16297 publications

  1. Index
  2. Index Analysis
  3. Index Biologorum
  4. Index Data Structures in Object-Oriented Databases
  5. Index Formula Index
  6. Index Formula Index
  7. Index Formula Index
  8. Index Formula Index
  9. Index Formula Index
  10. Index Fund Management
  11. Index Generation Functions
  12. Index Matrices: Towards an Augmented Matrix Calculus
  13. Index Modulation for 5G Wireless Communications
  14. Index Modulation for OFDM Communications Systems
  15. Index Numbers
  16. Index Numbers in Theory and Practice
  17. Index Numbers: Essays in Honour of Sten Malmquist
  18. Index Ophthalmologicus
  19. Index Structures for Data Warehouses
  20. Index Theory Beyond the Fredholm Case
  21. Index Theory for Symplectic Paths with Applications
  22. Index and Query Methods in Road Networks
  23. Index and Stability in Bimatrix Games
  24. Index der Krystallformen der Mineralien
  25. Index der Krystallformen der Mineralien
  26. Index der Krystallformen der Mineralien
  27. Index of Crystallographic Supplies
  28. Index of Substances for Volumes II/4, II/6, II/14, and II/19
  29. Index theory in nonlinear analysis
  30. Index-aware Model Order Reduction Methods
  31. Indexation and Causation of Financial Markets
  32. Indexed Categories and Their Applications
  33. Indexeffekte am europäischen Kapitalmarkt
  34. Indexes and Bibliography
  35. Indexing Techniques for Advanced Database Systems
  36. Indexing of Crystal Diffraction Patterns
  37. Indexing on Non-Volatile Memory
  38. Indexing ‘Chav’ on Social Media
  39. Indexveränderungen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Kapitalmärkte und Unternehmen
  40. India
  41. India Bangladesh Domestic Politics
  42. India Goes to School
  43. India II: Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation in Developing Countries
  44. India Reloaded
  45. India and ASEAN in the Indo Pacific
  46. India and Africa's Partnership
  47. India and Central Europe
  48. India and China
  49. India and China
  50. India and China in the Emerging Dynamics of East Asia
  51. India and Europe in a Changing World
  52. India and Japan
  53. India and the European Union in a Turbulent World
  54. India and the IT Revolution
  55. India and the Knowledge Economy
  56. India and the Occult
  57. India and the Quest for One World
  58. India as an Organization: Volume One
  59. India as an Organization: Volume Two
  60. India in Britain
  61. India in South Asia
  62. India in Space: Between Utility and Geopolitics
  63. India in the American Imaginary, 1780s–1880s
  64. India in the Global Software Industry
  65. India in the Indian Ocean World
  66. India's Climate Change Identity
  67. India's Emerging Energy Relations
  68. India's Journey Towards Sustainable Population
  69. India's Public Health Care Delivery
  70. India's Saudi Policy
  71. India's Water Future in a Changing Climate
  72. India, China and Globalization
  73. India, Europe and Asia
  74. India, Japan and Beyond
  75. India, Mixed Enterprise and Western Business
  76. India-China Dialogues Beyond Borders
  77. India-Pakistan
  78. India-Pakistan Trade
  79. India-Pakistan Trade Normalisation
  80. India-Thailand Cultural Interactions
  81. India: Acquiring its Way to a Global Footprint
  82. India: Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation in Developing Countries
  83. India: Preparation for the World of Work
  84. Indian Agriculture Towards 2030
  85. Indian Agriculture Under the Shadows of WTO and FTAs
  86. Indian Business Groups and Other Corporations
  87. Indian Cotton Textiles in West Africa
  88. Indian Diaspora
  89. Indian Doctors in Kenya, 1895–1940
  90. Indian Economy: Reforms and Development
  91. Indian Entrepreneurship
  92. Indian Ethnic Rhinoplasty
  93. Indian Foreign Policy and Cultural Values
  94. Indian Foreign Policy and the Border Dispute with China
  95. Indian Foreign Policy and the Border Dispute with China
  96. Indian Geotechnical Conference 2019
  97. Indian Herbal Drug Microscopy
  98. Indian Herbal Medicines
  99. Indian Herbal Remedies
  100. Indian Hotspots
  101. Indian Hotspots
  102. Indian Indenture in the Danish West Indies, 1863-1873
  103. Indian Journalism and the Impact of Social Media
  104. Indian Life and Health Insurance Industry
  105. Indian Literature and the World
  106. Indian Manufacturing Sector in Post-Reform Period
  107. Indian Medicinal Plants
  108. Indian Metallurgy
  109. Indian Modern Dance, Feminism and Transnationalism
  110. Indian Mujahideen
  111. Indian Multinationals
  112. Indian National Identity and Foreign Policy
  113. Indian Ocean Region
  114. Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change
  115. Indian Pandanaceae - an overview
  116. Indian Perspectives on Workplace Bullying
  117. Indian Philosophy of Language
  118. Indian Philosophy of Religion
  119. Indian Sandalwood
  120. Indian Skilled Migration and Development
  121. Indian Sociology
  122. Indian Spices
  123. Indian Stock Market
  124. Indian Voices of the Great War
  125. Indian Water Policy at the Crossroads: Resources, Technology and Reforms
  126. Indian Women as Entrepreneurs
  127. Indian Women in Leadership
  128. Indian Writing in English and Issues of Visual Representation: Judging More than a Book by Its Cover
  129. Indian Writing in English and the Global Literary Market
  130. Indianerbilder
  131. Indianer—wohin?
  132. Indianische Frauen Nordamerikas
  133. Indianische Lokalkultur und gesellschaftlicher Wandel in Mexiko
  134. Indians, Environment, and Identity on the Borders of American Literature
  135. India–Africa Partnerships for Food Security and Capacity Building
  136. India–Bangladesh Border Disputes
  137. India–Vietnam Relations
  138. India’s Africa Policy
  139. India’s Agricultural Marketing
  140. India’s Contemporary Macroeconomic Themes
  141. India’s Economic Development Strategies 1951–2000 A.D.
  142. India’s Economic Growth
  143. India’s Economy and Society
  144. India’s Energy Diplomacy in Eurasia
  145. India’s Environmental Policies, Programmes and Stewardship
  146. India’s Eurasian Alternatives in an Era of Connectivity
  147. India’s Evolving Deterrent Force Posturing in South Asia
  148. India’s Foreign Policy and Economic Challenges
  149. India’s Foreign Policy and Regional Multilateralism
  150. India’s Low-Skilled Migration to the Middle East
  151. India’s Mental Healthcare Act, 2017
  152. India’s New Capitalists
  153. India’s New Economy
  154. India’s Nuclear Fuel Cycle
  155. India’s Ocean
  156. India’s Perception, Society, and Development
  157. India’s Private Health Care Delivery
  158. India’s Quest for Energy Through Oil and Natural Gas
  159. India’s Relations with Neighboring South and South East Asian Countries
  160. India’s Reluctant Urbanization
  161. India’s Rise to Power
  162. India’s Strategic Future
  163. India’s and China’s Recent Experience with Reform and Growth
  164. Indicating Value in Early-Stage Technology Venture Valuation
  165. Indications and techniques of percutaneous procedures
  166. Indications for Heart Valve Replacement by Age Group
  167. Indicator Systems for Sustainable Innovation
  168. Indicator-Based Monitoring of Regional Economic Integration
  169. Indicators Relevant to Farm Animal Welfare
  170. Indicators and Trends in Health and Health Care
  171. Indicators of Children's Well Being
  172. Indicators of Children’s Well-Being
  173. Indicators of Environmental Quality
  174. Indicators of Environmental Quality
  175. Indicators of Quality of Life in Latin America
  176. Indices as Benchmarks in the Portfolio Management
  177. Indices, Index Funds And ETFs
  178. Indie Video Game Development Work
  179. Indien
  180. Indien im 21. Jahrhundert − Auf dem Weg zur postindustriellen Ökonomie
  181. Indien unter Britischer Herrschaft
  182. Indien verstehen
  183. Indien: Wirtschaft, Verfassung, Politik
  184. Indigene Landrechte im internationalen Vergleich
  185. Indigeneity, Culture and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  186. Indigeneity, Development and Sustainability
  187. Indigeneity, Globalization, and African Literature
  188. Indigenist African Development and Related Issues
  189. Indigenization Discourse in Social Work
  190. Indigenizing Education
  191. Indigenous African Language Media
  192. Indigenous African Popular Music, Volume 1
  193. Indigenous African Popular Music, Volume 2
  194. Indigenous Amazonia, Regional Development and Territorial Dynamics
  195. Indigenous Australia and the Unfinished Business of Theology
  196. Indigenous Autoethnography
  197. Indigenous Black Theology
  198. Indigenous Children Growing Up Strong
  199. Indigenous Churches
  200. Indigenous Cognition: Functioning in Cultural Context