16300 publications

  1. Intelligente Objekte
  2. Intelligente Objekte — Klein, Vernetzt, Sensitiv
  3. Intelligente Rechnungsverarbeitung
  4. Intelligente Sensorsysteme in der Fertigungstechnik
  5. Intelligente Signalverarbeitung 1
  6. Intelligente Signalverarbeitung 2
  7. Intelligente Verfahren
  8. Intelligente Verfahren
  9. Intelligente Vergabestrategien bei Großprojekten
  10. Intelligente Verkehrssysteme und Telematikanwendungen in Kommunen
  11. Intelligente Videoüberwachung
  12. Intelligenter Separator
  13. Intelligentes Krankenhaus
  14. Intelligentes Prozessmanagement
  15. Intelligentes Scoring und Rating
  16. Intelligentes Wissen – und wie man es fördert
  17. Intelligentized Methodology for Arc Welding Dynamical Processes
  18. Intelligenz testen und fördern
  19. Intelligenz und Geschwindigkeit der Informationsverarbeitung
  20. Intelligenz von Unternehmen
  21. Intelligenz, Handlungs- und Lebensorientierung
  22. Intelligenz, Lernen und Lernstörungen
  23. Intelligenzminderung
  24. Intelligenzprüfungen an Menschenaffen
  25. Intelligenzprüfungen an Menschenaffen
  26. Intelligenzprüfungen an Menschenaffen
  27. Intel® Galileo and Intel® Galileo Gen 2
  28. Intel® Trusted Execution Technology for Server Platforms
  29. Intel® Xeon Phi™ Coprocessor Architecture and Tools
  30. Intemperate Spirits
  31. Intense Atmospheric Vortices
  32. Intense Electron and Ion Beams
  33. Intense Group Behavior and Brand Negativity
  34. Intense Resonant Interactions in Quantum Electronics
  35. Intense Shock Waves on Earth and in Space
  36. Intensieve geneeskunde
  37. Intensified Land and Water Use
  38. Intensionality and Truth
  39. Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy
  40. Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin — Neue Aspekte
  41. Intensivbehandlung und ihre Grenzen
  42. Intensive Care
  43. Intensive Care Fundamentals
  44. Intensive Care Medicine
  45. Intensive Care Medicine
  46. Intensive Care Medicine
  47. Intensive Care Medicine
  48. Intensive Care Medicine
  49. Intensive Care Medicine
  50. Intensive Care Medicine
  51. Intensive Care Medicine
  52. Intensive Care Medicine in 10 Years
  53. Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
  54. Intensive Care for Emergency Surgeons
  55. Intensive Care in Childhood
  56. Intensive Care of the Adult with Congenital Heart Disease
  57. Intensive Elektronen- und Ionenstrahlen
  58. Intensive Media
  59. Intensive One-Session Treatment of Specific Phobias
  60. Intensive Variable and Its Application
  61. Intensive and Critical Care Medicine
  62. Intensive and Critical Care Medicine
  63. Intensive psychodynamische Kurzzeittherapie nach Davanloo
  64. Intensive psychodynamische Kurzzeittherapie nach Davanloo
  65. Intensivhaltung von Nutztieren Aus Ethischer, Rechtlicher und Ethologischer Sicht
  66. Intensivhaltung von Nutztieren aus ethischer, ethologischer und rechtlicher Sicht
  67. Intensivkurs Kostenrechnung
  68. Intensivkurs Kostenrechnung
  69. Intensivmedizin
  70. Intensivmedizin
  71. Intensivmedizin Fragen und Antworten
  72. Intensivmedizin Fragen und Antworten
  73. Intensivmedizin Fragen und Antworten
  74. Intensivmedizin Fragen und Antworten
  75. Intensivmedizin Fragen und Antworten
  76. Intensivmedizin Fragen und Antworten
  77. Intensivmedizin und Management bei Organspende und Transplantation
  78. Intensivmedizinische Praxis
  79. Intensivmedizinische Praxis
  80. Intensivpflege — Intensivtherapie
  81. Intensivschulung LOTUS 1-2-3
  82. Intensivschulung Multiplan 4.0
  83. Intensivschulung Windows 3
  84. Intensivschulung Word 5.0
  85. Intensivtherapie
  86. Intensivtherapie bei Kreislaufversagen
  87. Intensivtherapie bei Sepsis und Multiorganversagen
  88. Intensivtherapie bei Sepsis und Multiorganversagen
  89. Intensivtherapie bei Sepsis und Multiorganversagen
  90. Intensivtherapie beim akuten Nierenversagen
  91. Intensivtherapie beim septischen Schock
  92. Intensivtherapie im Alter
  93. Intensivtherapie nach Schädel-Hirn-Trauma
  94. Intensivtherapie nach Schädel-Hirn-Trauma
  95. Intensivtherapie nach Schädel-Hirn-Trauma
  96. Intensivtraining Mikroökonomie
  97. Intensivtraining Produktion, Einkauf, Logistik und Dienstleistung
  98. Intensivtraining Projektmanagement
  99. Intensivtraining Projektmanagement
  100. Intensivtraining Projektmanagement
  101. Intent Recognition for Human-Machine Interactions
  102. Intention Recognition, Commitment and Their Roles in the Evolution of Cooperation
  103. Intention and Agency
  104. Intention und Funktion
  105. Intention — Bedeutung — Kommunikation
  106. Intentional Acts and Institutional Facts
  107. Intentional Perspectives on Information Systems Engineering
  108. Intentional Risk Management through Complex Networks Analysis
  109. Intentional and Inherent Nonlinearities in Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting
  110. Intentionality in Husserl and Heidegger
  111. Intentionality in Mulla Sadra
  112. Intentionality, Sense and the Mind
  113. Intentionalität als Verantwortung
  114. Intentionalitätstheorie beim frühen Brentano
  115. Inter Views in Performance Philosophy
  116. Inter and Intra Government Arrangements for Productivity
  117. Inter and Post-war Tourism in Western Europe, 1916–1960
  118. Inter- und Transdisziplinarität bei der Entsorgung radioaktiver Reststoffe
  119. Inter- und transmediale Ästhetik bei Josef Winkler
  120. Inter-American Cooperation at a Crossroads
  121. Inter-Domain Management
  122. Inter-Korean Relations: Problems and Prospects
  123. Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Europe
  124. Inter-Municipal Cooperation in Europe
  125. Inter-Organizational Culture
  126. Inter-Organizational Relationships
  127. Inter-Regional Place Branding
  128. Inter-Regional Relations and the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM)
  129. Inter-Religious Models and Criteria
  130. Inter-Societal Dynamics
  131. Inter-University Cooperation
  132. Inter-area Oscillations in Power Systems
  133. Inter-cooperative Collective Intelligence: Techniques and Applications
  134. Inter-firm Networks
  135. Inter-generational Financial Giving and Inequality
  136. Inter-group Relations and Migrant Integration in European Cities
  137. Inter-institutionelle Kooperation von EU und NATO
  138. Inter-organisational Design of Voluntary Sustainability Initiatives
  139. Inter-organisationales Lernen
  140. Inter-organizational Cooperation with SAP Solutions
  141. Inter-organizational Cooperation with SAP Systems
  142. Inter-war Penal Policy and Crime in England
  143. Interactief
  144. Interacting Binaries
  145. Interacting Binaries
  146. Interacting Bose-Fermi Systems in Nuclei
  147. Interacting Boson Model from Energy Density Functionals
  148. Interacting Bosons in Nuclear Physics
  149. Interacting Bosons in Nuclei
  150. Interacting Code Motion Transformations: Their Impact and Their Complexity
  151. Interacting Complexities of Herds and Social Organizations
  152. Interacting Dark Energy and the Expansion of the Universe
  153. Interacting Electrons and Quantum Magnetism
  154. Interacting Electrons in Nanostructures
  155. Interacting Electrons in Reduced Dimensions
  156. Interacting Particle Systems
  157. Interacting Particle Systems
  158. Interacting Protein Domains
  159. Interacting Stochastic Systems
  160. Interacting Stresses on Plants in a Changing Climate
  161. Interacting with Information
  162. Interaction Between Attention and Language Systems in Humans
  163. Interaction Between Mental and Physical Illness
  164. Interaction Between Neurons and Glia in Aging and Disease
  165. Interaction Between Soil Foundation and Subway Shield Tunnel
  166. Interaction Control of Robot Manipulators
  167. Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling
  168. Interaction Process and Chinese EFL Learners’ Proficiency Development
  169. Interaction and Fate of Pharmaceuticals in Soil-Crop Systems
  170. Interaction and Market Structure
  171. Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures
  172. Interaction for Practice in Community Nursing
  173. Interaction for Visualization
  174. Interaction in Digital News Media
  175. Interaction in Educational Domains
  176. Interaction of Atomic Particles with a Solid Surface / Vzaimodeistvie Atomnykh Chastits S Poverkhnost’yu Tverdogo Tela / Взаимодействие Атомных Частиц С Поверхностью Твердого Тела
  177. Interaction of Atoms and Molecules with Solid Surfaces
  178. Interaction of Cells with Natural and Foreign Surfaces
  179. Interaction of Charged Particles and Atoms with Surfaces
  180. Interaction of Charged Particles with Solids and Surfaces
  181. Interaction of Gases with Surfaces
  182. Interaction of Hydrogen Isotopes with Transition Metals and Intermetallic Compounds
  183. Interaction of Immune and Cancer Cells
  184. Interaction of Immune and Cancer Cells
  185. Interaction of Metals and Gases
  186. Interaction of Mycophenolic Acid and Pantoprazole
  187. Interaction of Nanomaterials With Living Cells
  188. Interaction of Nanomaterials with the Immune System
  189. Interaction of Radiation with Surfaces and Electron Tunneling
  190. Interaction of Sea and Atmosphere
  191. Interaction of Shock Waves
  192. Interaction of Strong Laser Radiation with Solids and Nonlinear Optical Diagnostics of Surfaces
  193. Interaction of Ultrashort Electromagnetic Pulses with Matter
  194. Interaction theory in forest ecology and management
  195. Interaction, Evolution and Chaos in Space
  196. Interaction- und Interfacedesign
  197. Interaction-induced Electric Properties of van der Waals Complexes
  198. Interactional Approach to Cinematic Discourse
  199. Interactional Competences in Institutional Settings
  200. Interactions