16292 publications

  1. Issues in Acoustic Signal — Image Processing and Recognition
  2. Issues in African Education
  3. Issues in Agent Communication
  4. Issues in Bioinvasion Science
  5. Issues in British Politics
  6. Issues in Clinical Epileptology: A View from the Bench
  7. Issues in Contemporary Critical Theory
  8. Issues in Contemporary Economics
  9. Issues in Contemporary Economics
  10. Issues in Contemporary Economics
  11. Issues in Contemporary Economics
  12. Issues in Contemporary International Health
  13. Issues in Contemporary Judaism
  14. Issues in Contemporary Macroeconomics and Distribution
  15. Issues in Contemporary Microeconomics and Welfare
  16. Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint
  17. Issues in Contemporary Philosophy of Religion
  18. Issues in Diagnostic Research
  19. Issues in European Business
  20. Issues in Fetal Medicine
  21. Issues in Finance and Monetary Policy
  22. Issues in Husserl’s Ideas II
  23. Issues in Indian Public Policies
  24. Issues in International Bilingual Education
  25. Issues in Japan’s China Policy
  26. Issues in Law and Public Policy on Contract Labour in India
  27. Issues in Management-Labour Relations in the 1990s
  28. Issues in Materials Development
  29. Issues in Multi-Agent Systems
  30. Issues in Nursing Research
  31. Issues in Philosophy
  32. Issues in Philosophy
  33. Issues in Psychotherapy Research
  34. Issues in Reading, Writing and Speaking
  35. Issues in Science and Theology: Are We Special?
  36. Issues in Science and Theology: Creative Pluralism?
  37. Issues in Science and Theology: Do Emotions Shape the World?
  38. Issues in Science and Theology: Global Sustainability
  39. Issues in Science and Theology: Nature – and Beyond
  40. Issues in Science and Theology: What is Life?
  41. Issues in Software Engineering Education
  42. Issues in Supply Chain Scheduling and Contracting
  43. Issues in Supportive Care of Cancer Patients
  44. Issues in Teaching, Learning and Testing Speaking in a Second Language
  45. Issues in Upper Secondary Science Education
  46. Issues in Urban Earthquake Risk
  47. Issues in World Politics
  48. Issues in World Trade Policy
  49. Issues in the Contemporary Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa
  50. Issues in the Design and Evaluation of Medical Trials
  51. Issues in the Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Agriculture
  52. Issues in the Psychology of Women
  53. Issues in the Structure of Arabic Clauses and Words
  54. Issues in the Use of Neural Networks in Information Retrieval
  55. Issues of Blood
  56. Issues of Contemporary Art and Aesthetics in Chinese Context
  57. Issues of Decapod Crustacean Biology
  58. Issues of Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Systems
  59. Issues of Gender and Sexual Orientation in Humanitarian Emergencies
  60. Issues on Health and Healthcare in India
  61. Issues on Machine Vision
  62. Ist Arbeit eine Pflicht?
  63. Ist Elsaß-Lothringen als autonomer Bundesstaat denkbar?
  64. Ist Gußbeton wirtschaftlich?
  65. Ist Public Relations eine Wissenschaft?
  66. Ist die Börse reformbedürftig?
  67. Ist die Erlebnisgesellschaft in Chemnitz angekommen?
  68. Ist die Hufkrebsbehandlung mit SO2-Gas durch eine solche mit Sulfoliquid und Sulfofix zu Ersetzen?
  69. Ist die Psychologie eine Wissenschaft?
  70. Ist die freie Welt zum Untergang verurteilt?
  71. Ist es alles nur die Krankheit?
  72. Ist für einen Fabrikbetrieb der Anschluß an ein Elektrizitätswerk oder eine eigene Kraftanlage vorzuziehen?
  73. Ist keine Antwort auch eine Antwort?
  74. Ist unser Wille frei?
  75. Istaufnahme und automatisierte Datenverarbeitung
  76. It Came From Outer Space Wearing an RAF Blazer!
  77. It Came From the 1950s!
  78. It From Bit or Bit From It?
  79. It Takes More than Casual Fridays and Free Coffee
  80. It Takes a Village
  81. It's All About Coordination
  82. It's Great! Oops, No It Isn't
  83. It's ONLY Rocket Science
  84. It's a Nonlinear World
  85. It's not about the Technology
  86. Italian Academies and Their Networks, 1525–1700
  87. Italian American Women, Food, and Identity
  88. Italian Americans in Film
  89. Italian Americans in Film and Other Media
  90. Italian Annotated Bibliography of Tuna, Tuna-like and Billfish Species
  91. Italian Banking and Financial Law
  92. Italian Banking and Financial Law
  93. Italian Banking and Financial Law
  94. Italian Banking and Financial Law
  95. Italian Birds of Passage
  96. Italian Budgeting Policy
  97. Italian Christian Democracy
  98. Italian Cinema
  99. Italian Colonialism
  100. Italian Colonialism and Resistances to Empire, 1930-1970
  101. Italian Contributions to Planetary Astronomy
  102. Italian Family Matters
  103. Italian Fascism
  104. Italian Fascism and Spanish Falangism in Comparison
  105. Italian Fascism, 1914-1945
  106. Italian Fascism, 1915–1945
  107. Italian Fascism, 1919–1945
  108. Italian Fashion since 1945
  109. Italian Goth Subculture
  110. Italian Historical Rural Landscapes
  111. Italian Institutional Reforms: A Public Choice Perspective
  112. Italian Intellectuals and International Politics, 1945–1992
  113. Italian Jewish Musicians and Composers under Fascism
  114. Italian Jewish Networks from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century
  115. Italian Jewish Women in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
  116. Italian Jews from Emancipation to the Racial Laws
  117. Italian Masculinity as Queer Melodrama
  118. Italian Mathematics Between the Two World Wars
  119. Italian Military Operations Abroad
  120. Italian Modernities
  121. Italian Motherhood on Screen
  122. Italian National Forest Inventory—Methods and Results of the Third Survey
  123. Italian Partisans and British Forces in the Second World War
  124. Italian Philosophy of Technology
  125. Italian Populism and Constitutional Law
  126. Italian Psychology and Jewish Emigration under Fascism
  127. Italian Reactionary Thought and Critical Theory
  128. Italian Regionalism and the Federal Challenge
  129. Italian Regionalism: Between Unitary Traditions and Federal Processes
  130. Italian Renaissance Utopias
  131. Italian Science Fiction
  132. Italian Sexualities Uncovered, 1789–1914
  133. Italian Sociology,1945–2010
  134. Italian Studies in the Philosophy of Science
  135. Italian Studies on Food and Quality of Life
  136. Italian Studies on Quality of Life
  137. Italian Syntax
  138. Italian Victualling Systems in the Early Modern Age, 16th to 18th Century
  139. Italian Women Filmmakers and the Gendered Screen
  140. Italian Women's Experiences with American Consumer Culture, 1945–1975
  141. Italian-Canadian Narratives of Return
  142. Italianness and Migration from the Risorgimento to the 1960s
  143. Italians and Food
  144. Italians in Australia
  145. Italien
  146. Italien
  147. Italien
  148. Italien und die Italiener
  149. Italien zwischen Krise und Aufbruch
  150. Italien zwischen Zentralismus und Föderalismus
  151. Italien: Design 1945 bis heute
  152. Italienische Literaturgeschichte
  153. Italienische Literaturgeschichte
  154. Italienische Literaturgeschichte
  155. Italienische Migration nach Deutschland
  156. Italienische Moralphilosophie
  157. Italienische Politikphilosophie
  158. Italienischer Faschismus in der Weltwirtschaftskrise (1925–1936)
  159. Italienisches Konversations-Buch für Pharmazeuten
  160. Italienisches, europäisches und internationales Immaterialgüterrecht
  161. Italiens Demokratie zwischen Volkssouveränität und Verfassungsvorrang
  162. Italo-Romance Dialects in the Linguistic Repertoires of Immigrants in Italy
  163. Italomodern
  164. Italy and 1968
  165. Italy and Australia
  166. Italy and English Literature 1764–1930
  167. Italy and Its Discontents
  168. Italy and Japan: How Similar Are They?
  169. Italy and the Approach of the First World War
  170. Italy and the Mediterranean
  171. Italy and the Military
  172. Italy and the Suez Canal, from the Mid-nineteenth Century to the Cold War
  173. Italy at the Polls 2022
  174. Italy in International Relations
  175. Italy in a European Context
  176. Italy in the Age of Pinocchio
  177. Italy in the American Imagination
  178. Italy in the International System from Détente to the End of the Cold War
  179. Italy in the New International Order, 1917–1922
  180. Italy on the Pacific
  181. Italy since 1945
  182. Italy since 1989
  183. Italy through the Red Lens
  184. Italy-China Trade Relations
  185. Italy’s Divided Memory
  186. Italy’s Encounters with Modern China
  187. Italy’s Social Revolution
  188. Italy’s Top Products in World Trade
  189. Item Banking: Interactive Testing and Self-Assessment
  190. Item Response Theory
  191. Item Writing for Nurse Educators
  192. Iterated Function Systems for Real-Time Image Synthesis
  193. Iterated Inductive Definitions and Subsystems of Analysis: Recent Proof-Theoretical Studies
  194. Iterated Maps on the Interval as Dynamical Systems
  195. Iterates of Maps on an Interval
  196. Iterates of Piecewise Monotone Mappings on an Interval
  197. Iterating Infusion
  198. Iterating Infusion
  199. Iteration Theories
  200. Iteration Theory and its Functional Equations