16297 publications

  1. Interorganisationale Geschäftsprozesse in virtuellen Marktplätzen
  2. Interorganisationale Informationssysteme in der maritimen Transportkette
  3. Interorganisationale Netzwerke
  4. Interorganisationale Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke in der deutschen Automobilindustrie
  5. Interorganisationale kollaborative Gemeinschaftsforschung
  6. Interorganisationaler Wissens- und Technologietransfer
  7. Interorganisationaler Wissenstransfer
  8. Interorganisationales Lernen
  9. Interorganisationssysteme in der Logistik
  10. Interorganisationssysteme und Unternehmensnetzwerke
  11. Interorganisatorische Informationssysteme
  12. Interorganisatorische Wissensnetzwerke
  13. Interorganizational Operations Management
  14. Interpenetrating Polymer Network: Biomedical Applications
  15. Interpenetrating Polymer Networks and Related Materials
  16. Interpersonal Argumentation in Educational and Professional Contexts
  17. Interpersonal Coordination
  18. Interpersonal Interactions and Language Learning
  19. Interpersonal Psychiatry
  20. Interpersonal Relations in Nursing
  21. Interpersonal Relationships and the Self-Concept
  22. Interpersonal Relationships in Education
  23. Interpersonal Relationships in Education
  24. Interpersonal Violence in the African-American Community
  25. Interpersonale Kommunikation und Medienwirkungen
  26. Interpersonales Vertrauen
  27. Interpersonelle Kommunikation im Konsumgütermarketing
  28. Interpersonelle Kommunikation und erfolgreiches Lieferantenmanagement
  29. Interpersoonlijke psychotherapie in een ambulante groep
  30. Interphases and Mesophases in Polymer Crystallization I
  31. Interphases and Mesophases in Polymer Crystallization II
  32. Interphases and Mesophases in Polymer Crystallization III
  33. Interplanetary Dust
  34. Interplanetary Dust and Zodiacal Light
  35. Interplanetary Mission Analysis and Design
  36. Interplanetary Outpost
  37. Interplay between Metal Ions and Nucleic Acids
  38. Interplay of Creativity and Giftedness in Science
  39. Interplay of Quantum Mechanics and Nonlinearity
  40. Interplay of Quantum and Statistical Fluctuations in Critical Quantum Matter
  41. Interpol
  42. Interpolating Cubic Splines
  43. Interpolation Functors and Duality
  44. Interpolation Processes
  45. Interpolation Spaces
  46. Interpolation Spaces and Allied Topics in Analysis
  47. Interpolation Theory
  48. Interpolation Theory and Its Applications
  49. Interpolation Theory, Systems Theory and Related Topics
  50. Interpolation and Approximation by Polynomials
  51. Interpolation and Realization Theory with Applications to Control Theory
  52. Interpolation and Sidon Sets for Compact Groups
  53. Interpolation in numerischen Bahnsteuerungen
  54. Interpolation of Rational Matrix Functions
  55. Interpolation of Spatial Data
  56. Interpolation von Daten und Funktionen
  57. Interpolation, Schur Functions and Moment Problems
  58. Interpolation, Schur Functions and Moment Problems II
  59. Interpolations-basierte Sinogrammrestauration zur Metallartefaktreduktion in der Computertomographie
  60. Interpolationsmethoden zur Behandlung von Approximationsprozessen auf Banachräumen
  61. Interpretability Issues in Fuzzy Modeling
  62. Interpretability for Industry 4.0 : Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches
  63. Interpretability in Deep Learning
  64. Interpretability of Computational Intelligence-Based Regression Models
  65. Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing
  66. Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing and Multimodal Learning for Clinical Decision Support
  67. Interpretability of Machine Intelligence in Medical Image Computing, and Topological Data Analysis and Its Applications for Medical Data
  68. Interpretable Artificial Intelligence: A Perspective of Granular Computing
  69. Interpretable Cognitive Internet of Things for Healthcare
  70. Interpretable Three-Way Decision with Hesitant Risk Information and Its Healthcare Application
  71. Interpretable and Annotation-Efficient Learning for Medical Image Computing
  72. Interpretatie van medisch laboratoriumonderzoek
  73. Interpretation and Cultural History
  74. Interpretation and Extrapolation of Chemical and Biological Carcinogenicity Data to Establish Human Safety Standards
  75. Interpretation and Extrapolation of Reproductive Data to Establish Human Safety Standards
  76. Interpretation and Film Studies
  77. Interpretation as Pragmatics
  78. Interpretation of Basic and Advanced Urodynamics
  79. Interpretation of Cardiac Arrhythmias
  80. Interpretation of Classical Electromagnetism
  81. Interpretation of Electron Diffraction Patterns
  82. Interpretation of Endoscopic Biopsy - Gastritis, Gastropathies and Beyond
  83. Interpretation of Gastric Cancer Cases
  84. Interpretation of Geophysical Fields in Complicated Environments
  85. Interpretation of Green Mine Evaluation Index
  86. Interpretation of Law in the Age of Enlightenment
  87. Interpretation of Law in the Global World: From Particularism to a Universal Approach
  88. Interpretation of NMR Spectra
  89. Interpretation of Transmission Electron Micrographs
  90. Interpretation of Urodynamic Studies
  91. Interpretation of Vertigo Cases
  92. Interpretation von Kapitalmarktreaktionen
  93. Interpretation von Leistungen
  94. Interpretation without Truth
  95. Interpretation – Literaturdidaktische Perspektiven
  96. Interpretation, Critical Review and Reporting in Life Cycle Assessment
  97. Interpretation, Law and the Construction of Meaning
  98. Interpretational Processing Biases in Emotional Psychopathology
  99. Interpretationen
  100. Interpretationen der Modallogik
  101. Interpretations and Causes
  102. Interpretations of Luxury
  103. Interpretations of Peace in History and Culture
  104. Interpretations of the Two Germanies
  105. Interpretations of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea by International Courts and Tribunals
  106. Interpretationsleistungen beim Umgang mit Schiffsradar
  107. Interpretative Aspects of Quantum Mechanics
  108. Interpretative Policy-Analyse
  109. Interpretative Sozialforschung
  110. Interpretative Sozialforschung
  111. Interpretative Strukturmodellierung (ISM)
  112. Interpreted Infrared Spectra
  113. Interpreted Languages and Compositionality
  114. Interpreter Training in Context
  115. Interpreter-mediated Police Interviews
  116. Interpreting Brexit
  117. Interpreting Charles Taylor’s Social Theory on Religion and Secularization
  118. Interpreting China as a Regional and Global Power
  119. Interpreting Clifford Geertz
  120. Interpreting Conflict
  121. Interpreting Convergence in the European Union
  122. Interpreting Cultures: Literature, Religion, and the Human Sciences
  123. Interpreting Dental Radiographs
  124. Interpreting ECGs in Clinical Practice
  125. Interpreting East Asian Growth and Innovation
  126. Interpreting Economic and Social Data
  127. Interpreting Hashtag Politics
  128. Interpreting Health Benefits and Risks
  129. Interpreting Historical Sequences Using Economic Models
  130. Interpreting Hong Kong’s Basic Law: The Struggle for Coherence
  131. Interpreting Husserl
  132. Interpreting Imperatives
  133. Interpreting Islam, Modernity, and Women’s Rights in Pakistan
  134. Interpreting Islamic Political Parties
  135. Interpreting Keynes for the 21st Century
  136. Interpreting LISP
  137. Interpreting Mathematical Economics and Econometrics
  138. Interpreting Modern Political Philosophy
  139. Interpreting Physics
  140. Interpreting Plato Socratically
  141. Interpreting Primo Levi
  142. Interpreting Quantum Theory
  143. Interpreting Straw Man Argumentation
  144. Interpreting in the Community and Workplace
  145. Interpreting the Early Modern World
  146. Interpreting the Electrocardiogram
  147. Interpreting the Past, Understanding the Present
  148. Interpreting the Peace
  149. Interpretive Techniques for Microstructural Analysis
  150. Interprocess Communication with macOS
  151. Interprofessional Care Coordination for Pediatric Autism Spectrum Disorder
  152. Interprofessional Care and Mental Health
  153. Interprofessional Education in Patient-Centered Medical Homes
  154. Interprofessional Simulation in Health Care
  155. Interprofessional Working for Health and Social Care
  156. Interprofessional and Family-Professional Collaboration for Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Care
  157. Interprofessional issues in community and primary health care
  158. Interprofessionalität in der Tagesbetreuung
  159. Interprofessionelle Bildung für die Gesundheitsversorgung
  160. Interprofessionelles Management im Gesundheitswesen
  161. Interprétations phénoménologiques de la 'Physique' d’Aristote chez Heidegger et Patočka
  162. Interracial Ehen und christliche Mission
  163. Interracial, Intercultural, and Interfaith Couples and Families Across the Life Cycle
  164. Interregional Air Pollution Modelling
  165. Interregional Migration
  166. Interregionale Beziehungen und strategische Partnerschaften
  167. Interregionale Wissensspillovers in der europäischen High-Tech Industrie
  168. Interregionale Zusammenarbeit in der EU
  169. Interregionalism across the Atlantic Space
  170. Interrelations between Essential Metal Ions and Human Diseases
  171. Interrelationship Among Aging, Cancer and Differentiation
  172. Interreligious Engagement in Urban Spaces
  173. Interreligious Friendship after Nostra Aetate
  174. Interreligious Relations and the Negotiation of Ritual Boundaries
  175. Interreligiöse Kompetenz
  176. Interreligous Pedagogy
  177. Interrogating America through Theatre and Performance
  178. Interrogating Authenticity in Outdoor Education Teacher Education
  179. Interrogating Belonging for Young People in Schools
  180. Interrogating Conceptions of “Vulnerable Youth” in Theory, Policy and Practice
  181. Interrogating Disability in India
  182. Interrogating Homonormativity
  183. Interrogating Imperialism
  184. Interrogating Models of Diversity within a Multicultural Environment
  185. Interrogating Modernity
  186. Interrogating Psychiatric Narratives of Madness
  187. Interrogating the Anthropocene
  188. Interrogating the Neoliberal Lifecycle
  189. Interrogating the Social
  190. Interrogating the Theory and Practice of Communication for Social Change
  191. Interrogations, Confessions, and Entrapment
  192. Interrogative Phrases and the Syntax-Semantics Interface
  193. Interrupt Handling Schemes in Operating Systems
  194. Interrupted Narratives and Intersectional Representations in Italian Postcolonial Literature
  195. Interrupting the Psy-Disciplines in Education
  196. Intersecting Cultures in Music and Dance Education
  197. Intersecting Film, Music, and Queerness
  198. Intersecting Interregionalism
  199. Intersection Cohomology
  200. Intersection Homology & Perverse Sheaves