16298 publications

  1. International Oil Markets in the Age of Climate Change
  2. International Oilfield Surface Facilities: Safety Analysis for Electrical Design
  3. International Operations Networks
  4. International Order and Economic Integration
  5. International Order at Sea
  6. International Organisation and Integration
  7. International Organisation in World Politics
  8. International Organisation: World Politics
  9. International Organization
  10. International Organization
  11. International Organization and the Conservation of Nature
  12. International Organization in the Anarchical Society
  13. International Organization: Theories and Institutions
  14. International Organizations
  15. International Organizations
  16. International Organizations
  17. International Organizations
  18. International Organizations
  19. International Organizations
  20. International Organizations A Dictionary and Directory
  21. International Organizations and Development, 1945–1990
  22. International Organizations and Internal Conditionality
  23. International Organizations and Lifelong Learning
  24. International Organizations in Global Social Governance
  25. International Parity Conditions
  26. International Partnership in Russia
  27. International Passive Components
  28. International Patent-Legislation and Developing Countries
  29. International Peacebuilding and Local Resistance
  30. International Performance Research Pedagogies
  31. International Perspectives in Educational Effectiveness Research
  32. International Perspectives in Values-Based Mental Health Practice
  33. International Perspectives on Academic Assessment
  34. International Perspectives on Accounting and Corporate Behavior
  35. International Perspectives on CLIL
  36. International Perspectives on Climate Change
  37. International Perspectives on Competence in the Workplace
  38. International Perspectives on Competence in the Workplace
  39. International Perspectives on Critical Pedagogies in ELT
  40. International Perspectives on Cyberbullying
  41. International Perspectives on Designing Professional Practice Doctorates
  42. International Perspectives on Diversity in ELT
  43. International Perspectives on ELT Classroom Interaction
  44. International Perspectives on Early Childhood Research
  45. International Perspectives on Early Childhood Teacher Education in the 21st Century
  46. International Perspectives on Engineering Education
  47. International Perspectives on English Language Teacher Education
  48. International Perspectives on English Private Tutoring
  49. International Perspectives on English as a Lingua Franca
  50. International Perspectives on Exclusionary Pressures in Education
  51. International Perspectives on Financing Higher Education
  52. International Perspectives on Gender and Democratisation
  53. International Perspectives on Gender-Based Violence
  54. International Perspectives on Home Education
  55. International Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence
  56. International Perspectives on Maps and the Internet
  57. International Perspectives on Materials in ELT
  58. International Perspectives on Mentoring in English Language Education
  59. International Perspectives on Motivation
  60. International Perspectives on Natural Disasters: Occurrence, Mitigation, and Consequences
  61. International Perspectives on Older Adult Education
  62. International Perspectives on Psychotherapy
  63. International Perspectives on Research in Educational and Career Guidance
  64. International Perspectives on School-University Partnerships
  65. International Perspectives on Self-Regulation and Health
  66. International Perspectives on Sport for Sustainable Development
  67. International Perspectives on Suburbanization
  68. International Perspectives on Teacher Knowledge, Beliefs and Opportunities to Learn
  69. International Perspectives on Teacher Research
  70. International Perspectives on Teacher Well-Being and Diversity
  71. International Perspectives on Teachers Living with Curriculum Change
  72. International Perspectives on Teachers and Lecturers in Technical and Vocational Education
  73. International Perspectives on Teaching English in Difficult Circumstances
  74. International Perspectives on Teaching English to Young Learners
  75. International Perspectives on Teaching Rival Histories
  76. International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Virtual Manipulatives
  77. International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning with GIS in Secondary Schools
  78. International Perspectives on Teaching the Four Skills in ELT
  79. International Perspectives on Terrorist Victimisation
  80. International Perspectives on Translation, Education and Innovation in Japanese and Korean Societies
  81. International Perspectives on Undergraduate Research
  82. International Perspectives on the Contextualization of Science Education
  83. International Perspectives on the Falklands Conflict
  84. International Perspectives on the Gulf Conflict, 1990–91
  85. International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Geometry in Secondary Schools
  86. International Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Environmental Education: A Reader
  87. International Perspectives on the Yugoslav Conflict
  88. International Place Branding Yearbook 2010
  89. International Place Branding Yearbook 2011
  90. International Place Branding Yearbook 2012
  91. International Planning Studies
  92. International Policy Diffusion and Participatory Budgeting
  93. International Political Economy and Mass Communication in Chile
  94. International Political Economy and Poststructural Politics
  95. International Political Psychology
  96. International Political Theory after Hobbes
  97. International Politics
  98. International Politics and Inner Worlds
  99. International Politics in Times of Change
  100. International Power and International Communication
  101. International Practice Theory
  102. International Practice Theory: New Perspectives
  103. International Practice in Cardiothoracic Surgery
  104. International Practices in Pancreatic Surgery
  105. International Pressures, Strategic Preference, and Myanmar’s China Policy since 1988
  106. International Privileges and Immunities
  107. International Proceedings on Advances in Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems and Applications
  108. International Project Analysis and Financing
  109. International Project Finance
  110. International Prosecution of Human Rights Crimes
  111. International Public Goods
  112. International Public Health Policy and Ethics
  113. International Public Health Policy and Ethics
  114. International Public Procurement
  115. International RILEM Conference on Early-Age and Long-Term Cracking in RC Structures
  116. International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures
  117. International RILEM Conference on Synergising Expertise towards Sustainability and Robustness of Cement-based Materials and Concrete Structures
  118. International Reflections on the Netherlands Didactics of Mathematics
  119. International Regulation of Underwater Sound
  120. International Relations
  121. International Relations and Area Studies
  122. International Relations and Asia’s Northern Tier
  123. International Relations and Asia’s Southern Tier
  124. International Relations and Heritage
  125. International Relations and the Limits of Political Theory
  126. International Relations and the Origins of the Pacific War
  127. International Relations and the Philosophy of History
  128. International Relations in Poland
  129. International Relations in Uncommon Places
  130. International Relations in the Ancient Near East, 1600–1100 BC
  131. International Relations in the Anthropocene
  132. International Relations in the Post-Industrial Era
  133. International Relations in the Twentieth Century
  134. International Relations, Music and Diplomacy
  135. International Research Handbook on Values Education and Student Wellbeing
  136. International Research on Education for Sustainable Development in Early Childhood
  137. International Research on Multilingualism: Breaking with the Monolingual Perspective
  138. International Research, Policy and Practice in Teacher Education
  139. International Reservation of Title Clauses
  140. International Residential Mobilities
  141. International Responsibility for Hostile Acts of Private Persons against Foreign States
  142. International Retailers’ Performance in Host Countries
  143. International Safeguards and Satellite Imagery
  144. International Sale of Goods
  145. International Sanctions in Contemporary Perspective
  146. International Sanctions in Contemporary Perspective
  147. International Scholarships in Higher Education
  148. International School Policy Development
  149. International Schools, Teaching and Governance
  150. International Science and National Scientific Identity
  151. International Science and Technology
  152. International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Facilities and Sustainable Energy Technologies EMMFT 2018
  153. International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Facilities and Sustainable Energy Technologies EMMFT 2018
  154. International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Facilities and Sustainable Energy Technologies EMMFT 2019
  155. International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Facilities and Sustainable Energy Technologies EMMFT 2019
  156. International Scientific Conference Energy Management of Municipal Transportation Facilities and Transport EMMFT 2017
  157. International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum TransSiberia - 2021
  158. International Scientific Siberian Transport Forum TransSiberia - 2021
  159. International Securities Lending
  160. International Security Management
  161. International Security Yearbook 1983/84
  162. International Security and the Olympic Games, 1972–2020
  163. International Security in the Asia-Pacific
  164. International Security in the Modern World
  165. International Seminar on Trends in Mathematical Modelling
  166. International Shipping
  167. International Skeletal Society
  168. International Skeletal Society Membership Book
  169. International Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
  170. International Socialization in Europe
  171. International Society
  172. International Society
  173. International Society and the Middle East
  174. International Sourcing
  175. International Space Station
  176. International Sports Law: An Introductory Guide
  177. International Standardisation of Good Corporate Governance
  178. International Steam Tables
  179. International Steam Tables
  180. International Straits
  181. International Strategic Management and Government Policy
  182. International Strategic Management of Brands and Online Firms
  183. International Strategies of Japanese Banks
  184. International Student Connectedness and Identity
  185. International Student Employability
  186. International Student Mobilities and Voices in the Asia-Pacific
  187. International Student Mobility and Access to Higher Education
  188. International Student Mobility and Transnational Friendships
  189. International Students 1860–2010
  190. International Students and Crime
  191. International Students and Global Mobility in Higher Education
  192. International Students and Scholars in the United States
  193. International Students in American Colleges and Universities
  194. International Students in China
  195. International Students in French Universities and Grandes Écoles: A Comparative Study
  196. International Students in the Asia Pacific
  197. International Studies
  198. International Studies in Educational Inequality, Theory and Policy
  199. International Symposium State of Prevention and Therapy in Human Arteriosclerosis and in Animal Models
  200. International Symposium for Intelligent Transportation and Smart City (ITASC) 2017 Proceedings