16296 publications

  1. Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL
  2. Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with VHDL
  3. Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with Verilog
  4. Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with Verilog
  5. Introduction to Logic Circuits & Logic Design with Verilog
  6. Introduction to Logic Programming
  7. Introduction to Logic Synthesis using Verilog HDL
  8. Introduction to Logic and Logical Discourse
  9. Introduction to Logic and Theory of Knowledge
  10. Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists
  11. Introduction to MATLAB® for Biologists
  12. Introduction to Machine Learning in the Cloud with Python
  13. Introduction to Macro-Economics: A Workbook
  14. Introduction to Mammalian Reproduction
  15. Introduction to Management
  16. Introduction to Manual Medicine
  17. Introduction to Maple
  18. Introduction to Maple
  19. Introduction to Maple
  20. Introduction to Marine Genomics
  21. Introduction to Markov Chains
  22. Introduction to Materials for Advanced Energy Systems
  23. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis
  24. Introduction to Mathematical Analysis
  25. Introduction to Mathematical Biology
  26. Introduction to Mathematical Economics
  27. Introduction to Mathematical Logic
  28. Introduction to Mathematical Logic
  29. Introduction to Mathematical Logic
  30. Introduction to Mathematical Methods in Bioinformatics
  31. Introduction to Mathematical Models in Market and Opinion Research
  32. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
  33. Introduction to Mathematical Structures and Proofs
  34. Introduction to Mathematical Structures and Proofs
  35. Introduction to Mathematical Systems Theory
  36. Introduction to Mathematical Systems Theory
  37. Introduction to Mathematical Systems Theory
  38. Introduction to Mathematica® for Physicists
  39. Introduction to Mathematica® with Applications
  40. Introduction to Mathematics for Computational Biology
  41. Introduction to Mathematics for Economics with R
  42. Introduction to Mathematics for Life Scientists
  43. Introduction to Mathematics for Life Scientists
  44. Introduction to Mathematics for Life Scientists
  45. Introduction to Matrix Analysis and Applications
  46. Introduction to Matrix Theory
  47. Introduction to Measure Theory and Functional Analysis
  48. Introduction to Measure Theory and Integration
  49. Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
  50. Introduction to Mechanics and Symmetry
  51. Introduction to Mechanics of Particles and Systems
  52. Introduction to Mechatronics
  53. Introduction to Medical Geology
  54. Introduction to Medical Humanities
  55. Introduction to Medical Image Analysis
  56. Introduction to Medio-Translatology
  57. Introduction to Membrane Noise
  58. Introduction to Metal Matrix Composites
  59. Introduction to Metal π-Complex Chemistry
  60. Introduction to Metaverse
  61. Introduction to Methods for Nonlinear Optimization
  62. Introduction to Methods of Approximation in Physics and Astronomy
  63. Introduction to Micromechanisms and Microactuators
  64. Introduction to Microprocessor-Based Systems Design
  65. Introduction to Microscopy by Means of Light, Electrons, X Rays, or Acoustics
  66. Introduction to Microsystem Design
  67. Introduction to Microsystem Design
  68. Introduction to Migration Studies
  69. Introduction to Mineralogy
  70. Introduction to Mineralogy
  71. Introduction to Mixed-Signal, Embedded Design
  72. Introduction to Modeling Biological Cellular Control Systems
  73. Introduction to Modeling Sustainable Development in Business Processes
  74. Introduction to Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems
  75. Introduction to Modeling and Control of Internal Combustion Engine Systems
  76. Introduction to Modeling and Control of Internal Combustion Engine Systems
  77. Introduction to Modeling and Numerical Methods for Biomedical and Chemical Engineers
  78. Introduction to Modeling for Biosciences
  79. Introduction to Modeling of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media
  80. Introduction to Modern Austrian Capital Theory
  81. Introduction to Modern Fortran for the Earth System Sciences
  82. Introduction to Modern Number Theory
  83. Introduction to Modern Portfolio optimization with NUOPT and S-PLUS
  84. Introduction to Modern Sleep Technology
  85. Introduction to Modern Time Series Analysis
  86. Introduction to Modern Time Series Analysis
  87. Introduction to Modern Traffic Flow Theory and Control
  88. Introduction to Modified Gravity
  89. Introduction to Modified Gravity
  90. Introduction to Modular Forms
  91. Introduction to Molecular Biology
  92. Introduction to Molecular Embryology
  93. Introduction to Molecular Medicine
  94. Introduction to Molecular Medicine
  95. Introduction to Molecular Medicine
  96. Introduction to Molecular Vaccinology
  97. Introduction to Montague Semantics
  98. Introduction to Morphogenetic Computing
  99. Introduction to Motor Vehicle Craft
  100. Introduction to Multicopter Design and Control
  101. Introduction to Multidimensional Integrable Equations
  102. Introduction to Multiphase Flow
  103. Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis
  104. Introduction to Multivariate Analysis
  105. Introduction to Multivariate Calibration
  106. Introduction to Muon Spin Spectroscopy
  107. Introduction to Nano
  108. Introduction to Nanoscale Science and Technology
  109. Introduction to Nanotheranostics
  110. Introduction to Network Simulator NS2
  111. Introduction to Network Simulator NS2
  112. Introduction to Neural Networks
  113. Introduction to Neuro-Fuzzy Systems
  114. Introduction to Noise-Resilient Computing
  115. Introduction to Non-Linear Optimization
  116. Introduction to Non-linear Mechanics
  117. Introduction to Noncommutative Algebra
  118. Introduction to Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics
  119. Introduction to Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics
  120. Introduction to Nonlinear Circuits and Networks
  121. Introduction to Nonlinear Dispersive Equations
  122. Introduction to Nonlinear Dispersive Equations
  123. Introduction to Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
  124. Introduction to Nonlinear Fluid-Plasma Waves
  125. Introduction to Nonlinear Thermomechanics
  126. Introduction to Nonlinear Thermomechanics of Solids
  127. Introduction to Nonlinear and Global Optimization
  128. Introduction to Nonparametric Estimation
  129. Introduction to Nonparametric Statistics for the Biological Sciences Using R
  130. Introduction to Nonsmooth Optimization
  131. Introduction to Nuclear Radiation Detectors
  132. Introduction to Nuclear Reactions
  133. Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Experiments
  134. Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics
  135. Introduction to Number Theory
  136. Introduction to Numerical Analysis
  137. Introduction to Numerical Analysis
  138. Introduction to Numerical Analysis
  139. Introduction to Numerical Computation in Pascal
  140. Introduction to Numerical Computation in Pascal
  141. Introduction to Numerical Methods for Variational Problems
  142. Introduction to Numerical Methods in Differential Equations
  143. Introduction to Nursing Informatics
  144. Introduction to Nursing Informatics
  145. Introduction to Nursing Informatics
  146. Introduction to Nursing Informatics
  147. Introduction to Nursing Informatics
  148. Introduction to Nutrition and Health Research
  149. Introduction to Octave
  150. Introduction to Oncogenes and Molecular Cancer Medicine
  151. Introduction to One Digital Identity
  152. Introduction to Open Core Protocol
  153. Introduction to Operating System Design and Implementation
  154. Introduction to Operator Theory I
  155. Introduction to Operator Theory in Riesz Spaces
  156. Introduction to Optics
  157. Introduction to Optics I
  158. Introduction to Optimal Control Theory
  159. Introduction to Optimal Estimation
  160. Introduction to Optimization
  161. Introduction to Optimization Analysis in Hydrosystem Engineering
  162. Introduction to Optimization Methods
  163. Introduction to Optimization Methods and their Application in Statistics
  164. Introduction to Optimization Theory in a Hilbert Space
  165. Introduction to Optimization of Structures
  166. Introduction to Option Pricing Theory
  167. Introduction to Orbital Perturbations
  168. Introduction to Organic Electronic Devices
  169. Introduction to PEARL
  170. Introduction to PHP for Scientists and Engineers
  171. Introduction to Parallel Computing
  172. Introduction to Parallel Processing
  173. Introduction to Parallel and Vector Solution of Linear Systems
  174. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
  175. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
  176. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
  177. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
  178. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations with MATLAB
  179. Introduction to Particle Cosmology
  180. Introduction to Particle and Astroparticle Physics
  181. Introduction to Particle and Astroparticle Physics
  182. Introduction to Pascal for Computational Mathematics
  183. Introduction to Payments and Financial Market Infrastructures
  184. Introduction to Peak Oil
  185. Introduction to Permanent Plug and Abandonment of Wells
  186. Introduction to Perturbation Methods
  187. Introduction to Perturbation Methods
  188. Introduction to Photoelectron Angular Distributions
  189. Introduction to Photon Communication
  190. Introduction to Photonic and Phononic Crystals and Metamaterials
  191. Introduction to Photoshop
  192. Introduction to Physical Modeling with Modelica
  193. Introduction to Physics and Chemistry of Combustion
  194. Introduction to Phytoremediation of Contaminated Groundwater
  195. Introduction to Piecewise Differentiable Equations
  196. Introduction to Piecewise-Linear Topology
  197. Introduction to Plane Algebraic Curves
  198. Introduction to Planetary Science
  199. Introduction to Plant Diseases
  200. Introduction to Plasma Physics