16300 publications

  1. Innerbetriebliche Leistungsverrechnung im Krankenhaus
  2. Innerbetriebliche Logistik
  3. Innerbetriebliche Public Relations
  4. Innerbetriebliche Qualifizierung von Frauen
  5. Innerbetriebliche Reformen in Nonprofit-Organisationen
  6. Innerbetriebliche Standortplanung
  7. Innerbetriebliche Standortplanung bei einfacher und mehrfacher Zielsetzung
  8. Innerbetriebliche Standortplanung und Raumzuordnung
  9. Innerbetriebliche Verrechnungspreisbildung bei dezentralen Entscheidungsstrukturen
  10. Innerbetrieblicher Funktionszusammenhang und Berufsqualifikation
  11. Innerdeutsche Bestandsaufnahme der Bundesrepublik 1969-1989
  12. Innere Armut
  13. Innere Ballistik
  14. Innere Elektronik
  15. Innere Elektronik Erster Teil Elektronik des Einzelelektrons
  16. Innere Fesseln lösen - befreit führen
  17. Innere Kontexte
  18. Innere Medizin
  19. Innere Medizin
  20. Innere Medizin
  21. Innere Medizin
  22. Innere Medizin
  23. Innere Medizin
  24. Innere Medizin
  25. Innere Medizin
  26. Innere Medizin … in 5 Tagen
  27. Innere Medizin. Ein Lehrbuch fär Studierende der Medizin und Ärzte
  28. Innere Medizin... in 5 Tagen
  29. Innere Medizin: Entwicklung, Anspruch, Grenzen
  30. Innere Mission und soziale Gedanken des evangelischen Christentums
  31. Innere Sekretion
  32. Innere Sekretion Fettsucht und Magersucht Knochen · Gelenke · Muskeln Erkrankungen aus physikalischen Ursachen
  33. Innere Sekretion und Chirurgie
  34. Innere Sekretion und Nervensystem
  35. Innere Sekretion, Stoffwechsel, Niere, Muskeln, Gelenke, Knochen, Infektionen, Intoxikationen
  36. Innere Sicherheit
  37. Innere Sicherheit im Politischen System der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
  38. Innere Sicherheit nach 9/11
  39. Innere-Punkte-Verfahren mit Redundanzerkennung für die Quadratische Optimierung
  40. Innerparteiliche Gruppierungen in der SPD
  41. Innerparteiliche Partizipation
  42. Innerschulische Wirklichkeiten neuer Steuerung
  43. Innersekretorische Störungen und Organotherapie
  44. Innervation of the Mammalian Esophagus
  45. Innocence and Rapture
  46. Innocent Civilians
  47. Innopolis University - From Zero to Hero
  48. Innovating Christian Education Research
  49. Innovating Counseling for Self- and Career Construction
  50. Innovating EFL Teaching in Asia
  51. Innovating Education in Technology-Supported Environments
  52. Innovating Government
  53. Innovating Strategies and Solutions for Urban Performance and Regeneration
  54. Innovating World-Class Technology-Oriented Higher Education in China
  55. Innovating at the Top
  56. Innovating for Healthy Urbanization
  57. Innovating in Practice
  58. Innovating in Product/Process Development
  59. Innovating in a Learning Community
  60. Innovating in a Service-Driven Economy
  61. Innovating with Concept Mapping
  62. Innovating with Infrastructure
  63. Innovation
  64. Innovation 2.0
  65. Innovation Acceptance
  66. Innovation Beyond Technology
  67. Innovation By Design
  68. Innovation Capacity and the City
  69. Innovation Cell
  70. Innovation Clusters and Interregional Competition
  71. Innovation Communities
  72. Innovation Design
  73. Innovation Diffusion and Political Control of Energy Technologies
  74. Innovation Driven Marketing
  75. Innovation Exposed
  76. Innovation Interactions between Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
  77. Innovation Intermediaries and (Final) Frontiers of High-tech
  78. Innovation Law and Policy in the European Union
  79. Innovation Leadership
  80. Innovation Leadership
  81. Innovation Management and Corporate Social Responsibility
  82. Innovation Management by Promoting the Informal
  83. Innovation Management for Technical Products
  84. Innovation Management in Knowledge Intensive Business Services in China
  85. Innovation Management in the Intelligent World
  86. Innovation Mechanisms in Start-ups
  87. Innovation Nation
  88. Innovation Network Functionality
  89. Innovation Networks
  90. Innovation Networks
  91. Innovation Networks for Regional Development
  92. Innovation Networks in the German Laser Industry
  93. Innovation Offshoring
  94. Innovation Patterns in Crisis and Prosperity
  95. Innovation Patterns in Crisis and Prosperity
  96. Innovation Performance and Clusters
  97. Innovation Performance in the 21st Century
  98. Innovation Policies and International Trade Rules
  99. Innovation Policies in the European News Media Industry
  100. Innovation Policies, Business Creation and Economic Development
  101. Innovation Policy
  102. Innovation Policy and Governance in High-Tech Industries
  103. Innovation Policy and the Limits of Laissez-faire
  104. Innovation Policy in a Knowledge-Based Economy
  105. Innovation Policy in the Knowledge-Based Economy
  106. Innovation Practices for Digital Transformation in the Global South
  107. Innovation Processes in Business Networks
  108. Innovation Scorecard
  109. Innovation Society Today
  110. Innovation Sozialer Dienstleistungen
  111. Innovation Strategy and Firm Performance
  112. Innovation System Frontiers
  113. Innovation Systems in Small Catching-Up Economies
  114. Innovation Systems in the Service Economy
  115. Innovation Through Cooperation
  116. Innovation Through Information Systems
  117. Innovation Through Information Systems
  118. Innovation Through Information Systems
  119. Innovation Through Research and Development
  120. Innovation als sozialer Prozess
  121. Innovation and Accountability in Teacher Education
  122. Innovation and Biomedicine
  123. Innovation and Capacity Building
  124. Innovation and Change in Japanese Management
  125. Innovation and Competitiveness in Industry 4.0 Based on Intelligent Systems
  126. Innovation and Dynamics in Japanese Retailing
  127. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  128. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  129. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems
  130. Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in China
  131. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in an Educational Ecosystem
  132. Innovation and Firm Performance
  133. Innovation and Firm Performance
  134. Innovation and Future of Enterprise Information Systems
  135. Innovation and Growth in Corporate Restructurings
  136. Innovation and IPRs in China and India
  137. Innovation and IT in an International Context
  138. Innovation and Inclusion in Latin America
  139. Innovation and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Underserved Areas
  140. Innovation and International Corporate Growth
  141. Innovation and Marketing in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  142. Innovation and Ontologies
  143. Innovation and Performance Drivers of Business Clusters
  144. Innovation and Product Management
  145. Innovation and Regional Growth in the European Union
  146. Innovation and Regional Technological Convergence
  147. Innovation and Research
  148. Innovation and Research - A Driving Force for Socio-Econo-Technological Development
  149. Innovation and Research – Smart Technologies & Systems
  150. Innovation and Research – Smart Technologies & Systems
  151. Innovation and Social Learning
  152. Innovation and Structural Change in Post-Socialist Countries: A Quantitative Approach
  153. Innovation and Supply Chain Management
  154. Innovation and Sustainable Development
  155. Innovation and Teaching Technologies
  156. Innovation and Technologies for the Digital Transformation of Education
  157. Innovation and Technology Enhancing Mathematics Education
  158. Innovation and Technology in Korea
  159. Innovation and Technology in Sports
  160. Innovation and Technology — Strategies and Policies
  161. Innovation and Transformation
  162. Innovation and the Entrepreneurial University
  163. Innovation and the Multinational Firm: Perspectives on Foreign Subsidiaries and Host Locations
  164. Innovation and the Transformation of Consumer Law
  165. Innovation as a Basis for Competitiveness
  166. Innovation aus Leidenschaft
  167. Innovation bei der Stahltechnologie. Das Entwicklungspotential von Stählen
  168. Innovation durch Bildung
  169. Innovation durch Geschäftsprozessmanagement
  170. Innovation durch Kommunikation
  171. Innovation durch Management des Informellen
  172. Innovation for Engineers
  173. Innovation for Environmentally-friendly Food Production and Food Safety in China
  174. Innovation for Sustainability
  175. Innovation for Sustainable Electricity Systems
  176. Innovation for Systems Information and Decision
  177. Innovation for Systems Information and Decision
  178. Innovation from Information Systems
  179. Innovation im Arzneimittelmarkt
  180. Innovation in ASEAN
  181. Innovation in Agricultural Robotics for Precision Agriculture
  182. Innovation in Agriculture with IoT and AI
  183. Innovation in Bayern
  184. Innovation in Beratungsunternehmen
  185. Innovation in Business Education in Emerging Markets
  186. Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation
  187. Innovation in Clusters
  188. Innovation in Community-Based Private Practices Through eHealth
  189. Innovation in Construction
  190. Innovation in Developing Countries
  191. Innovation in Diplomatic Practice
  192. Innovation in Electric Arc Furnaces
  193. Innovation in Electric Arc Furnaces
  194. Innovation in Electrical Power Engineering, Communication, and Computing Technology
  195. Innovation in Electrical Power Engineering, Communication, and Computing Technology
  196. Innovation in Emerging Markets
  197. Innovation in Esophageal Surgery
  198. Innovation in Esotericism from the Renaissance to the Present
  199. Innovation in European Freight Transportation
  200. Innovation in Familienunternehmen