion Problems
  120. Layered Double Hydroxides
  121. Layered Global Player
  122. Layered Intrusions
  123. Layered Two-Dimensional Heterostructures and Their Tunneling Characteristics
  124. Layeredness in Materials
  125. Layers of Time
  126. Layout Minimization of CMOS Cells
  127. Layout Optimization in VLSI Design
  128. Layout Techniques for MOSFETS
  129. Layoutsynthese elektronischer Schaltungen
  130. Layoutsynthese elektronischer Schaltungen — Grundlegende Algorithmen für die Entwurfsautomatisierung
  131. Lazare and Sadi Carnot
  132. Lazy Learning
  133. Le Cancer du rein
  134. Le Capital organisationnel
  135. Le Chondriome de la Cellule Vegetale: Morphologie du Chondriome. Die Sphärosomen der Pflanzenzelle
  136. Le Distilbène® trente ans après
  137. Le Domaine Humain / The Human Context
  138. Le Désarmement / Disarmament
  139. Le Fanu’s Gothic
  140. Le Ginseng
  141. Le Gothic
  142. Le Moment marxiste de la phénoménologie française
  143. Le Mouvement Brownien Relativiste
  144. Le Spectre d’une Variété Riemannienne
  145. Le Tractatus de Wittgenstein et l’ Éthique de Spinoza
  146. Le Vacuome de la Cellule Végétale: Morphologie. Le Vacuome Animal. Contractile Vacuoles of Protozoa. Food Vacuoles
  147. Le Verrier—Magnificent and Detestable Astronomer
  148. Le basi della dermatologia
  149. Le basi della dermatologia
  150. Le bouddhisme et la médecine traditionnelle de l’Inde
  151. Le cancer du sein
  152. Le cefalee: manuale teorico-pratico
  153. Le cervelet
  154. Le choix bayésien
  155. Le complicazioni neurologiche in oncologia
  156. Le costellazioni al binocolo
  157. Le culture del cibo
  158. Le diagnostic par les pouls en Chine et en Europe
  159. Le donné en question dans la phénoménologie et le néokantisme
  160. Le dépistage du cancer bronchique : de l’espoir à la réalité
  161. Le dépistage du cancer colorectal
  162. Le dépistage du cancer du col de l’utérus
  163. Le dépistage du cancer du sein: un enjeu de santé publique
  164. Le forme spastiche della paralisi cerebrale infantile
  165. Le genou ligamentaire
  166. Le logiciel R
  167. Le logiciel R
  168. Le malattie rare del sistema immunitario
  169. Le manuel de réanimation, soins intensifs et médecine d’urgence
  170. Le manuel de réanimation, soins intensifs et médecine d’urgence
  171. Le manuel de réanimation, soins intensifs et médecine d’urgence
  172. Le monde social selon Husserl
  173. Le piante e l’inquinamento dell’aria
  174. Le rachis cervical vieillissant
  175. Le raisonnement bayésien
  176. Le seconde parabasi di Aristofane
  177. Le silence de l’aiguille
  178. Le syndrome de Turner
  179. Le syndrome de détresse respiratoire aiguë
  180. Le visage en médecine traditionnelle chinoise
  181. Le vivant et sa naturalisation
  182. Lead Community Fundraising
  183. Lead Community Fundraising
  184. Lead Exposure and Child Development
  185. Lead Free Solder
  186. Lead Isotopes
  187. Lead Market India
  188. Lead Markets
  189. Lead Markets for Environmental Innovations
  190. Lead Markets in Age-Based Innovations
  191. Lead Pollution
  192. Lead Pollution
  193. Lead Toxicity Mitigation: Sustainable Nexus Approaches
  194. Lead Toxicity: Challenges and Solution
  195. Lead User Innovationen
  196. Lead User in der Medical Homecare-Industrie in Deutschland
  197. Lead and Lead Alloys
  198. Lead in Plants and the Environment
  199. Lead with Heart in Mind
  200. Lead, Inspire, Thrive